Monday, January 18, 2021

Down In The Dumps Day

After the Sunday crossword, to which I look forward all week, which just goes to show how bereft of enjoyment my life is, and to add i. to i., I had a bone to pick, as my Aunt Maggie used to say, with one of the clues, the only one I didn't solve because, if you ask me, it's entirely incorrect...*

Okay, I'll stop. 

After breakfast, I trimmed and staked the daisies, very carefully. I mean I was careful of myself, as I have somewhat of a balance problem and, while bending, clipping, and tying up the plants, could fall. Didn't though and finished up by sweeping the patio a bit. I didn't do a completely thorough job, which will wait until spring. After all, it occurred to me that I'm the only one who'll see it, so why should I bother? Also did a few other household chores, I emailed my friend, Pat, a section of this blog from 14 years ago, with her comment. I had made the mistake of reading old entries and getting nostalgic for that old life.   

I set out for Smart 'n' Final after lunch, but it was very hot--well over eighty. I would have had to walk more than a mile on the section of Telegraph Road that has no shade, so turned back after a few minutes. That was the sum total of getting out yesterday. 

Niece Carolyn and Betty video-messaged at 5:00 and we visited for almost an hour.  After, Ellen called and we talked for twenty or so. I'm missing her a lot, but I understand the problems--of both work and COVID. I was just feeling depressed and lonely all day. I'm a lot better this morning and will continue to snap out of it, I'm sure. I even slept better, I'm glad to report.

*The incorrect clue and word? A four-letter one, meaning "scoundrel." I finished the rest, then looked at the answer: it was "rouĂ©." WHAT?!  In my literary wanderings, I've come across this word often, but in context, it always seemed to mean a kind of loveable guy whose main characteristic was an eye for the ladies. No? I could look it up, but I don't really care, anyway. Sigh... 

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