Monday, April 13, 2020


Well, it sure wasn't like the Easters of old. After inhaling my first cup of the nectar of the gods (coffee, of course) while I finished off this blog, I stripped the bed, added whites, and put all in the washer, so it would be done by the time I had finished breakfast. . . but why? It's not as if I had anything pressing to do. However, the bed was made and the load washed, dried, folded and put away by 9:30.
I fooled around on the laptop for awhile, then took my trusty little cart and walked down Victoria to the market. I got a new supply of fresh veggies and a few other things I needed--wanted is more like it, I guess.
Lunched, then spent yet more time on Facebook and the Jib Jab funnies I made for all four kids, my grandson and his family, and my niece. They all thought it was hysterical. Trimmed and chopped four big onions for the freezer. Today, I want to put my carrots in the slow cooker, and prepare the spaghetti and butternut squashes.
Finished with all this domesticity, I headed out for the footpath and walked to the park. Just went there and back, so I figure I put about five miles in, what with the morning and afternoon walks, a good daily goal, in fact. I don't count just incidental walking around the apartment or over to Von's, just actual walks.
I got a welcome "Happy Easter" call from New Mexico and another from Ellen. Both enjoyed their funny Jib Jab cards. Grandson Joel texted me and I had been in touch with Patrick and Mike on Saturday. Betty called at 7:00, unusually late for her and we talked a bit--rather, she talked and I listened. Her confusion and memory problems are getting worse--not by the week, but by the day, I think. Having just finished John Bayly's Iris And Her Friends, I know it will progress even further. The book is a not exactly a sequel, more a followup to Elegy For Iris, Bayly's first book about his wife. Iris Murdock. She was Iris Murdock, the novelist, and I read Elergy, about her descent into Alzheimer's years ago, never dreaming it would have any relevance to me.

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