Sunday, January 31, 2021

Phone Calls And Deaths

Put three books and a DVD in my little cart and walked to the park. I left them off and selected three new books (added to my large store of other books I haven't read yet!), then sat down on a bench and called my niece, Joan, who lives in Brooklyn. I was interested to hear she's following Dr. Somebody's probiotic program, which emphasizes high fat, low carb and not many vegetables. She was making yogurt when I called--it seems that's one of the good bacteria foods. Incidentally, this isn't a weight loss diet; Joan has never been overweight by even a few pounds, and still isn't. Anyway, we had a good talk for fifteen or so, then I went on my way. 

Just as I finished lunch, Bill Galway called and we actually talked for more than an hours. Bill was our a-few-doors-down neighbor on Sweetwater Drive and still lives there. He's also a contractor--still working, although he's over 70--and the business part of his call was to ask if I wanted to re-up to retain him, as I have for years. Absolutely and I said I'd send a check. Aside from that, he filled me in on goings-on at Sunrise Bay, including recent deaths I was sorry to hear about. They include Rae S. whose husband died several years ago. I knew him well, as he had been in the drama club with me. Than there was Angela S., the wife of Bob S., who shuts off and turns on my sprinklers at the appropriate season. I knew Angela, a lovely and very sweet-natured person, through various groups. They had suffered terrible tragedies by losing first one daughter, then the other, to cancer when the daughters were only in their fifties. Angela had a heart attack with no warning or any indication of heart disease.

But the real shocker was the death of Anne Mary Hayes. She was another neighbor down the street and somewhat of an eccentric character. She never married, had no siblings, and had taught high school math for years (that alone is weird, if you ask me). She was devoted to the various miniature poodles she owned at different times--I remember Eddie and Carlos well--and had been president of the AKC Poodle Club in Upper Saddle River. In fact, Anne Mary said she had put in her will that she wanted her dogs cremated and the ashes buried with her.  I knew Anne Mary quite well and, looking back over this blog, re-read a number of entries that mention her in either an amused or exasperated tone. Damn, it's depressing to hear about all these deaths but I guess that goes with the over-55 territory.

Bused into town later, but just walked a bit down Main and Ventura Avenue. Home and had my tilapia, cabbage, and potato dinner. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

T.O.P.S., Angelina Jolie, And Chinatown

It was indeed raining when Cheryl picked me up at twenty of nine. We got to the parking garage, weighed in--only we two, plus Lolly and Lennie, then left. I was okay with my weight: stayed the same on my home scale at 127 and had a .01 gain on the other, for 127.6. No prob.

After breakfast, I got my cart from the patio and prepared to walk over to Von's for the cheap wine and blueberries they had advertised. As I stepped outside, Suzanne came up and invited me in. We sat and chatted for twenty minutes or so, she in her mask in a chair about ten feet away. I then proceeded to Von's and got my goods, including a cabbage and apples; chopped and put them in the slow cooker when I got home.

After lunch, I bused to town. Bought an umbrella (my old one had just about given up the ghost, since it had had to be opened two days in a row) and two more DVDs: Citizen Kane and, believe it or not, Superman. The first is the classic, of course, which I've seen; I've also read the huge bio of William Randolph Hearst, plus have toured his castle at San Simeon several times.  As for the other, I've always liked Christopher Reeve, who was born in New York, but brought up in Princeton, near where I lived for 41 years. Since I keep buying DVDs, I now have an incredible number of movies--probably thirty of which I haven't even seen yet. Last night, I finished watching Changeling (I see movies in installments of an hour or so). It was pretty absorbing, actually, and Angelina Jolie does a good acting job. 

I'm re-reading The Big Goodbye: Chinatown And The Last Years of Hollywood, about the making of my favorite movie, the horrendous Manson murders, and the end of the old Tinseltown. 

Friday, January 29, 2021

Rain, DK, And Not Much Else

Paper said we'd get more rain, but when I looked on-line, I saw it wasn't supposed to start until 1:00. Since I hadn't gotten out Wednesday, aside from minor jaunts to Von's, I decided to chance it. I left for Ralph's about 10:00, got what I wanted, stayed dry, and made it home a little before noon.  I skipped he bus back, so I got three miles in. 

I got an agreeably lengthy email back from Dolores K.  Wow, her background is so different from my placid, conventional, boring life. Born out of wedlock, married twice and buried both of the husband. More exotic still, she raised and showed dogs and has more than 70 championship AKC titles! Oh, good grief, I'm afraid to reveal I'm the only one in the state of California who doesn't dote on dogs. 

I hadn't known what to expect--a sweet little old lady who knits, maybe? That would have been all right, but clearly, she's more than that (well, Mimi, everybody is). And damn, that girl can write. She elaborated on her life history in good, honest prose. Just like my Uncle Frank, she doesn't W*R*I*T*E, she just puts down the words. Oddly, though, she regularly uses an erroneous past tense.  

I was a bit annoyed to get a call from Lolly about the rain expected this morning. She asked if we can meet at the covered parking lot at the mall. Damn, that's inconvenient, although Cheryl will pick me up. I agreed, but I don't know why we can't either just skip it or--. Well, just skip it.

We did, indeed, get rain later in the day, so I just busied myself with whatever it was--such important stuff, I don't even remember it. 


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Headlines, Rain, And D.K.

Some funny headlines I saw on Facebook--the one on bugs got to me, in particular.

The big news here is that--IT RAINED! Yes, and it was a real rain; okay, not heavy, but steady. 
I took my umbrella and wore my boots to go across to Von's for lettuce. And finally, at long last, I sorted and filed paperwork. I have a bad habit of putting things off and now I have a lot of places to call for clarification and other various purposes. What a bore.

What wasn't a bore is this, that my Florida niece, Jeanne, shared on Facebook: 
I had never seen that before--and never knew my great-grandmother's name was Susan Werther. 
Aside from the above, it was a pretty slow day. I did don my boots again and went over to Von's again for a few items. Dreary, and I hope it will be sunny tomorrow.

But this could turn out to be interesting: I'm on a Facebook page about America in the 1940s and so is a woman named Dolores K. I mentioned in a comment that I was probably the oldest one on and she challenged me. We exchanged ages on Messenger and wow--she's nine years older than I am. Yes, born in 1927, but is very active, still drives, and so on. I said I'd like to get to know her and suggested we exchange email address, which we did. She mentioned a daughter and said she "started a folder" called "My Life Stories," in which she does a copy and paste; she said she has about 186 "little stories" on it. Hmm... I'd like to see them and see more about her. I sent her an mail with just the bare bones outline of my life. Mentioned this blog, but didn't give her the name or address--I didn't want to overwhelm her with information. We'll see what might come of this.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Changed sheets, remade bed, did white wash, my usual Tuesday domestic chores. My new activity is more interesting, though: I've again been writing letters. Well, one more yesterday--to my brother, Jim and his family, in Bangkok. I included the pics I had sent brother, Frank, and added one of Ellen's kitties for Therese.

As for the pic of my grandfather, I asked those on a Facebook site, "Photo Restoration Free Service," to improve it a bit--and several of them did. I was thrilled; all were good, but this is probably the best:

Of course, I thanked all those who gave it a shot. I think I'll ask them to do this one, too:
That's my grandmother, Sophia (Bub) Figenshu. I think the little girl is my mother; not sure if the boys are her brothers, but I don't think so, as they were quite a bit older.

I prepared my tomatoes/onions/seasonings roast and popped it in the oven while I seasoned a whole cauliflower for the slow cooker. I had always cut them up, but they seemed a little too mushy that way. I was pleased to see this cooked well and stayed a good texture.

Took my little cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final and Dollar Tree for paper goods and so on. The wind was no problem and I hope it stays away--actually, although somewhat cool, it was a nice sunny day.
After lunch and calling the COVID number to register for the vaccine sixteen thousand times (they don't have any more, anyway), I showered and washed my hair. 

HAPPY HOUR! After some snafus, Nancy, Carolyn, and I connected and had some good talk. Nance had her champagne, of course, Carolyn her bloody Mary, and I the good German beer Greg had given me for Christmas. In fact, I had the last two of them. Because there was some problem with the "recurring meeting" thing, I told the girls that next week, I'd send out a simple Zoom invitations fifteen minutes before 5:00.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Grandfather George

Walked to the market after breakfast, bundled up in scarf and mittens because it was downright chilly. Got red potatoes (they're the most nutritious), onions, and tissues. Home, I prepared the onions, thin-slicing one on the mandolin for a ground turkey stir-fry for dinner and chopping the rest for future use from the freezer. 

I've been looking through some of my mountain of old pictures and came across this of my maternal grandfather, George Figenshu:

Aside from the coloring, I think my brother, Frank, looks remarkably like him (Frank had the very dark Byrne hair, as I did). I have extra copies of the picture, so decided to send one to Frank with a letter. I'm not sure, at this point, exactly how much he'll grasp, but I hope he'll enjoy them.

I played around with some other old pics, including this one of the same grandfather when he was older:

After that, I walked to the post office and mailed Frank's letter, then bused to the mall. I really didn't need anything, but I don't like to stay home for long periods unless I have something to do; it's unhealthy for me, both physically and emotionally.  So I just strolled around, first through Target, then Macy's, then Penney's. I saw almost no people, customers or staff, wearing masks--because I saw almost no people. Upstairs in Penney's was completely deserted--I could have walked off with jewels or a fur coat and nobody would have noticed.

I actually enjoyed it in a minor way. I seldom buy anything for full price (I have much too much already) and certainly not at the mall, but I liked looking.  It was still very chilly, plus the wind kicked up almost as strong as it was last week. Got home at 4:15 and decided to now write my brother, Jim, in Bangkok. Started a letter and will finish today.  



Monday, January 25, 2021


I slept through the night again and hope the insomnia period is over for now.  Betty video-message me just as I was about to make breakfast at 8:00, but that was okay. What isn't okay is that she seems to be getting so much worse so rapidly. I know that's to be expected and I should be able to accept it, but I don't.  

Wrote a letter--an actual letter--to David and mailed it on my way to Smart 'n' Final, where I got several staples, including romaine, Brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash, and pretzels.  When I got home, I prepared some of them so they'd be ready to cook and eat. 

Lunch, then I just fooled around on this machine. I'm reading The Blue Nowhere, a crime (murder) novel, but it contains a lot of computer stuff and I'm actually learning something. The main one is that I'm hardly able even to contemplate what hackers do, let alone understand their methods.

Restless as ever on Sundays, I thought I'd walk to the Market. Got my cart and started off, but before I even got to Victoria Avenue, I changed my mind. It had gotten pretty chilly, plus the wind was kicking up again, so I just walked around the neighborhood for a bit and went home.

Ellen called after dinner and we had a good talk. That's enough to raise my spirits and it did. 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Busing Around And David

 In the morning, I took my little cart and walked to Telephone Road, meaning to go to The Market. But when I got there, I saw the number 11 bus coming, so changed my mine, jumped on, and went to Winco. I bought a bonanza of produce: spinach, mushrooms, potatoes, lettuce, and the "California blend" frozen veggies I like. 

After lunch, I bused to town and stopped in a few places. It did rain a bit and I didn't have my umbrella, it was, as I call it, "California rain," a kind of pokey, half-hearted drip, drip, then it's over.

Betty called twice. It's getting harder and harder even to understand what she tells me. She asked if I had seen "Ellen's picture with two men," but I couldn't even figure out if she meant on the television or her iPad. Depressing.   

I was so pleased to get a Christmas card from Dave Perry, my colleague in Rider's Human Resources. We were one of the three managers, of benefits, computer systems, and employment. He and I headed up the last two departments and I'll let the reader guess who was which. Anyway, I got the card yesterday, January 23. It was postmarked December 17, mailed in Philadelphia (Dave and his wife live in Point Pleasant, PA), so it took less than a month to get here--speedy.

Anyway, David has a masters degree from Westminster Choir College, which, as the world knows, was acquired by Rider some years ago. He is an accomplished organist and also, one of those kindred spirits I meet once in a while. We're both infidels (he was brought up a strict Methodist) and we tend to be dogmatic at times; we're cynical, but needy. Anyway, I'm going to write to him and reopen our friendship.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

T.O.P.S. And The Smoke Alarm

After being awake half the night, I dragged myself groggily to the middle for T.O.P.S. Told my diehard fellow TOPS-ers about my fire alarm problem and said I wouldn't stay to chat. Now here's the annoying thing: weighed myself at home at 127 even, a tiny gain of .04. I forgot to record the official T.O.P.S. scale weigh and called keeper-of-the-weight-book, Cheryl later, I turns out she had 127.5 for me, which made for a loss of .04. We laughed over that and agreed that I'm compulsive.  (Well, so what, I have nothing else to do.)

Had breakfast, then lay down, but couldn't sleep. I got up and honestly don't remember what else I did, aside from playing some games on this diabolical machine. After lunch, though, I napped for about an hour. I felt better when I got up.

I thought I'd bus to town or somewhere, but when I went out, it was downright chilly and I changed my mind; just took a short walk. Rain is predicted for today, but I'll believe it when I see it. 

I had tilapia for dinner and cooked it in a frying pan with a bit of oil. Shortly after, the damn smoke alarm starting beeping again. I called maintenance--this was about 6:30--and Troy came over and replaced it. Got to bed a little late (10 pm) and happily, slept through to 6:00 this morning.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday In The AM And Thursday

What a night! My smoke alarm starting beeping at 9 am, just for a few seconds. I thought little of it and continued getting ready for bed. I was awakened at 1:44 by more loud, loud, piercing beeps and they've been going on sporadically ever since. Got up at 6:30 and I called the office, leaving a message on the  emergency number. It's now quarter of seven and I hope they come soon.* 

As for yesterday, the electricity went out at 7:03 am, a situation that fills me with dismay. I decided to go over to Von's to see if theirs was on--it was and so  was mine when I got back home. After breakfast, I looked into the Ventura web site, thinking I'd register to get the vaccine, since they're now allowing it for 75+. How naïve of me! All slots are filled, it seems, in all locations, for all eternity. I guess it will open up again when they get more.

Other than the above, it wasn't a bad day. The ferocious winds have gone to Alaska or something and there was barely a breeze yesterday, plus it was very pleasant and sunny. I walked to Ralph's Supermarket down Victoria Avenue for a few little things. Walked partway home and bused the rest.

Made my sandwich and packed my lunch, meeting Jim outside at 1:00. We had our usual far-ranging talk and it was enjoyable. I brought the Enlightenment and we discussed the Enlightenment, plus the influence on modern thought Kant and Hegel had. Those two major philosophers seem to have influenced modern thought profoundly.  We discussed some of the opera singers he likes most.

Of course, we don't talk only about those lofty subjects. Jim has always been thin and so were his parents and I tried to explain what's it like to have a weight problem. We laughed--ruefully--over the fact that he, as an only child, always wanted siblings and that I, one of six and a twin to boot, daydreamed about being the one and only. He stayed until 4:00, we said goodbye, I took my stuff home and immediately set out for the bus to the mall. 

I went to Target to look at an air fryer--I want to check Koh's, too. I'm not absolutely sure I'll buy one and there's the problem of where I'd put it. I have sparse counters and the cabinets are pretty full, too.  Dunno.

*Update: Tory, the maintenance guy, came at 7:00 and replaced the battery in the alarm (of course, it's hooked up to the electric, too). He said that could have been the problem, but if it happens again, he'd come back and replace the alarm.

Thursday, January 21, 2021


Sharon called in the morning and we talked for some time. She and her entire extended family all had COVID--there are seven or eight in the household--but all recovered. She herself has serious health issues--severe diabetes, kidney and vision problems--exacerbated, certainly by her excess poundage of 150 or so. She hasn't been back to T.O.P.S. for eight or nine months now; doesn't go out.

Jim also called in the morning, in response to my email about COVID registration and lets-have-lunch. We chatted for fifteen or so and yes, he'll be here at 1:00. Naturally, we'll sit in the middle a distance away from each other. 

After lunch, I actually bestirred myself to clean the sink and stove, plus do a few other household chores. I had enough of that shortly, though, and since I was kept in by the wind on Tuesday, I was anxious to get out. Decided to go out to the park and little library and:

This is the path I often walk to the park and the little lending library (notice the footbridge over Route 126; I cross that first). I was confronted with this obstacle and several others on my way. Took the street on the way home rather than negotiate it again. I was glad to get about three miles in, as I hadn't gotten out at all on Tuesday. Happily, I just got my paper outside the door and it's very calm now.

Got home and swept Suzanne's and my joint walkway, which the wind had strewn with leaves and soil. This really is no big job--took about five minutes--but Suzanne texted her thanks.

Got the water bill for the house on Sweetwater, which I send to Eileen, my tenant (they won't put her name or the Little Egg address on it, for some reason; neither will the solar panel people). I've been debating whether to raise her rent in response to the new utilities bill I now get, but won't for now.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Whirling Wind

Changed sheets, remade bed, did white wash and planned to stroll to the little lending library in the park after I was finished. I didn't because I was afraid--literally--to go because the wind was so strong. Also, there are large trees on the property here, some a few feet from my patio. I was uneasy on that score, too, speculating that they could be uprooted and crash into my place. 

So I did another wash, took an afternoon shower, and fooled around on the laptop. For a half-hour or so, I transferred information from my old address book to the new, a tedious chore I've been putting off.

After lunch, I decided I'd at least walk over to the next block to Von's. Started out and I hadn't gone more than halfway down the path when I turned around and went home. The wind was just unbelievably fierce and, considering there are palm trees on the campus, I was afraid I'd be hit with a bough or something. Geez, I never thought I'd be worried about weather once I moved to California; it's not as if I'd be caught in a blizzard or something, but this was wind like nothing I've ever experienced before. Luckily, it's supposed to be somewhat calmer today.

Nancy, Carolyn, and I settled into our Zoom Happy Hour at 5:00, as I'd scheduled. (I set up a recurring meeting for every Tuesday.) I don't know why I was such a grouch about it last week--just in a mood, I guess, but yesterday, we had a great time. Nancy had her champagne, Carolyn her bloody Mary, and I the Blue Moon Suzanne had given me. I had intended to have only one, but damn, we chatted for almost two hours, until ten of 7:00, and I popped the second one--why not? Anyway, we had a fine time together and I'm looking forward to next week, also. 

I fervently hope the wind dies down today; for my physical and mental health, I need to get out. I have a lot I want to do, including looking for an air fryer--more on that tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 19, 2021


I'm feeling better. For one thing, I slept better and for another, it wasn't Sunday. After breakfast, I got my cart from the patio, preparing to walk to Smart 'n' Final, when Suzanne opened her door. She asked if I was in a hurry, or might want to sit and talk for a bit. Sure, and we did.

I'm still puzzled as to what seems Suzanne's extreme apprehension about COVID. Since she works at St. John's, she has gotten the vaccine, but she still keeps her mask on while sitting ten feet away from me outside. She repeated "I don't want to give the virus to anyone." What?  First, she doesn't have the virus and second, she got the vaccine. I'm sure she doesn't mean it to be, but this seems an example of that useful new phrase, "virtue-signaling." 

Anyway, she insisted on giving me two bottles of my favorite Blue Moon (Belgian White beer). She said someone had given them to her. I'm not sure why they would, as she doesn't drink, but hey, that was nice of her and I'll crack one open during virtual Happy Hour today.

After we chatted, I walked to S 'n' N for eggs and produce, including a tuber. The cashier asked what is was we laughed when I said I really wasn't sure! I think it's a rutabaga and I know I like them. Also bought several pieces of tilapia, which I separated, seasoned, and wrapped for the freezer.  

After lunch, I bused downtown;  Main Street might be renamed "Ghost Town," I'm afraid--many shops closed, some for good, and few shoppers. Didn't get home until almost 6:00. Called Ellen and we had an enjoyable talk. She and Greg were both off, for a change, which was nice for them. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Down In The Dumps Day

After the Sunday crossword, to which I look forward all week, which just goes to show how bereft of enjoyment my life is, and to add i. to i., I had a bone to pick, as my Aunt Maggie used to say, with one of the clues, the only one I didn't solve because, if you ask me, it's entirely incorrect...*

Okay, I'll stop. 

After breakfast, I trimmed and staked the daisies, very carefully. I mean I was careful of myself, as I have somewhat of a balance problem and, while bending, clipping, and tying up the plants, could fall. Didn't though and finished up by sweeping the patio a bit. I didn't do a completely thorough job, which will wait until spring. After all, it occurred to me that I'm the only one who'll see it, so why should I bother? Also did a few other household chores, I emailed my friend, Pat, a section of this blog from 14 years ago, with her comment. I had made the mistake of reading old entries and getting nostalgic for that old life.   

I set out for Smart 'n' Final after lunch, but it was very hot--well over eighty. I would have had to walk more than a mile on the section of Telegraph Road that has no shade, so turned back after a few minutes. That was the sum total of getting out yesterday. 

Niece Carolyn and Betty video-messaged at 5:00 and we visited for almost an hour.  After, Ellen called and we talked for twenty or so. I'm missing her a lot, but I understand the problems--of both work and COVID. I was just feeling depressed and lonely all day. I'm a lot better this morning and will continue to snap out of it, I'm sure. I even slept better, I'm glad to report.

*The incorrect clue and word? A four-letter one, meaning "scoundrel." I finished the rest, then looked at the answer: it was "roué." WHAT?!  In my literary wanderings, I've come across this word often, but in context, it always seemed to mean a kind of loveable guy whose main characteristic was an eye for the ladies. No? I could look it up, but I don't really care, anyway. Sigh... 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Stakes And Sleep

Walked to Wal-Mart after breakfast to get the sleep aid I've been taking for 25 years and stakes for the daisy plant. They had the first, but not the second, nor did they have the nylon bag I used almost daily, which I have lost. Went from there to the Green Thumb nursery and got six stakes; considered the heat (middle eighties) and bused home. 

Niece Carolyn texted me, asking if I was available at 5:00 today for Facetime with Betty and her. Yes, indeed, but I asked if we could make it Messenger, so it could be on the bigger screen.  

After lunch, I fooled around a bit on the laptop, then took off for the mall. I was planning to visit the little shop across from it, which I knew was open only on Saturdays. That is, it used to be, but when I got there, the sign said "temporarily closed because of the pandemic."

Went down to Target and got blueberries, then stopped at Trader Joe's. I found some bite-sized Trader Joe's crackers and some vegan hummus (well, I guess it all is); bought them just for a change when I snack during my movie.

Betty called, then Facetimed, to show me the bow her daughter-in-law, a costumer, sent her. I started watching Kill Bill, a pretty bad movie (by Tarantino, what would you expect?), which I may or may not quit watching and leave at the little lending library.

Again had trouble sleeping--i.e., getting back to sleep --last night, I'm afraid. Didn't get up until 7:15. At 5:00 pm yesterday, it was eighty-six degrees and it's now 70 already. Nice and warm, all right.  I'm fortunate in that my apartment stays comfortably cool; I haven't gotten the fan out since summer. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

T.O.P.S. Friday

I took to T.O.P.S. some information on that "Summit" from St. John's I virtually attended last Saturday. Somewhat surprisingly, there was interest about veganism from the other three attendees and we discussed it for a time. As for the weight, I'm up a tad again: at home, 126.4 so up .04, but the T.O.P.S. scale had me at 127.9, which is more than a full pound--to be exact, 1.04. That's odd, considering I know the T.O.P.S. scale weights heavier, but it had always been consistent--the same amount lost or gained, that is.  I'll see what happens next week and since I'm still in my comfort zone between 125 and 130, I'm okay with it.

The other three attendees--Lolly, Bobbi, and Cheryl--almost never leave their homes and two of them enjoy jigsaw puzzles. So did Pat, my husband, but I never did. I do like the Ventura Museum's digital ones--especially since you can do theirs or put your own picture in. I'm going to email them the info and some of my own pics I've done as a puzzle.

Breakfast late, as ever on Fridays. After, I walked to the Market, then Wal-Mart for veggies and stuff. Incredibly, on January 15, the temperature was well over 80. I love the warmth, but decided it wasn't a good idea to walk home in the heat, so caught a bus for some of the way.  Later, I was dismayed to realize I must have lost my nylon shopping bag (you can roll it up and I always had it in my purse) somewhere. Called both stores, but neither had found it. 

Other than the above, nothing much except walking over to Von's for--nothing much. I was pretty low, actually--just feeling lonely. I called Betty and we chatted for just a few minutes. I perked up a bit after dinner, but damn, I hate this lockdown thing. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Chores And Comments

Wonders will never cease: I actually got some needed chores done yesterday. Put in a regular wash and while they were in the dryer, I cut, de-seeded, and partially cooked an acorn squash. I then trimmed, chopped, and assembled the roasted tomatoes and onions I always put in my lunch salad. While they were in the oven, I transferred a few more pages of information from my old address book to the new. I do have most of the phone numbers I call most often on my phone and I guess I could put addresses on the Internet, too, but I'm just enough of a Neanderthal not to totally trust that method.  While I was reading the old address book, I noted how many people have died since they were added and how many are no longer friends. Depressing, especially the former. 

After lunch, at loose ends, I bused to Oxnard. I considered stopping at The Collection to say hello to Greg, but didn't. Instead, I got off at a ginormous shopping center and strolled through T.J. Max, Nordstrom North, and The Home Depot. I bought nothing and that's good--I neither need nor want a thing at this point, except what I'm going to order from Amazon with my gift card from Mike.

Bused back to Ventura and stayed on until the transit center/mall in order, mostly just to use up time. (Boy, is that depressing.) However, it was wonderfully sunny and warm--eighty, in fact--and that helped to raise my spirits a bit. I also walked to Target, which is there, and got blueberries.

I had jackfruit for dinner, incredibly enough. It looks and tastes like pulled pork and I'll bet in a sandwich, you wouldn't know the difference. I put some barbeque sauce on it and it was pretty good, but I want to try it in a recipe, instead of by itself. Also had peas and acorn squash.

Note: I'm still trying to find out how to have notification about comments emailed to me. Since the powers-that-be changed the format, I don't get them anymore. I like to respond, when appropriate, to comments, but don't want to have to re-read my entries all the time. The other day, my son in Tokyo commented and I stumbled on it only by accident; I responded to him via email.  

Thursday, January 14, 2021


It was nice and warm yesterday--about 75 when I walked to the Market in the morning. Got tomatoes, rice cakes, and a few other things. For lunch, I decided to skip the chicken fajitas for protein in favor of black beans and a hard-boiled egg. I always read while eating and I started the "enlightenment" book.  

Wow, what a find! The author, Stephen Pinker, who teaches at Harvard, starts with the history Enlightenment. Having been educated (or semi-educated) in Catholic schools, I never really knew what it meant and the huge importance it had to human affairs and progress. Pinker writes about what people believed as a general rule, before it was published, such as that a dead murder victim would bleed again if his murderer came near. After the general population simply didn't and all kinds of superstitions and  beliefs were challenged,  Interestingly, the idea of randomness and coincidence was one of its major tenets. It was the opposite of the cliché, "Everything happens for a reason." All this didn't become widely known overnight, of course; it took hundreds of years and not all of it is entirely accepted by some, even now. I'm only on the second chapter of the book and there's much, much, more to come, such as an exploration of humanism, toward which I tend to lean. 

Bused to town after lunch, as I was notified by the library that the DVD Magic was in. Just read the book, so will see the movie. I also bought a long wooden container, which I'll use to store DVDs. 

Called Jim in the evening to tell him about the book and we had a long talk re philosophy. He likes Emmanuel Kant and Hegel best--or maybe "likes" isn't the right word. The fact that he reveres their philosophical ideas is probably more accurate. 

Unfortunately, I again had a problem sleeping. As ever, I fall asleep fine, wake up for the usual, and can't get back. I think I'll take a nap again today.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Pillows And Palaver*

 For the first time in ages, I bused to town in the morning, rather than the afternon. I picked up the "enlightenment" book at the library, then walked down Main. The street is still cordoned off, but oh, what a difference since when the restaurants were serving outside. A few stores were open, but there were very few people walking; maybe in the afternoon, more will come, but it sure won't be as it was.

I browsed at one of the thrift stores and picked up a wire rectangular container; thought I'd put my already-seen DVDs in it until I decide if I want to keep or donate. I also stopped at a small shops--one of the few still open--and saw some cute Christmas pillow. I knew they'd look great on my black sofa and wow, they were half-priced.   

Of course, nobody in her right mind would buy Christmas pillows on January twelfth, that would really be stupid, especially if she had little room to store them.  That would be dumb. Absolutely idiotic. Foolish. She'd be a airhead...a cretin...

Well, so what, they'll look good eleven and a half months from now.

Stayed in--odd for me--until our much-anticipated virtual Happy Hour at 5:00.  I had a hard time deciding if I wanted the cabernet sauvignon or the German beer Greg gave me. I was sorely tempted to have both, but caught myself in time. Decided on the wine.

It was good to see Nancy and Carolyn, I guess, but frankly, it wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be. They are both isolated--don't go out at all--nor do we have a lot in common.  Nancy, having a lot of pent-up need to talk, I guess, tends to hold forth too much, and Carolyn is the exact opposite; if you don't ask her direct questions, she talks hardly at all. (I admit I'm no slouch when it comes to talking too much, either.) Anyway, we were on Zoom for almost an hour. We talked about setting up a recurring meeting for every Tuesday at five,  and I did after we hung up. I may--or may not--talk to Soaring Spirits (our widder group) leader, Vera, about Zoom possibilities.     
* That word used to be more common, but I haven't run into it lately. Definition:
palaver: verb (used without object), pa·lav·ered, pa·lav·er·ing: to talk profusely and idly.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Clothes, Carolyn, And Connie


This is the way we wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
Wash our clothes
This is the way we wash our clothes
So early Monday morning

And yes, that's what I've been doing on Monday mornings--the bedclothes and white wash, anyway, which I did yesterday. Now the nursery rhyme has me ironing on Tuesday morning, but hey--fat chance.  

After breakfast, I called Betty, who had asked me to when she called me at 9:40 Sunday night. Luckily, I wasn't asleep yet, but I was in bed with the light out, about to nod off. However, yesterday, she was occupied with one of her games on Zoom, so we didn't talk long. Called Nancy to tell her Carolyn B. would join us at 5:00 today for virtual Happy Hour. Called Yandoo Communications about the increase and Office Max about my email address.

Lunched, then actually took a nap of about an hour, unusual for me, but I was bereft of sleep; I felt good when I got up. Took my little cart to Smart 'n' Final for veggies. I was surprised and pleased to see they have vegan items in the refrigerated section. Decided to try some and I got non-dairy cheese, vegetarian hot dogs, and jack fruit. Jack fruit? Yes, I understand that when it's shredded and cooked, it tastes like pork. I'm intrigued, so will try it.

Had lunch, the walked to the Hill Street branch of the library to pick up Seabiscuit. I was told that Enlightenment Now, which my nephew, Patrick, had recommended, was in at the main library in town, so I'll go there tomorrow. I'm intrigued, especially since, in my experience, physicians aren't usually weighty thinkers, nor do they read books like this: 

Made up a good vegan mean (black beans, squash, and Brussel sprouts, then sat down at this laptop. About 7:20, I remembered the Dudley House virtual meeting was on Zoom, so I went into that. It was okay--only ten people "present"--then I watch Connie Korenstein do a virtual tour of the house as Carrie Dudley.  She is really, really good.

Settled down after to watch the rest of Black Swan. If there is another movie as depressing, I never heard of it. However, it did have a kind of hold over me, so I watched to the end. 


Monday, January 11, 2021

Sunday, Steve Jobs, And Sleep

Considering it was Sunday, my least favorite, it turn out to be pretty enjoyable. Completed one of my major pleasures, the big crossword, then got a Facetime call from Betty. She seemed in much better spirits and we had a good virtual visit. 

Left after for the market, where I stocked up a bunch of stuff, including a two-pound bag of kidney beans, onions, and romaine. On my way home, Ellen called just to chat and we talked for about 45 while I was still wending my way home; we didn't hang up until I was in living room.

After lunch, I did some food prep: prepared a spaghetti squash and put some of my beans in the slow cooker with "veggie juice" from cooking and seasonings. Chopped five onions--two to put in with the beans and the others to freeze for later.

I got into Jay Ziebart's website, Plant Based for Life and asked that she send me the packet--I think recipes and so on--from the "summit" on Saturday.

Did some computer stuff, then went out. I thought I'd bus to town, but by that time, it was almost 4:00, so I changed my mind and just took a walk. I no sooner got back in then my cousin, Sally, called. She lives near San Diego, was a marathon runner until she turned 80 (she's now 86), but nevertheless, recently had heart surgery,  Sally was adopted by my Aunt Marie, my mother's only sister, and I've known her for as long as I can remember. We talked for an hour and enjoyed it. Interestingly, both her sons work for Apple, Duane an engineer there for 30 years. Sally said her boys had taken her to a party for Apple employees, and introduced her to Steve Jobs. 

I hadn't picked up my mail on Saturday, did yesterday, and found a Christmas card from my nephew, Patrick and his wife, Susan. They still have my Jersey address and it took this long to forward it. I enjoyed seeing the pics of their four kids and hearing their news. Send her a message on Facebook of thanks.

Darn, for the first time in months, I had trouble sleeping. Awoke at 1:15 for the usual, but couldn't get back. I made the fatal mistake of getting up for a time to look on this infernal device and that really put the kibosh on it. Finally drifted off and didn't get up until 7:30.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


Suzanne emailed me information on a "summit" by doctors and nutrition professionals at St. John's Medical Center, where she works. It was a kind of one-way seminar, in present time, but not like Zoom, in that others are seen. I was only mildly interested, but thought I'd look in; it started at 9:00 am and was to run until noon. Well, surely it wouldn't hold my interest that long...

...but it did! The speakers extolled a plant-based diet, which I generally follow and I learned a lot of new information. A doctor explained how to read labels, for instance. He said to ignore what's on the front of the box and read what's in it. There were a lot of other good things on there and I called Suzanne to thank her. The hospital also runs a "Walk With The Doc" program, which I'm going to look into. I hope, since it's in the open air, it's still o n-going now.*

Later, I went back to Office Max, walking part of the way, but not the whole 2.5. Got the ink I needed, plus a credit of ten bucks for the used cartridges I turned in. Betty called while I was walking; this time, she seems to think her cleaning person/companion, whom she called "Obama" (although she's Latina, not Black) is menacing her or something. I'll call her today after breakfast.

I started watching Black Swan* last night. Talk about film noir: This fits right into that genre. I only saw the first forty-five or so because there were so many coming attractions. Why don't I fast forward through them? Because I like to observe how they're set up, especially those of movies I've seen. 

*One of the many coincidences with which life abounds: I had never seen Natalie Portman, the star, in anything else. Just looked her up and found that she's vegan, so her diet is totally plant-based. Must be a sign!!!!  😁

Saturday, January 09, 2021

My Results And My Lease

Rosemary Molloy

Result Date

Wednesday, January 6th 2021

Testing Provider

COVID-19 Testing - Ventura County

Tested for:CoronavirusTest name:COVID-19 Thermo PCR, SwabResult:Negative 

Patient Name:rosemary molloyDate of Birth:12/21/1936Address:(Address), VENTURA, CADate Accessed:01/08/2021 10:10 AM Specimen Date:01/06/2021 12:25 PM

Your COVID-19 test was NEGATIVE, which means that the test found no evidence that you were infected with the COVID-19 virus.


Well, there was that and as for the weight thing, I was 126.2 at home, a gain of .04 and 126.5 at T.O.P.S., a gain of .03, so inconsequential for both.

After breakfast, I went to Office Max for black ink. I had intended walk just to Telephone Road, then get a bus the rest of the way, but I got impatient waiting for one. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I walked all the way (2.5), then caught a bus back.

As planned, I Zoomed Carolyn B. at 2:00--as a test drive, so to speak, and it turned out well, Although Carolyn is only in her fifties, she hasn't gone off her property for a full year. She has some "issues," including a vision problem, but I can never understand what exactly they are. Her grown son and daughter live with her and maybe that's one of the issues. However, it was good to see and talk to her and since she, Nancy, and I made up the original actual Happy Hour trio, I invited her to our virtual one on Tuesday at 5:00.

Lunched, then walked to the Hill Street branch of the library to pick up a book I had requested. I forgot it was closed on Friday, but I didn't mind the extra two miles.

I finally got the lease for my apartment, after calling Bianca to find she had left the "e" out of my email address. She corrected it and send the lease, an incredible 58 pages. I just had to electronically sign and initial by clicking here and there. Sent it back and now can rest easy that I won't be getting a rent increase for 13 months, anyway. I did get frustrated with some technical problems; couldn't print it, called Ellen, and she said nobody prints things now, just put it in documents, which I did. I have to go back to Office Max to get blue ink, which is why the printer won't print, I guess.

Betty called just as I was starting dinner. I was tired and didn't feel like talking to her, so I cut it short. One of those who come in for companionship, Mary, whom I know and like, was there and I enjoyed talking to her for a bit.

Made turkey stir-fry for dinner, which I can describe it with a word I never hear now, but which my mother used for really good food: SCRUMPTIOUS!

Friday, January 08, 2021


Called Betty after breakfast and I was relieved to hear she felt better. than she had. We talked a bit, then I left her to open her Friendship Center Zoom program.

Walked to the Market for veggies and paper towels, so three. When I got home, I was taken aback to see I already had three rolls. That's the kind of thing that makes me cringe, not because of the paper towels per se, of course, but what it could signify. Then I decided to quit with the gloom and doom--I forgot I already had towels, so what?

Had lunch, then called Carolyn B., with whom Nancy and I used to meet for Happy Hour. Carolyn is only in her fifties, but has some problems I won't enumerate. Anyway, we had a good talk--she doesn't goes out and she no longer has a license--and I asked if she'd like to join Nancy and me on Tuesday for virtual Happy Hour. She said she didn't think she could do it, so I suggested I set up a practice one for this afternoon and send her the link. She was pleased about that. 

And--happy day--Bianca called in the afternoon!  She apologized for not yet sending the lease, but said she would shortly and wanted to give me my pin. YAY! However, I won't celebrate until I have it signed, sealed, and delivered--that is, when it's official that I won't be getting a rent increase for thirteen months.

I intended to bus into town after, but after walking to the stop, just changed my mind. I had some things to do at home--houseworky stuff, so just took a short walk and came back.

Suzanne just now (6:20 am) texted me, asking that I save my newspapers from the weekend because she wants to bring them to a friend in the hospital. Sure, I will, but I remember when newspapers would deliver newspapers to hospital patients gratis. Of course, that was in the literate part of the country. 😁 

Thursday, January 07, 2021

COVID And Family

I got my fifth COVID test yesterday--see later.

Called my brother, Larry, and we caught up with each other's exciting (ha!) lives. Something amusing happened, though: Yesterday morning, I read a brochure included in the Ventura Star. It was an ad for Consumer Reports and on page 7, there was a blurb that said the KIA Telluride was "the best SUV we ever tested." An hour later, I talked to Larry and he told me his daughter, Jeanne, and husband, Vic, had just bought a new KIA Telluride. Coincidence? I think not.... (Actually, I think so.)

As for the test: I get the county report on the virus in email and it listed the testing sites, which included a "pop-up" at Kimball Park. This is where I frequent the little lending library, so I packed up a few books and a DVD and set off. Put my books in the cabinet and took my place in line for the test. I noted the tine: 11:03. When did I finish and get out? At 12:32. Good thing I have plenty of stamina because standing (aside from the occasional inching up) that long can be uncomfortable . 

Now I'm beginning to wonder if anybody knows the right way to do the tests. Those three at the Fairgrounds, which the testee does him or herself, couldn't be read, as I mentioned here before. The one at the hospital, done to me, was okay (negative result, of course), and the swab was inserted much higher up. This time, I was given just a short swab and told to swirl it in both nostrils to the count of ten. In other words, the instructions have been inconsistent each time I've had it. We'll see what happens with this when I get the text result. 

After lunch, I was walking to the bus stop when niece Carolyn called. We had a nice talk and I told her about the COVID test. Her son, Finn, goes back to U. of Colorado on Saturday and, she said, after that and after I get my test results, she hopes to bring Betty to see me. Of course, we'll sit outside and bring our own lunches.

Rode to Target, which is at the mall/transit center and got blueberries and "veggie straws." They're not bad and, in moderation, I'll eat them. Home and cooked up some fresh salmon, roasted mushrooms, and the rest of the carrots with citrus. 

I called Betty in the evening and she was having great difficulty with her iPad and television. I don't want to list chapter and verse about it, but it was heart-breaking. How I wish she was back in the other phase--confused, but happy. It's now 6:20 am and I'll call her in two hours or so. 

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Jim, Patrick, Nancy, And The "F" Word

Stripped the bed, re-made, and did a white wash. Took the (surprisingly large for one person maybe) trash to the receptacles.  Tidied up this and that, then took a shower. Made my sandwich--all I had was canned tuna and I didn't feel like going to Von's for anything else. Showered, washed my hair, and dressed to meet Jim for lunch. 

Did so at 1:00 and while I was walking out to the front where I always meet Jim, I saw my neighbor, Patrick. We said hi and he asked if I liked champagne. Sure do, I said, and he told me he wanted to give me a little gift and he'd bring it to the middle, where I would be.

Jim and I sat down and shortly, Patrick came up with a gift bag. He gave it to me and I was amazed to find this:

It's hard to see the glass, but it's charming. I have no idea why Patrick would give me that, but I suspect he was given it, doesn't like champagne, then just happened to see me, and re-gifted it. Of course, I'll save it for some occasion I can share with someone else--Ellen and Greg, I hope.

Jim and I sat and chatted until almost 4:00. I asked if he had ever "thought about" going into the seminary and he said no. Also asked if he had heard of Anthony DeMello and he hadn't. It's possible  DeMello is more of a new-agey type, considering his publicity, which Jim, a traditionalist if ever there was one, is not.  

As soon as I got home, I prepared for my 5:00 Zoom meeting with Nancy.  I got my wine glass with the sparkly stem, put out my little bottle of Merlot and some pretzels, and selected a New Year blower. After a few snafus (one of the few expressions I lifted from the military*), there she was.

I hadn't seen Nancy for a whole year. She has let her hair go white and it's quite long. That's very attractive on her, as it's wavy. She said she likes mine, which is kind of multi-colored: white, light brown, grey, but decidedly not wavy, damnit.

We talked for about 45 minutes, showing each other various things, still marveling over the fact that we could actually see each other. I drank my wine, she her champagne, and it was great fun. Nance, who's two years younger than I am, has some physical "issues," as they say, so hasn't been off her son's property (she has a small house on it). Before we said goodbye, she proposed that we "meet" on Zoom every Tuesday at 5:00 and I enthusiastically agreed.. I've already sent her an invitation.

*I always thought it meant "situation all fouled up," but I suspect the "F" word is a different one. 


Tuesday, January 05, 2021


After breakfast, I dry-mopped, then wet-mopped the hard floors, using the Bona system. Threw the bath rugs in the wash, along with the tub mat and everything was easily cleaned.

I was delighted to have manager Bianca answer my telephone request for a lease without the slightest hesitation: "Yes, I'll email it to you; do you want a nine or thirteen-month?" I opted for 13 and await the lease.

Jim called and, having figured out the electronic part of his students' class work with the help of the college's system person, said he'd be available for lunch today. Good, I'll see him at 1:00 and will Zoom Nancy at 5:00 for our first virtual Happy Hour. Oops, that means I'll have beer at lunch and wine at 5:00, so two alcoholic beverages in one day, but hell, I can live dangerously once in awhile. 

Went to Von's for lettuce and picked up some Cabernet Sauvignon; I'm getting to like the reds and I'll drink that for H.H. Also got those big white mushrooms I like roasted so much.

Betty called and, happily, she seem much calmer and less anxious. She also remembered that I'm not able to come see her now. Before, she had called to ask "when are you coming?" (I'm grasping at straws here, I know.)

After lunch, I hopped the bus to town and picked up the book I had requested: Magic.  I loved the movie and I think, but am not sure, I read the book years ago. Stopped in a few places and got two more DVDs. Didn't get home until almost 6:00; it was dark, but I got the 10 from the transit center, which lets me off right in front of my apartment complex.

Yesterday was my brother Frank's 86th birthday and here he is, impossibly young,  as a Holy Spirit graduate in 1952:

Monday, January 04, 2021

Betty, Angst, and Oxnard

 I went back and forth with Betty on the phone several times. I quizzed her with the kindergarten-level questions I had found (i.e., "What color is grass?") and she enjoyed that, but she continues to be generally agitated.* 

It got me down and I had to get out after all that angst, so took the 21 bus to Oxnard after lunch. I had the vague idea I'd stop in to see Greg, but the bus didn't go where I thought it would. To make a long s.s., I got lost for about and hour, but saw a Wal-Mart, stopped in for mixed nuts, and eventually found my way to a bus going to the transit center. From there, I got the 6 back to Ventura. I wasn't worried--it wasn't as if I was in a blizzard in Montana--and actually, it was kind of fun.

Betty called again while I was on the bus, but it's noisy and I said I'd call her back when I got home. I did and we talked a bit. She wanted to show me her outfit, but once again, she didn't know how to turn the camera on her iPad on. Later, she called from Carolyn's, and we talked a bit more.

Watched the next portion of Seabiscuit, a good, not great movie, and requested the book, which I've read before, at the library. Magic, I was emailed, is in today, and I requested to pick it up at the Main Street library, so I'll go into town for it.

* A lot more of yesterday concern Betty, but it occurred to me that some of this information should not be included here, so this is the truncated version. If any reader has an interest in the full one, please email me.

Sunday, January 03, 2021


(Looks as if it's now saving; I hope it continues. But gawd, I'm getting more and more verbose, plus of course, the damn print is going back and forth, but I'm just sick of fooling with it, so I'm letting it lie.)

When we Zoomed on Friday, Pat R. asked if I had heard from Muckie D. lately, or if Betty had. That prompted me to called Muckie and we had a good talk. She said Betty used to call her almost every day, but she hadn't lately. I had called Betty on New Year's Day and left a message, but she didn't call me back, either.

Muckie doesn't go out at all. Her son, Matthew, who lives in Virginia, calls to have her groceries delivered (why she doesn't call, I don't know). I don't know how she can live that way--she spent Christmas alone, too--but she seemed reasonably cheerful. To an extent, her physical problems have been resolved, but she said she was often tired.    Anyway, it was good to talk to her. She said she'd call Betty in the evening and I'm sure she did.

I called Betty back; it seems she didn't realize I had left a message. I tried to get her on video Messenger, but it kept saying her iPad camera was off and she didn't know how to turn it on. Later, Carolyn came in and got it going, so we were able to see each other.

My friend, Gail, also called. I hadn't been in touch with her since September partly because I had been away the whole month of October. She was excited to hear I had been at the Grand Canyon because she plans to spend her seventieth birthday there next year. (She dreads turning 70, but these things are relative, natch.)

Later, Betty called me again. She was very agitated and asked me to call Carolyn, which I did and we had a long, sorrowful talk and cried together. I asked what I could do, she said to Messenger Betty today, maybe between 9 and 10, as nobody comes in on Sunday. I will, of course. Later, I looked up some children's quizzes, printed some out, and I'll ask Betty the easier ones ("What's the opposite of dark?), which I think she'll enjoy.

The big one came at 7:00. I had been a bit worried about the Zoom setup, but it worked perfectly. Niece Chrissy asked for admittance to the meeting, I affirmed, and there were Jimmy, Therese, and Chrissy, eight thousand miles away. (Paul came in the room just to say hello.)

I had poured myself a glass of Merlot, but it was only 10 am on Sunday for them, so they abstained. We talked and talked and laughed and sighed and asked each other questions and noted each other's faces and a bit about the apartment. I had been sure Jim's birthday was this month, but no, it's February 19; I think Frank's 86th is actually in January. I was told Jim and family got the letter I sent last month, but so far, no Christmas card. Okay, for Easter, then...

We stayed on for about 45 minutes, seeing and hearing each other clearly over a span of  eight thousand miles. I know they enjoyed it; for me, it was about equal parts fun and heartbreak, but I guess that's what having a family is. Jimmy--we always called him that--was pretty fuzzy and vague, and when we talked about Betty's and Frank's conditions, he said he thought he had the same. 

No. He doesn't. I'm no neurologist, but there's a fundamental difference.  It has partly to do with a basic awareness, I think, of one's place in the universe. I don't mean that literally, of course, but Jimmy knows it and they don't. 


Saturday, January 02, 2021

Friends And Family And Zoom And Phone

Home, I weighed 125.8, exactly the same as last week. On the TO.P.S. scale, I was recorded as losing a whopping .07 (I don't even think that's seven ounces), at 126.2. 

After the usual late Friday breakfast, I took my cart, added some books and DVDs, and walked to the park and the little lending library, so got three in. Picked up a few more books.  

After, I sorta, kinda kept my nose to the grindstone. Finally planted the chrysanthemum plant Mike sent me for Thanksgiving; took the Christmas wreath from the front door; gathered up the other Christmas decorations (I remember reading in a magazine years ago, "There's nothing so over as Christmas"); packed  them up and laboriously stowed them away in the high cabinets.   

I then set up (with Ellen's invaluable help) the Zoom visit with Pat in Jersey. I had thought we had decided on 4:00 my time and 7:00 hers, but I had it backward--was supposed to be 4:00 her time, so 1:00 mine. It worked out okay, though, and we Zoomed together for about an hour. It was great fun.  Pat was born and brought up on Absecon Island and we have similar backgrounds, though our later lives diverged and so did our beliefs. It was so enjoyable, especially accompanied with a glass of Merlot--on my part, that is.  

I was making dinner shortly after Pat and I said goodbye, when my dear friend, Aline, called from Little Egg. What a pleasure to talk to her! I think I have more in common with this small (in stature, not intellect or goodness) Jewish Brooklynite (and she has the accent) devotee of opera, who never married, never drove a car, than almost any other friend. She's in her late seventies and has had a hip replaced, but is just as active as I am. She's able to discuss serous topics with an open mind, which seems to get  rarer with many as they age. We talked for an hour and fifteen minutes, so interested in each other's lives and ideas we couldn't put down the phone. 

Friend Nancy and I had scheduled a Zoom meeting for 5:00 today, but later last evening, she emailed me to say her iPad charger stopped working and the new one won't get there until Tuesday. We switched to then and it's just as well, because after that, I got a message from my niece, Chrissy, in Bangkok, and we set up a Zoom meeting for today. It'll be 7:00 pm for me, 10am tomorrow for them, and I can't wait to see my soon-to-be-95 dear brother! 

Friday, January 01, 2021

January 1, 2021

Got up early again, darn it (5:30), got my coffee and settled in to look over my mail, publish my blog, call up Facebook, and so on...BUT, as the world now knows, I still had no Internet. Before breakfast, I emailed my pal, Pat, on my phone to tell her the horrendous news. 

However, later, I got some good news, too: Suzanne called to tell me she had received a lease offer. That's what I want, too, so I called Bianca at the office and left a message. However, I still haven't heard back from her and I'll call again Monday.

I was touched that my boy, Mike, texted me Happy New York, just a few seconds after 8:00 am, my time. It was just after midnight in Singapore, so it was a new year for him.

Walked to Wal-Mart because I wanted to use my new Discover card there; there seems to be some kind of extra "reward" payoff in December. Got diet 7Up, which I haven't been able to find in ages, plus  veggies and tangerines.

Lunched, then put some brown beans in the smaller slow cooker, along with what I call "veggie juice." I save and freeze the liquid from cooking vegetables, since a lot of nutrients are in it. It also makes a flavorful stew or soup. Left for town after, and called Nancy from the transit center. We had been talking about having a Zoom session for some time, but before, my reception was poor and we never got to it. Now we plan to do that tomorrow, Saturday, at 5:00. 

More good Zoom news: Pal Pat called me while I pursuing the DVDs at Good Will. We decided we'd Zoom today at about four and that will be help to make it a fun first day of the year, I know.

Got home about 5:30 and got a message from Mike saying he would call me at midnight--kidding, of course. However, he did Facetime me (then we switched to Messenger) at 7:00 and it was wonderful to see him. 

 Note to myself: I received tax return forms from my t.a., Michelle Taylor, printed them and "filed" under "Important" in my email.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...