Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday--Last Full Day IN NM

Went to the P.O. to send off forty-eight bucks of clothes I couldn't fit into the suitcase. Walked about two miles around the golf course. Cleaned up my room and bath. Company for dinner. Bed and slept well.

Friday, October 30, 2020


Breakfasted, then put in a large load of wash. Waiting for it to dry, I just sat and played games on this machine. Had lunch, then went to Wal-Mart and Albertson's. Later, walked about three, I guess, then home.

I want to get to the P.O. to send off some "extra" clothes. I really overdid packing for this trip, although it was, of course, more than a month away.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday--that's THURSDAY...*

 We left Santa Fe at 9:30 and got back south in about two and a half hours. Drove through the beautiful scenery, seeing it even more beautiful highlighted with snow. 

Got to my hostess/companion's home, had lunch, then I went on the laptop to try to nail down a number of urgent items, such as reserving the Airporter Shuttle to take me from LAX to Four Points in Ventura. Also made a number of other necessary calls, including to my favorite daughter, Ellen,** who will pick me up at Five Points Ventura from the shuttle. She asked if I wanted to go out for dinner after and hey, the day I say no to that is the day I'll be six feet under. 

After, my hostess and I drove to the high school complex to walk a kind of loop around the playing fields. I guess it was only a mile and a bit, but boy, it was windy and cold. Stopped at the P.O. to get some mailing boxes--they're free, but regardless of weight, cost fifteen bucks and change in postage.

We had a good dinner of meatballs, rice, and peas. Since I rarely eat the former (or other red meat) and the latter are two of my favorites, it was yummy. After, we all just read our books in real time (me) or electronically (them). 

*At breakfast, hostess suggested we have G. and G. over for dinner on Friday "my last day." But this is Friday, I said, but no, it wasn't. It makes me a bit nervous to realize I had the day wrong (thinking of sibling dementia, of course), but I'm trying to chalk it up to being in an unfamiliar environment. 

**Of course, she's my favorite along with my other daughter (family joke).

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Last Full Day in Santa Fe

This is what we were confronted with yesterday. It snowed intermittedly most of the morning, then tapered off. Later, the sun came out and the skies blued.
But we didn't let that stop us. After lunch, we took off for a large mall and walked its circumference three times, going about two, I guess. We parted for a bit and got myself a new pair of sneakers, plus found at Dillard's the pants I liked (they had no 12 petite, but--incredibly--10 petite fit me). Also stopped into the post office--very convenient to have it there--at got two large containers for the clothes I want to send home ahead.

After, we drove to town and walked the Plaza. This is the artsy area that features a lot of native American art, plus jewelry and clothing. Walked in and out of stores, admiring this and that. We also took pictures at the cathedral and elsewhere.  

Me at entrance.
Went home, had dinner, then spent an enjoyable hour playing gin rummy, after which, we watched a movie. Today, we leave Santa Fe.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Good grief--it snowed! The forecast was for light snow and it started that way, but I just got up and it looks like about a foot on the ground. There had also been a strong wind, but it looks calmer now. 

Even so, we decided to hazard a walk. Piled on most of the outer clothes we had brought and set out. I made it about a quarter mile, then said, "hell, no," and went back. She went on and walked for a half hour or so.

Nevertheless, we had planned to go out to dinner--to the vegetarian/vegan restaurant (authentic Indian, I think) and set out about 4:30. It was still snowing, but the roads weren't slippery. We got to the place to find it closed, drove to another--closed--and finally decided we eat home and we did.

Our landlady called re my companion's text about setting the temperature for the heat. It was finally remedied and we're now cozy. Watched a movie with George Clooney and Ryan Gosling, about politics. It was pretty good, but for some reason, the Internet failed and we didn't see the ending.  

One of the many reasons I love living in Ventura is that it doesn't ever get this cold. Darn, we had been  planning to go to Taos yesterday (the Georgia O'Keefe museum), but had to scuttle that. Earlier, we went out to some thrift and consignment shops, but saw nothing we wanted. Stopped at Albertson's to augment lunch, but languished inside a lot of the day. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Los Alamos

 We spent the morning on mundane financial stuff, which included making a reservation for my flight home. I'm going from Albuquerque next Saturday; must remember to call the Airporter tomorrow. My companion then went out for a walk while I made up my lunch salad and boiled two eggs to go in it. 

After lunch, we took off for Los Alamos, about forty-five miles away (everything is forty-five miles away in New Mexico). Again drove through spectacular mountains and desert until we reached the small town...

...small town and big history. This is where the death-dealing atom bomb was born and the antecedents of my grandson doomed. Of course, we didn't go anywhere near the area, although a brochure says you can see something of where "scientists develop groundbreaking innovations to solve national security challenges..." Yeah. 

Los Alamos is also a pleasant small town (pop. 18,000) and we explored it by foot. We went in and visited the historic Fuller Lodge, which had originally been "The Ranch School," founded in 1917. It's very large and the walls are made entirely of split logs. All 771 of them were "personally selected" by the architect, John Gaw Meem. The very large building is now a meeting place for local groups. When we walked in, there was only an oblivious teenager sitting in a chair absorbed in her phone and we just wandered around, looking in rooms and reading the information posted here and there. To an extent, I enjoy that more than a formal guided tour.   

We also went to a few other interesting places, but mostly walked, starting at the lovely small park; we went about four, I guess. I'll add pictures tomorrow.

Here I am in White Rock, NM, the other day, with the picturesque Rio Grande:

Sunday, October 25, 2020


 We left early for the native American ruins in Bandelier. They're 45 miles away through some of the spectacular landscape that lie all over the west. Arrived and took the trail to the cliff dwellings. Luckily, steps and railings are now provided and, although it was fairly strenuous, I was able to do it. 

The second one's my power pose, of course.

We walked back for lunch, which we had brought with us. Neither the visitor center nor the "cafe" were open, but the gift shop was and I stopped in to buy a little something for my grandson. After, we walked back to another high-up dwelling. This is 45 feet up in the mountain, reached by stairs and ladders. I wouldn't consider trying it, but my companion went part way. We walked back to the car and took off. (I think we did about four miles.) We stopped on the way back to Santa Fe at an overlook, which was just lovely and included the Rio Grande River.

Since it was only about 3:00, we drove to town and visited "the oldest house in the U.S." (Ha, I was told that was in St. Augustine, Florida, but read a notice that mentioned there are twelve contenders for that title.) Anyway, we had been there before and only a portion of it is still standing.

Walked back and stopped at the supermarket, had dinner, and later watched a movie--not too bad, something about teenagers and bird-watching.  

Note: I appreciate that my friend, Pat, let me know that yet another old HSHS-er is gone. Chas ("Chaz") Martin has died. I'll call his sister, Mary H., with whom I graduated, this morning (sigh...)

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Santa Fe

Here we are, after a three-hour trip through the desert. We arrived about 1:30, but check-in at the AirBnB wasn't until 4:00, so we found a walking path in a nice part of town and walked 3.9 miles through lovely Santa Fe. This included a circuit around the outside of the state house (S.F. is the state capitol, one of the most beautiful I've seen: 

Got to the house, unloaded our stuff, explored the place, then took off for Whole Foods to get supplies. It was jammed and, in my estimation, its prices are outrageous. However, we got what we needed/wanted.

The house itself is interesting, to say the least, but I'll elaborate later. Had dinner (spring rolls and Chardonnay), watched part of a truly idiotic movie (Henry's Crime), then went to bed. Slept pretty well. 

Friday, October 23, 2020


Preparing for our trip, I did a wash in the morning, plus dealt with some crapola by phone re Blue Shield and the Ventura County Star. I'll probably be back on Saturday, the last day of the month, and wanted to have it resumed the next day. To my fury, I found on my bank account that I was still being charged because "I still had access to digital edition." Damn, I'm going to protest that when I get home.Packed up my suitcase (I seem to be taking as much for a six-day trip as I did for the past month) and gathered a few other things. 

After lunch, G. came and she, my hostess, and I went to the Inn of the Mountain Gods property, high up, and hiked to the point my hostess and I had the other day. I put "My Tracks" on and when we got back to the car, was pleased to see we had covered four and a half miles.

By then, it was almost 4:00. Home, I showered and washed my hair, then started packing. After dinner, since we're still deprived of our show, we watched Instant Family, a silly, all-too-predictable, clunker of a movie. On at the same time, I think, were the "debates," which could be described the same way. I wouldn't dream of watching, but read a bit about it later. What a friggin' choice: a psychopathic billionaire and a senile child-killer.  

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Capitan (Monday)

Yoicks! I don't know how it happened, but somehow, this entry was still in draft. It should have appeared on Tuesday, as it's what we did on Monday--I must be losing it. Okay, so there are two entries for today.  

In the morning, my hostess and I drove to Capitan, a little village about twenty miles away, for a walk. We went either 3.75 or four miles, not sure which, since there was some discrepancy between signs and my "My Tracks" app. However, it don't make no never mind, as the saying goes. Capitan's claim to fame is that it's the birthplace of Smokey, the bear. When I was in NM last year, we went to the museum and "interpretive garden" there. We drove to it after our walk, but it was closed because of COVID. We did drive into the town and went to Smokey's supermarket for lettuce and other essentials. 

Home for lunch on the deck and laptop work to find a good Airbnb in Santa Fe for our trip there. We'll leave on Friday, just the two of us and will be there for five days while my host's son is here for hunting. 

Later in the afternoon, I actually took a nap. We had been up late (for us, meaning 10:30 pm) having had company on Sunday. Had shrimp and fresh beets for dinner, then indulged our mutual passion, Better Call Saul. 


The other two went out at 9:00 for pickleball while I spent a few hours on the phone with American Airlines, the Airporter, and Suzanne, trying to see if I could use my credit to fly back to Ventura. I can, and my hostess and I are looking for flights. 

After lunch, the three of us drove all the way to Carrizozo, a sixty-mile round trip, so my host and hostess could early-vote. Yes, there are polling places in Ruidoso, but they tend to have long lines and besides, this is a pleasant trip through lovely rolling hills. 

As we pulled in at home, Betty called with yet another long list of complaints about her caregivers/companions/maids. It was hard to follow and I think has little basis in fact.

Back home, the distaff side (an old expression) went to another round of pickleball play, this time at White Mountain, which is within walking distance, while *HE* went out once again scouting for possible deer hunt areas. *I* stayed home for this and that until 4:00, when I walked to the courts to watch the regulars--my hostess, Gloria, Shirley, Jen, and Brenda--play. We walked home the long way, so I got in about two miles.

After dinner, since we were deprived of our usual two episodes of Better Call Saul (host doesn't have the last season), we went our separate ways: hostess to the gym, host and I to our respective Internet setups. Tomorrow, Santa Fe--yay!   

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Upper Canyon

We went in the morning to look for some decent walking shoes for me, but came up empty. I may wait until we get to Santa Fe on Friday; it's a larger town with more stores. At another store, I did get a kind of knitted sweater coat, rust brown and very warm. I think I'll need it in Santa Fe, as the forecast calls for cool temps and even some light snow.

After lunch, we set off for the Upper Canyon, a very hilly and woodsy area with lots of log (and pseudo log) houses, plus cabins. It also boasts the meandering Ruidoso River--more like a little stream or brook, it seems to me. It's just lovely, though, with picturesque rocks and water plants, as well as stone bridges here and there and tiny waterfalls. According to the "My Tracks" app, we went 3.9 miles and a portion was uphill, so good exercise. 

Here I am at one of the bridges: 

Home and we sat on the deck reading for 45 or so, until dinner of baked chicken and veggies was served. We ate on the deck, too, as usual, and after, spent time discussing Better Call Saul, and its prequel or sequel or whatever it is, Breaking Bad, which I've never seen and can't wait to order when I'm back in Ventura.

Speaking of---we've been talking about my trip home. This, of course, has been revised since my oral surgery won't take place in November. I'm going to see if I can use some of the fare I didn't in June. There's also the question of whether I should leave from Santa Fe or Albuquerque. I'll examine and we'll discuss all the particulars today.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Guests For Dinner

While my hostess burned up the pickleball courts, then went grocery shopping, I did a big load of my wash and tidied up my room and bath. She prepared the beef stew (from scratch, which included cutting the meat into cubes, slicing the fresh veggies, and so on) and put it in the crock pot to slowly get delish.

After a quick lunch, we walked the circumference of the nearby path (3 miles), then went back to further prepare for our guests. The newlyweds, S. and S. came at 5:00, as scheduled, bringing Maggie with them. A daughter? Well, pretty close; Maggie is actually a teeny little doggie, very quiet and calm--even I liked her. They also took her on their honeymoon; my host and hostess went to part of it, too. (S. and S. are mature people and he has children from a previous.)

We had appetizers and wine on the deck, sitting around the fir pit, along with good conversation and laughs. We then sat down for dinner in the dining room, eating off my mother's bone china (which I had given my hostess years ago). This a lovely set, white with tiny roses and silver around the rim. Mom got them as her wedding set ninety-seven years ago.  Of course, the dishes can't be put in the dishwasher, but that was okay by me, since my hostess washed them (ha!). The beef stew was just wonderful, so tender you didn't need a knife. S. had brought a salad and, along with organic "peasant bread" and homemade apple crisp for dessert, it was simple, but delicious meal

S., S., and M. didn't leave until after 9:00, then the three of us sat in front of the fire reading our books--or, in the case of my host and hostess, "books"; theirs are electronic.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Excursion to Las Crusas

 My hostess, her friend, G., and I took off for Las Cruses about 9:30. This is a two-hour drive through the impressive New Mexico landscape (miles of desert and looming mountains), and with my companions, it was enjoyable. 

We first visited the Goodwill there and happily picked out some tops and pants. I got two good-looking shirts, my hostess three, and G. a few other things. From there, we went to the nice little park nearby, complete with ponds and fountains, and ate the lunches we had brought at a shaded picnic table. Walked the short walk there--surely no longer than a mile--then drove a distance away to a clothing department store named "Dillard's." Gee, this is a neat place; I wish there was one near me. It reminds me of the old Dunham's in Lawrence Township: really attractive, stylish clothes and courteous sales people. I bought a great pair of Capri-length pants in white duck that actually fit. They're a petite 12, which is very hard to find. I also got an across-the-body bag, something like a backpack, but it can be worn either front or back and I want it in the front. My hostess got a similar one and G. something else there.

G. suggested we stop for a beer, which we did, in a nearby Mexican restaurant. As it happened, this portrait of Frieda Kahlo was on the wall:

She was a painter and somewhat of a revolutionary, about whom I've become interested. She was married to the painter Diego Rivera, with whom she had a turbulent relationship, and has a prominent place in recent Mexican history (she died in 1954). 

We stopped into a small jewelry store which carries only sterling silver and talked to the designer/artisan/owner. I couldn't resist a square ring and, against all good judgement, bought it. At other stores, I bought a few small gifts, including woven bracelets for my granddaughters.

Another two-hour drive, during which Ellen called. She was at my apartment and asked if I wanted her to open any of the mail. No need, I decided, but we had a nice chat. Got home about 6:00 after a very enjoyable day. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020


After breakfast, we scouted around at some RV sites for possible future travel. Later, my hostess and I did the River Walk, going a tad less than two miles (1.9, to be precise). We then stopped and Wal-Mart and finally, at long last, I got my other medication
Home, lunch, she went to pickleball at 3:00, he did a bit later, and I walked there later (1.4 miles). They  played doubles with their friends, G. and G., and after, the five of us went to the Casablanca restaurant for Mexican food and drink. We had gone early, so were home by 6:00.  Finished out the day by our usual viewing. Today, my hostess, her friend G., and I are going to Las Cruses--should be fun.
Some pictures from the last few days:
Here I am the other day at the Apache Trail, at the Inn of the Mountain Gods. This is actually the beginning of the trail.

It's too bad the magnificent Sierra Blanca, above and to the right of me, doesn't show up well in pictures. It's the highest mountain around here and a focal point in the area. 
Here's my hostess during our walk in Alamogordo: 


Friday, October 16, 2020

Medication And "My Tracks"

In the morning, the two of us hiked the Apache Trail at the Inn of the Mountain Gods, a casino/resort high up over Ruidoso. It was uphill at times (the signs said up to a 13% grade) and we went a total of 4.1 miles. It was a fairly cool, crisp day and the scenery was, of course, ravishing.

Home for lunch and to clean a bit, then we drove to Wal-Mart to get a few items for a dinner party on Sunday AND to finally pick up my medication. That last? It didn't happen. The pharmacy had one of the meds, but not the other--damn! The clerk gave me some story about how, if I wanted the other, I'd have to pay twelve bucks for it. What? I have insurance that covers it! The upshot was I yet again had to call Blue Shield when I got home. After the usual long waits, I was told that, indeed, the med was there and ready to be picked up. Somebody named "Richard" at Wal-Mart had confirmed that. I hope and expect he's the pharmacist in charge and that, once I go back for the third time, I can pick up the damn things.

I sent out checks to Tony, the landscaper, and Bob for shutting down the sprinklers, then took off at 5:00 for the pickleball courts where my hostess was playing. At my request, she had added to my phone an app called "My Tracks," which records walking distance. We haven't yet perfected its use, though; for one thing, it keeps showing kilometers, not miles. However, we calculated I walked roughly five and a quarter miles yesterday, somewhat more than I usually do.

After pickleball, we drove home, ate din-din, then--our joint addiction--watched two more episodes of Better Call Saul

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 The lord and lady of the manor were on the courts early so, I tidied up, then left for the supermarket, Albertson's. This entailed first, following the footpath around the golf course to the post office; going from there to a main road to cross; then to Albertson's. When I was almost there, I noticed a little green "bus" (more like the Access van in Ventura) letting a few people off nearby.  I asked at various stores to see if I could get a schedule, but with no luck.

It just happens that there's an administrative branch of the University of New Mexico there, so (always feeling at home in colleges), I stopped in. I told a very pleasant young woman named Monica what I was looking for. She didn't have one, but was kind enough to contact the bus company, get a schedule, and print it out for me. I waited about twenty minutes, saw the bus, and asked the driver about getting back to the post office. Unfortunately, he was going in the wrong direction.  The upshot was, I walked home, so totaled about four miles round trip.

Lunched, then hostess and I went to Wal-Mart and the Dollar Tree for this and that. Annoyingly, when I went to the former to pick up my medication, I was told I couldn't get it until the 19th. When we got home, I called Blue Shield, they called Wal-Mart, and it was straightened out.

Suzanne texted me a picture of what's surely my invitation to my niece's wedding in Jacksonville and I called to tell her I had reconnected with the post office "you've got mail" service, so she didn't have to do that.

After dinner, pursued our various pursuit until I was called to the deck at dusk to witness elk in the back who had again come to visit. The bulls (they aren't called bucks) run about 900 pounds, I was told, and boy, I can believe it; their lady pals are pretty un-svelte, too.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

At G. and G.'s

 While my host and hostess were out playing pickleball, I walked to the P.O. and Dollar General, totaling about two miles. I had intended to get a gift bag for the wine to take to Gloria's, but they didn't have any. I did get stamps to replace those I had used. 

After lunch, host opened his birthday presents, which included lava rocks for the firepit on the deck. There had been glass disks in it and I think the lava rocks are more in keeping.

Hostess then went on a three and a half mile walk. I declined, as that's a bit too much for me all at one time. In the meantime, I sat on the deck and read. We prepared for our excursion to G. and G.'s, good friends of my host and hostess, only a short ride away, leaving at 4:30.

I had met husband G. in Mesa, AZ, last year and, of course, have seen wife G. at pickleball games a number of times here, as well. I'm not particularly drawn to modern décor, but their very attractive home is so subtly well done, it's just lovely. We sat at the deck for appetizers, wine, and beer, and chatted for some time. I was charmed to hear that wife G. was born in Cornwall, in the U.K., because her mother was a "war bride" and her father an American G.I. 

At one point, my hostess and wife G. went in the kitchen to rehearse the funny song they plan to sing at the upcoming "Dinking Divas" Pickleball Party, and it was hysterical. We then sat down to a yummy chicken Lombardy and mashed potato dinner. We then had the birthday cake my hostess had brought and sang the song to my host. We didn't leave until after 8:00 after a so-enjoyable dinner party.

Even though it was later than usual for our daily fix of Better Call Saul, we watched two more episodes and I didn't get to bed until--gasp!--ten-thirty. Slept soundly, as I have been doing while I've been here, I'm glad to say.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Hiking The Beautiful Country

Plenty more good walking yesterday. We took my note to Fred to the P.O. (2 miles) in the morning, then after lunch, drove to Grindstone Lake, where there are some good trails. We went about three there, all around the shining lake, then went to Wingfield Park for a little jaunt of about a mile. 

My hostess went to play pickleball while I was on the phone with Blue Shield for about an hour. I hadn't brought enough of my medication--Ramipril and Atorvastatin--so had to jump through hoops to have a "vacation override" approved. I was told this was a "once in a lifetime" approval. Oh, good grief, this bureaucrat crap is odious.

That settled, I took off for the court at White Mountain and was able to watch my hostess and five others play. It was great fun and this is a great group. Didn't get home until after 6:00 and we then enjoyed the yummy vegetable chicken soup made  by my hostess.

I called Suzanne just to ask if there's anything new at So-Fi. There isn't, but we had a nice chat. Texted Tony, the landscaper, to remind him I haven't yet received a bill for the bush-trimming at the house in Sunrise Bay. He called and said he had almost forgotten about it (I responded, "damn, I shouldn't have reminded you") and asked for my address here. I'll send a check today. Betty called and we talked briefly; she was her usual fuzzy-minded self, so was a little hard to follow. 

I'm not sure when I'll be going back to Ventura, but I don't have the slightest concern about it. We go to Gloria's for dinner tonight and on Friday, have plans for Las Cruses. In the meantime, we'll surely continue our hikes in this gloriously beautiful country.

Monday, October 12, 2020


Sunday was a good, active day. While my hosts went off to play pickleball, I walked to Dollar General to get a sympathy card for Fred. Now my mother had always told me it was tacky to send a card--a personal note was the proper way to express condolences.  I absolutely agree and invariably, over the years, sent notes exclusively. However, I couldn't find any note paper, so went through the cards, trying to choose the least shmaltzy one. I wrote a long note to Fred on that, which I'll mail today. Back and forth to the store totaled two miles.

Lunch, then my hostess and I went to Cedar Glen Park to walk the 1.3 fitness trail there. After that, we drove to Alto Lake, a lovely area indeed, and hiked the somewhat difficult (for me), but not impossible,  2.5 mile trail.  During the hike, she insisted I try the hiking pole she had brought. I had never used one before, but now I'm committed to it. The rocky trail, steep in some parts, was so much easier (and safer) to navigate than it had been before. In only a few stretches did I have to hold her arm in addition to the pole. Can't wait to get one of my own.

There were lots of people fishing and hiking at the lake. We met one young man carrying about six beautiful trout he had caught. I was told the lake, which is man-made (you see that all over in the west), is stocked with various kinds of fish. 

We stopped at the supermarket after and I replenished my beer supply. This time I chose Sierra Bianca pilsner, just on the basis of the name. Sierra Bianca ("White Mountain") is a majestic peak that soars over this picturesque little town.   

Home and we had a delicious, homemade quiche for dinner--oh, mama, so good. The "crust" was made of rice and the traditional filling of eggs, spinach, and cheese was just sublime. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

A Death And A Dinner

My phone rang at 8:00 am, just after breakfast. As soon as I saw who was calling--Fred Doerr--I knew. Yes, my dear friend, Marge, had died. She had been ailing, to use the old fashioned term, for a long time, with cancer and other problems. I had been in touch with her, but the last time was several months ago and she had clearly has suffered some cognizant loss, also. When I asked Fred where she would be buried, he said "in my living room." He meant she would be cremated--there will be no service or visitation--and he would keep her urn. "I'll talk to her every day," he added.

Marge was my neighbor in Sunrise Bay, Little Egg Harbor. She was almost exactly ten years older than I am; she would have been 93 in December. She was the founder of the Sunrise Bay Drama Club. Because of her, I had the nerve to not only to perform in a variety of roles for the Club, but to audition for other companies and, finally, to teach acting. She was a good friend and, although I haven't seen her since we were back in Jersey for Thanksgiving in 2018, I'll miss her terribly.

As for the day: We drove to a large national park in Altogora (?), about fifty miles away, and walked the trail, then along a road. We had packed our lunches, so ate under a nicely-designed picnic area, with shade. We got back about 3:30 and prepared for dinner at the country club.

This was so neat. A large, very substantial tent is over the patio and it overlooks the lake and the far mountains and woods--so beautiful. Also, there was a wedding being performed outdoors to one side, with reception after, and we enjoyed seeing the festivities. I had a delicious halibut and the others equally good red trout and steak. Home to our regular viewing of Better Call Saul. My hosts rarely watch television otherwise, nor do I, so it seems natural not to have that very prominent in our lives.  

Betty called and we talked for a bit. It's hard to follow her sometimes; her current annoyance is with one of her companions, but I had some difficulty figuring out which one. 


Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Elk And Dr. S.

 I spent Friday morning with the elks! I was on the back deck when I saw two strolling and munching grass outside the fence. A few more showed up, then more, and by the time they all gathering, there were at least twenty of them. Boy, are they big. Here I am at the back gate, with just a few of them:

I took a lot of pictures myself, but still, I can't seem to transfer them from my camera. I'll keep trying.

After lunch, she played and I watched--pickleball, that is. After an hour or so at the courts, I walked the path to the P.O., across Mecham Street, then headed for Albertson's. However, I deviated as I was passing "Forest Lawn," the cemetery. I love to explore graveyards and this, though very new compared to many (I didn't see any death dates before the fifties), was interesting. Again, I took plenty of pics, but can't transfer; will keep trying. 

When she got back, we went out for a few items, then had dinner on the deck. Breakfast is inside, lunch and dinner out, which is a fine arrangement, I think.  In Jersey, you'd probably have to contend with flies and yellow jackets, but here, you see only the hummingbirds while you eat and they care only for the nectar in the feeders provided by my host.

Just after we ate, Dr. S., the oral surgeon, called, and my hostess and I cleared up a lot of questions and apprehensions about the procedure. I feel ever so much better after talking to him and after deciding to pick up the Blue Shield dental insurance. It won't cover all--far from it--but will at least make a dent in it.   

This evening, we're having dinner at the country club--yay!

Friday, October 09, 2020


About 8:00 am, we set off for the P.O., where I dropped off my mail; then at my companion's direction, we walked to the National Park forest and did the 1.3 mile fitness trail. It was so enjoyable to walk under the towering trees (mostly pine and cedar) and the dirt trail was fairly easy. We then walked a different route home. I think, all told, we went between four and five miles.

Had lunch, then took off for our beautification appointments: My hostess had a hair appointment and I got a manicure. After that, it was the supermarket, then home for dinner on the deck.

I was finally able to get some of my hostess's pictures transferred and here are some of our trip. The first two are, of course, of the G.C., the third, just read the sign, and the fourth is at the Petrified Forest. I have no idea way, but this is the only one of that group I can get to post here. Also, I still can't seem to transfer my own pictures from my phone to my pictures. 

Thursday, October 08, 2020


I walked to the post office and got my mail to grand- and great-grandkids in Jersey and Asia stamped. I had forgotten to bring my address book to NM, but filled in the addresses later, getting them from my hostess. I took the walking path next to the golf course, which is nicely tree-shaded and pleasant. From there, I went via the street to Dollar General to pick up a few little things.

Lunch, then I spent the better part of an hour on the phone with Medicare and Blue Shield about enrolling in a Dental Plan. I went around and around about what's covered and what's not and I don't want to elaborate further on that.

Accompanied my host and hostess to a country club in the next town. They have property and will be playing pickleball there. When I got back, I resumed my calls to Blue Shield. We were also preparing for a call from the oral surgeon, but he didn't call. We'll just have to deal with that today.

Dinner again on the deck and later, we sat out there with the fire. If this isn't Paradise, it's a close second.

Note: I'm probably just going to write some sketchy entries most of the time. We're really busy, usually on the go, and I just don't have the time--and, I guess, the inclination--to write much. My photos are still refusing to be transferred, which is a disappointment, but I'll keep trying. 

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Ruidoso, NM

We got into Ruidoso at 11:00, partially unpacked, had lunch on the deck, and various back-home-after-a-month chores were performed by my hosts. As for me, I was treated to the wonderful guest suite, so clean, neat, and perfectly arranged it was a pleasure to be there. 

Put in a much needed load of clothes to wash and while they were drying, we went out for provisions. Back, again, I folded and put away the clothes. Incredibly, my room has a lovely, antique chest of drawers, hangers n the closet, and other amenities, so I don't have to live out of the suitcase. 

I accompanied my hostess to a pickleball session with three of her friends, one of whom, Gloria, I had met in Arizona last year. She promptly invited us to dinner next week, which should be much fun. I enjoyed seeing "the girls" playing this terrific, energetic game; if I were ten years younger, I'd take it up myself.    

Home at 7:00, had a bite, showered and washed my hair, then we watched another Better Call Saul--with popcorn. I turned in and slept like a log. What a pleasure to be here!

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Sorroco, New Mexico

Monday was an on-the-road day. We went about 300 miles and here we are in New Mexico. Slept late; more later.

Monday, October 05, 2020

The Petrified Forest And The Painted Desert

 Up and atta 'em about 9:30 and drove 20 miles to the P.F. and P. D. I had had the idea that the "forest" consisted of--oh, I don't know, dead trees still standing that you just wandered among. 

Well, it's no such thing. It's a vast--everything is vast in the west--area with logs that, through geological forces, have been essentially turned to stone. In many of the logs, that resulted in beautiful crystal- or marble-like changes that we greatly enjoyed seeing:

(Here, I tried to include one or two pictures of what I described above and it just ain't happening for some reason. Will fill in later, if possible.)

This is a huge park, covering an incredible 50,000 acres. We trekked out a mile or two for some of the more interesting groups of logs and took advantage of a number of overlooks and viewing points. 

I liked seeing the petrified wood, but found even more interesting the configuration of the landscape: 

We stayed there for most of the day, then headed back to the RV, and dinner, and settled in. Today, we start off for New Mexico, home for two-thirds of us.

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Meteor Crater

Yesterday, we left Williams to drive the 70 or so miles to Winslow, AR. Got to the RV park, ten miles from the crater, which is way out in the middle of one of the vast "deserts"* that cover hundreds of miles in the west. Settled in, then drove to the crater below. 

The crater covers a mile of surface, but that was so hard to realize when we were on the rim; it didn't seem that wide. There are a lot of surrounding buildings featuring all kinds of somewhat disneyfied  displays, panoramas, animated programs, and so on. Outside, there are a series of walkways on different levels, so visitors can view the crater from different angles.
In truth, I was more interested in the story of the Barringer family, who actually own the crater. The patriarch, Daniel Barringer, was the first person to prove the existence of an impact crater on earth and it belongs to his descendants.
After we went back to the RV for lunch, we walked to the early Hopi Indian remains, a mile away through the brush. Boy, was it hot and we found only some scattered adobe bricks, but may go back by car today. 
Dinner, with Chardonnay, then we settled in for two more immensely enjoyable episodes of Better Call Saul. 
*Being an ignorant easterner, I can't get my mind around the fact that a desert is anything but vast tracts of sand. Here, of course, the deserts are filled with low plants of many varieties. I guess it's a desert because it so seldom rains.  

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Grand Canyon, Day Three

Last day at the Canyon and it was a beauty. We spent most of the day walking trails, over-looking, and taking pictures.  I still can't get mine out of my camera--long story,, but here's one from my hostess:

Unfortunately, it's one of her few mundane ones. There are dozens or hundreds of others by all three of us that are much more notable. They just won't seem to transfer, but I hope to be able to post them before too long.

We hiked the rim toward Angel Bright Overlook and several others, including the mule ride trail which I went only part way down--it was much too scary for me. Ate our packed lunch, then took the very convenient buses to various gorgeous viewpoints and structures. I guess our walking totaled about five miles in all yesterday. 

Got back to Williams about 6:00, then went out to dinner at The Brewery (patio area). This was such fun. I had a bratwurst with sauerkraut and sides, plus a wonderful IPA pale ale (well, I'm half German, after all) and we had a ball talking and laughing. It was outside, of course, and got a little cool, but gas fire containers (I know that's awkward, but indulge me), designed to look like barrels, were set up and were adequate.

 After, we went back to the little home on wheels, got comfortable, and watched two more episodes of Better Call Saul. It was a wonderful day in a series of wonderful days. 


Friday, October 02, 2020

Grand Canyon Two

We went after breakfast to Safeway, a sister store to Von's, to replenish supplies, packed a lunch, then took off the The Other Worldly Place.

Incidentally, we're on the South Rim and, while we were driving the fifty miles to the Canyon, I casually asked how far it was if we wanted to go to the North Rim. I thought I heard "ten miles," so why not go there, too? However, I was corrected--it's two hundred and ten miles. Guess that should be saved for another trip.  

We started the Bright Angel trail, which is so very picturesque and features such spectacular views and gets so very, very terrifying after a half-mile or so, that I asked to go back. Of course, we did, my hosts are always sensitive to scaredy-cat me. I learned that they had walked that trail ten years ago when they were here before. You can look down and see the switchbacks that are just narrow tracks with no barriers of any kind, so it would be easy to just stumble a bit, then...

We ate lunch, then separated, the two of us hiking the Rim and visiting various buildings here and there, including gift shops and historic lodges. We reunited, hiked some more, then went home for dinner.

Incidentally, there's still a problem with getting my gazillion pictures to load, but here's one son Mike put on Facebook yesterday. The year? 1987.


Thursday, October 01, 2020

Grand Canyon, First Day

We got into the Williams, Arizona (settled, 1881) and the Grand Canyon RV Park and Railway about noon, earlier than expected. The plan had been to first go to the canyon this morning, but we went yesterday, instead. 

I pity the person who has to describe the Grand Canyon. You can look at pictures, film, stills, and video; you can study all the statistics: the area it covers, its depth, its flora and fauna, the variation in strata; you can read volumes about it, but you can never NEVER imagine its magnitude and magnificence until you see it. I saw it yesterday and felt I should drop to my knees.

We went to the South Rim and yes, I have plenty of pictures, but am still having problems getting them off my camera, so they'll have to wait. We had packed dinner, ate it at one of the picnic tables, then explored along more of that area. There were lots of people there, but it didn't seems unpleasantly crowded. (You could probably fit the population of the earth into it with elbow room left over.)

We stayed to witness the sunset at one of the observation point, then, a special treat, the full moon rising. Now, this was something to see. We stopped in the gift shop and I got some postcards, then left about 7:00, when it was already dark.

Today, we go back to that unworldly place. 

 Note: Aha, I was told we didn't drive 200 miles, but more like 300 miles on Tuesday.  To be precise, it was 292. No so much yesterday, I think about 100.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...