Sunday, April 05, 2020

Family and A Fire Pit

I called my nephew, Wes, Betty's son, who's an attorney in Chicago, to talk about this "utility charge," which I say is a rent increase. The upshot was that, if they raise the rent within 12 months, I might have a leg to stand on, if I argue the current charge is actually an increase.Up and out after that--to Von's for grapes.
Later in the morning, when I set out for the footpath bridge over the 101, I met up with Suzanne just walking in the complex. We talked for about fifteen, catching up on each other's recent lives. I then walked the path, but just to Kimball, not all the way around it, so put in about two and a half miles.
Lunched, then Ellen called to say she had left something on my patio. I looked and found a gift MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD:  Cottonelle toilet paper!  Wow, that was exciting. El and I talked--she was on her way to Green Thumb for a cilantro plant--and we'll Zoom today, along with somebody else.
Because Carolyn had come up with the great idea of making some word games for Betty, I decided to do the same and started a little "Byrne's Beach" quiz. As for the 1985 "BB" paper, I had sent it to my three brothers, also, and my brother, Jim, 94, called to thank me. My pal, Pat R., gave me permission to put her funny "magician in the old people's home" joke on Facebook and my FB friends enjoyed it. 
Here's the new fire pit area, with two outdoor stoves, just installed in the middle of our complex. Actually, they look pretty good and, once they're operational, I'd like to sit out there some evenings.
In the evening, I was pleased to get a video call via Facebook messaging from Mike and the girls. Vivian was about to go to the mall, Violet was "with" her friend electronically, and Mike was his usual nutsy self. Starting on Tuesday, Singapore is instituting the "shelter in place" thing and they'll all be more or less confined, I guess. 
Boy, is this confinement stuff getting old.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...