Saturday, November 30, 2019


In contrast to Friday, it was a somewhat slow, draggy, and irritating Saturday. It raining lightly in the morning, then stopped, then started up again. After breakfast, I prepared the little ornaments I had gotten for my sweet boy in Japan. Now that was frustrating because of the damn price and other info stickers on them. It took me twenty minutes to get them off by scraping with my fingernail, using a pair of scissors and finally wetting a washcloth and rubbing. I didn't want to use fingernail polish remover because the idea is for him to paint them and I didn't want to mar the finish. Here they are, with the results of my labors (they look like metal or plastic, but are light wood):
I tried something on this blog: I had written out a long complaint about the letter from management, but it occurred to me it's really boring, so I copied and made it a comment. I had to "publish," then "revert to draft," and I guess I won't know until I actually final-publish it if it works. Anyway, if anyone cares, it can be read below.
Finally got the ornaments prepared and packaged and walked to the P.O. to mail them. In addition, I mailed son Mike's second birthday card with a gift card enclosed. At that time, it wasn't raining, but boy, it was chilly. I just checked and it was 51 to 54 degrees yesterday!
Fooled around on the laptop, did some domestic chores, then had lunch. Ellen called just to say hello and we had a nice mother-daughter chat. After, I thought I'd get a bus to town, but by the time I got to the stop, it was raining again. Although I was bundled up with a lined raincoat, scarf, and gloves, it was just too cold and miserable and after waiting a few minutes (my "wheresmybus" app said it would be along in 9 minutes), I gave up and went home.
Other than that, nothing went on.
P.S. Yay, the comment stayed on.

Fun Day

I had a fun day with my girl!

 El came over about 12:30 and we went to the Luna Grille for lunch. It's relatively new and neither of us had been there before. It's one of those all-fresh, all-unprocessed places that I favor. I had a "beet bowl,' a kind of salad  made with beets, marinated mango, feta cheese, almonds, and a few other things, plus flat bread on the side. Also had a blood orange IPA,  new to me and very tasty.
We went from there to Michael's, which was busy, but not unbearably crowded. El got some craft materials for her third-graders (she had several coupons, plus a teacher discount) and I got a light-up wooden display thing I needed like a hole in the head. Saw some cute balsam wood ornaments for my little grandson that he can paint, then hang on the tree, so had to get two. After that, we went to the 99-cent store, where I stocked up on tissues, napkins, and rice cakes. El then took me home and we said goodbye.
Went over to Von's for lettuce and ran into Chuck, another resident, who said a notice had been hand- delivered to him to the effect that some charges will be added, such as a "water unit" fee and liability insurance. I'll assume I'll get one soon.
I stopped into Suzanne's to tell her this and also to discuss the article on capitalism she had given me. We had a good talk, but didn't resolve anything, of course. I called Gail to thank her for the John Lahr piece on stage fright and she insisted I keep the essay book. Also called Betty, who's still at Steve's in L.A., and talked to her and Robyn. 
Had for dinner what I couldn't finish at Harry's (the rest of the spaghetti and meatballs), watched D.A., and slept soundly all night.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Actual Thanksgiving 2019

Spent the morning doing little but reading and talking on the phone. Called my daughter in Tucson, my brother, Jim, in Virginia, and my brother, Frank, in Alameda to wish all a happy Thanksgiving. Called Larry, too, but got his message thingy. Ellen called to let me know they'd pick me up about 3:00 and we'd repair to Santa Barbara.
What was I reading? Several items people gave me or recommended:
--Suzanne gave me an article from Time on the  new anti-capitalism movement (but is there one? who says so? how widespread is it? How likely is it to turn around our dismal record on economic equality? And so on).  I read it and will discuss with her. I'll bring up the significance of its source, which I doubt if she considered.
--Gail gave me a book of essays with the "stage fright" one by John Lahr. I read most  of it and will finish tomorrow. Very enjoyable. (BTW, I looked the author up; he's 78 and lives in L.A.)
--Jim said Nausea, by Jean-Paul Sartre, was his favorite book of fiction. I got it from the library, but haven't started it yet.
Showered, washed my hair, and waited around to be picked up. The rain stopped and it became a clear, lovely day. Ellen and Greg came at 3:00, bringing me a bunch of bright and beautiful sunflowers. They came in for a bit, then we left for Santa Barbara. Except for a jam here and there, the traffic was surprisingly light and we got to Roz's about 4:30.
I'm always amazed at Roz. She's 88, but slender, dark-haired (well, yes, and so do I, but hers looks natural), and her face is considerably less wrinkled than mine. (One of these days, I'll ask if she's had work.)  Her grandson, Anthony, a philosophy major at UCSB, was there, also. We had a glass of wine and chatted for a bit, then drove the short distance to Harry's.
It was, of course, bustling, but we were seated right away and served within a few minutes. I debated whether to have the turkey, but decided I'd splurge with spaghetti and meatballs. I don't eat pasta at home and this was a treat. I couldn't eat it all, though, and took a box home.
We had an enjoyable time and were there for about two hours. We then went back to Roz'es, talked for a bit, after which Ellen, Greg, Anthony, and I (Roz was tired and put her nightclothes on, but stayed up to say goodbye) played gin rummy at the dining room table. For some reason, I enjoyed this the most of the evening. 
We didn't get home until after 11:00--two house past my usual bedtime--and I skipped Downton Abbey, went to bed, and slept well.  Ellen invited me to go to Michael's today to get craft materials for her third-graders to make Christmas gifts for their parents. I'm looking forward to that, of course.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

The rain stopped before 10 am and the sky turned beautifully blue with puffy white here and there.
Thinking Ellen and Roz might be over, I put some wine in the fridge, prepared a few snacks, and hard-boiled some eggs, in case they stayed for lunch
Walked over to Von's for cottage cheese and ran into Suzanne there. While we were chatting, Ellen called to say she was taking Roz back to Santa Barbara, so they wouldn't be over after all. I was disappointed, but will see them today, of course.
Walked the back way to the library; returned two books, and read for a while. Got home and was preparing lunch when Javier rang. He came to spray the ceiling and re-attach the register. He and a young new guy came later on to finish up the job. New guy's name is Troy and he seems very nice--personable and well-spoken and he actually lives here, too.
After lunch, I took the bus to the mall, thinking I'd get a blouse for today. Went to Macy's and found nothing but junk, plus ignorant cashiers. Looked in Target, but found nothing. Finally bought a purple blouse at Penney's that looks nice and festive.
Didn't get home until almost 5:00 and Suzanne came over. I had left the article about the sale of  the apartment complex (for $72 million) for her and she brought it back. She also brought me an article from Time called "How The Elites Lost Their Grip"; she said she'd like my take on it. I'll let her know after I read it, but I'm not sure it'll be what she expects. We sat and talked for about 45 minutes, mostly about Betty. Suzanne said she knows a number of sisters with dementia--probably not hard to understand, considering the rapid aging of those in that profession.
It's actually raining again, now. How irritating that there isn't a drop for months and months and now, on Thanksgiving when so many are traveling, it is. Damn and double damn!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gail, Terri, Betty, Ellen, Greg, Roz, Anthony, And Rain

I met Gail out front at 9:00 and we went via the side gate over the freeway foot path. I walk pretty briskly, but she's a lot faster (she's a mere kid at 69); however, I  I managed to keep up. We walked up to Telephone, then looped around and back over the freeway bridge, probably a total two and a half miles.. She stopped into my place and we had a good visit. I showed her the many pictures of relatives--both past and present--I have displayed and explained who they are. We then sat and talked about various topics.
Gail, who lives in the same house as her ex-husband for financial reasons, is a rather mild, self-effacing person, who tends to avoid confrontation. However, I like her and was pleased when she suggested we see a movie together. We both want to see Knives Out--Nancy wants to see it, too--so we'll keep in touch.
Walked over to Von's for lettuce (they took the Romaine off the shelf, so I got green leaf) and some frozen veggies. As I was making my big salad for lunch, Terri called, asking if I wanted to go shopping. Well, sure, and I met her across the way at CVS, then we went to Wal-Mart. I was glad to get some heavy things--olive oil and apple wine vinegar--plus grapes and a head of iceberg for today. Of course, I could have gotten them at Von's, but Von's prices are considerably higher.
Terri dropped me at the entrance, where Gabe saw me and said he had sprayed the first coat on the ceiling. When it dries, he'll do the second. Got my mail and was amazed to see my S.S. card had come already. Great--now I'll go back to the D.M.V. for the third time and let's hope that's a charm.
Betty called twice with the same complaints about a non-existent problem. I'm know this will get worse and I'm sick at heart about it. All I can do is listen.
Ellen called after dinner to tell me Greg had gone to Santa Barbara and gotten his mother, Roz, bringing her back to El's. There's another fire in the hills over SB and the air quality is poor.  Roz has COPD, so they don't want her to risk staying there.  That means we may have Thanksgiving in Ojai or--if they decide to go back to SB--at Harry's, as had been planned. I don't care which, of course, I'll just go wit the flow.
El asked if she could bring Roz over today and yes, sure, I'd like that. She does have Hershel with her--they couldn't very well leave him behind--and my apartment complex isn't supposed to allow animals, even to visit. However, I said, don't worry, I'll bring you in the side gate, you can park in my spot, and we'll just spirit Hershel in.
Another complication is that Anthony, who is Greg's nephew and Roz'es grandson, goes to UCSB and was to have been with us tomorrow. If we don't go to Harry's, I don't know how that's going to work out, but I guess the world will continue turning.
Big news: IT'S RAINING!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Betty, Trump, and The Numbskulls

Monday seems to be wash day for me. I again stripped my bed, re-made it, then did a bleach wash. Everything was finished and put away by 10:00.
It occurred to me that Betty might need some cheering up after her fall, so I called to see if she wanted me to come up today. No answer, so I texted her. Called several more times through the day and the message machine always picked up.
I worked on my play after lunch. I've decided to re-write it and added two more characters, which I think will work better. I'll keep much of the dialogue,* but will revise extensively.
Later, I walked down Victoria to Telephone, got the bus there and went to Office Max for magenta. I decided to go to Target from there--not the one at the mall I usually frequent--and walked over. At the drive, I saw this:
I talked to this man and this is a quick approximation rundown of our exchange:
Me: "May I take your picture?"
Him: "Sure."
Me (after): "Thank you."
Him: "You're welcome.I'm a vet, you know."
Me: "Yes, but I'm a pacifist. That means I don't like the military."
Him: "I was in Vietnam. Twenty-five thousand were killed."
Me: "Many more than that. You're counting only Americans."
Him: "Lots of Vietnamese killed, too."
Me: "Yes, and what was it all for?"
Him: "For nothing. It was a  bad thing. But I had to go; they made me."
Me: "I know you did, you were drafted.  You're a decent person, but you couldn't refuse."
I then gave him a few dollars, we said goodbye, and I left. I don't consider him my inferior in any way, even if I don't agree with his beliefs.
Went from there on yet another bus to the other Target. As I got off, I heard someone call "bus, bus," asking me to tell the driver to wait. I did so, then saw it was Diane. She was pushing her walker, which has a big "Go, Bernie!" sign on it. I held the bus for her and we wished each other Happy Thanksgiving. Maybe sooner or later, we'll become friends again. Hope so.
Got my blueberries, as well as some little gifts for my granddaughters. Home and called Betty yet again with no answer. Called Carolyn and Betty's okay, but probably had the phone off. Carolyn said there was a fire up in the hills, so I said I'd skip SB today and go next week.
Earlier, Gail had called to suggest we meet this morning for a walk. Great idea--I called her back and we made a date for her to come here at 9:00, then we'll walk the back way.
Betty again didn't answer, so I called Carolyn, who said Betty probably had just turned her phone off and forgotten to turn it back. That's what had happened and shortly after, Betty called. This time, she was frantic about losing her IPad. Maybe it's at the Friendship Center where Carolyn took her yesterday or, who knows, maybe it's in the freezer. This kind of thing happens so frequently, it's alarming.
* AAGH! After the brain dead at Spellcheck told me "dialogue" was in error. I tried to call them "numbskulls" here and they wanted it changed to "numskulls"! Un-friggin'-believable!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bopping Around And Betty

Slept well, getting up at 6:30. Did the usual Sunday stuff, even finishing the Newsweek crossword puzzle. I took off for Wal-Mart after breakfast. It was a beautiful day and I walked there. Found the red tights I wanted to go with the Christmas blouse I bought the other day. Went from there to the 99-Cent store to get two packages of rice cakes and three pounds of tomatoes. I had intended to take the bus home, but my app told me it wouldn't come for 18 minutes. I didn't feel like waiting, so I walked the mile and a half home.
Three pounds of tomatoes doesn't  sound like much, but by the time I got home, it was pretty burdensome and I was glad to unload it. I had a hankering for cauliflower, so walked over to Von's for one.
Had lunch, then did my food prep: cut up the tomatoes and roasted them with chopped onions I had in the freezer, plus seasoning. Divided the cauliflower for microwaving a portion for dinner and stored the rest in the freezer. 
I usually bus into town in the afternoon, but I just didn't feel like it. Instead, I called Nancy to tell her the sad news about Sebastian. She had to have her Chloe put to sleep (I hate the saying "put down") last year and she was very sympathetic. We had a good talk and honed in on three upcoming movies we'd like to see. After that, I just fooled around on the laptop. Got an email from Lynne, of  Dudley House, asking  docents to volunteer to be greeters at the Holiday Boutique and I signed up for 10 to 12 on December 16.
After dinner, Betty called and I was alarmed to hear she had fallen. She had gone to mass, then crossed the street to get the bus and said there was some kind of metal object she tripped over. She hit her face over her eye and the upshot was, she was taken by ambulance to the hospital and got eight stitches. They took x-rays and there doesn't seem to be any permanent damage, but she's staying overnight at Carolyn's just in case. I'll call her later to see how she is.

Cleaning And A Cat

Well, I worked my fingers to the bone with housework yesterday! I took up the scatter rugs, dusted and scrubbed the hard floors with the Bona system, then washed everything, plus bathtub anti-slip pad. I even used the Shark here and there and it works fine. Also cleaned the bathroom and dusted various tables and other flat surfaces. Actually, I was finished by noon. It's so much easier to clean an apartment then a house, for which I'm grateful.
I called someone I love to wish her happy birthday and we had a good talk.
Did some food prep, as I do several times a week: Used the mandolin to thin-slice zucchini, added shredded onions and seasonings and put it in the slow cooker for a few hours. Turned out great, as I knew it would.
Had lunch, then took off for town. I had had my eye on a plaid coat I wanted to try it on, but darn, it was gone. I really don't need another coat, so the heck with it.  Stopped at See's Candies at the mall to find out if they send to other countries, but I have to call to find out and was given a catalog. My son, Mike, sent out an email saying what he wants for Christmas and See's was one of the things. I seem to remember that several years ago, I bought him a box and sent it to Singapore myself. Well, I'll look into it. When I got home, I stopped in to see Suzanne; she was going to her cousin's birthday party in Santa Barbara last evening.
Ellen called shortly after I got home with sad news: She had to put Sebastian down, I'm sorry to say. Her cat was 16 years old and she had gotten him from a Siamese rescue place in San Diego almost that long ago. He's been failing lately with a kidney ailment for which the vet said there was no treatment and recently, he had almost stopped eating. I't's so hard to lose a pet and she's gone through this twice before. I feel so sad for her.
El said she and Greg would pick me up on Thanksgiving and we'll go, as we have before, to Harry's in Santa Barbara after we get his mother. Fine by me and I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


The T.O.P.S. covered dish was, as always, an array of mostly high-calorie foods eaten at nine o'clock in the morning. Sharon brought a big casserole of bow-tie pasta with ham, peas, and other additions. I had some of that and liked it, as I don't ordinarily eat pasta. Carolyn brought turkey sandwiches on Hawaiian rolls; I took off the top part and ate the other half. Aside from that, Cheryl made cookies featured in the T.O.P.S. magazine and there were three different meatball dishes. Absolute insanity, but fun. I just wish if we're going to do this that it could be an afternoon event.
Anyhoo--I weighed in at 129.6, so lost two-tenths of a pound--and that was in two weeks--big whoops, as Betty used to say. However, since I'm not anxious to lose, but just don't want to gain, I'm fine with that.
Betty had called me at 7:30 and when I got home at 10:30 again. She's still very agitated about money with no reason and I'm afraid this paranoia is going to continue.
Walked the back way to drop off books at the library, plus deposit a check at BOA. I then hopped on a bus and rode to the mall/transit center, went to Target and got blueberries and tomatoes. Home and had my usual salad lunch.
After that I did something I haven't for ages: I ironed! Yes, I hauled out the iron and little ironing board El gave me, plus my can of sizing spray, and ironed two blouses. After vacuuming, ironing is my least favorite chores and I hope I won't do it again very soon.
Over to Von's for a few things, then I just hung around, doing this and that. Finally got around to unsubscribing to a lot of superfluous email messages. I had cooked lentils last week, froze some, and had them for dinner after adding stir-fried chopped onions. I've always liked that kind of peasant food and it's good for me, too.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Here And There

After breakfast, I walked down Victoria to Telephone, got a bus there to Market, and arrived at the D.M.V. by 11:00. Unfortunately, not all the crapola required to get a "Real I.D." was in my envelope. It's too long and involved to go into, but I needed something "official" with my S.S. number on it, and I had overlooked that (I haven't had an S.S. card for years; have no idea what I did with it). I immediately took a bus to the Social Security office--luckily, it's not far--and waited for almost an hour for my number to be called. I then filled out a form and the S.S. guy gave me a receipt with the info that I could expect the card in the mail within two weeks. Okay.
I walked home the back way, enjoying the scenic view from the footbridge:
Walked over to Von's with my little cart and got paper products and other things.  I had completely forgotten the T.O.P.S. covered dish (today, at nine o'clock in the morning!) and considered just not bringing anything. However, at Von's I bought olives and pickles, and will bring them for appetizers.*
After lunch, I hopped on a bus to town and the library. Took the Capote bio back and picked up a new bio on JFK, Jr. I haven't started Nausea yet, except for the intro, but I'll put that on the back burner.
Called Betty and we had a long talk I don't want to describe. I asked her to cool it re a certain upset and I hope she will. Sadly, her disordered thinking seems to be shading into paranoia, especially about money.
* What gets me about this so-called weight loss group is the eternal emphasis on food. Not only do they have this anything-but-low-calorie meal, but we go out to eat at times, also. In addition, we don't meet next Friday. Why? Because it's the day after Thanksgiving. The stated reason is because a lot of people go away for the holiday. Well, yes, but a lot don't, and I'm willing to bet most of our members will be here. The real reason, I'm pretty sure, is the assumption that everybody will eat themselves under the table and won't want to get weighed. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Perking Up

I'm out of my slump and feeling much better. Walked to Wal-Mart, then the 99-Cent store, then the Hill Street library and it felt good. What else felt good is that Carolyn called and later, Betty, and things seem to have settled down--at least for now.
Rain was predicted (they carry that major news in the Ventura Star) and it did, indeed, rain. I counted sixteen drops on the bus window and while I was walking, one actually fell in my hand. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.
Anyway, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, I went to The Promenade before looping back to the library. The ocean was rolling in forcefully, but incredibly, there were a few surfers. Took some pictures of the scene and here's one:
From there, I walked back to the library and got Nausea, which Jim C. had mentioned. Started reading it on the bus home and find it interesting, especially as it seems to shed light on existentialism.
Roasted a nice rock Cornish hen, cooked some onions with it, and added spinach for a more substantial dinner than I've had lately.  I had taken a vegan cookbook out of the library and am considering going vegan, at least for a time. Called Ellen and we had a good long talk, Texted Carolyn and told her I'd call Betty tomorrow to be sure the correct crises is over.
It looks as if my insomnia is, too, I'm happy to record. I slept like a stone last night and just got up at 6:15. Good thing I looked at my calendar: I had forgotten that T.O.P.S. has its idiotic covered dish tomorrow and everybody's supposed to bring something. Maybe I'll go with deviled eggs sans yolks again.
Or maybe I'll just conveniently forget I was supposed to bring something.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Feeling Low

I've had better days.
Got the usual three buses and arrived at Betty's door in Santa Barbara at the usual 11:30. She told me she had been sent a new debit card, but she called and they said they didn't have the number. I knew there must have been some mix-up, so suggested we go right to her bank, which is right at her corner. We did and the person there activated the card or whatever. I'm pretty sure she had just given them the wrong number.
We went from there to lunch at Lure. Betty had shown me a check from an insurance company, which she was carrying around. She said Carolyn had deposited it, but I was sure she hadn't, because there it was. I told Betty she should deposit it, we went back to the bank and she did, but  I found out later that Carolyn had, indeed, deposited it from her phone; I had forgotten you could do that. Carolyn called the bank and explained what happened, then we walked back and got the check, which hadn't yet been posted, so no harm done.
Except that I felt terrible and still do. I had tried to help and, instead, had added to Carolyn's never-ending chores for her mother. I still feel bad about it. Called Ellen on the way home and felt a little better, but not by much.
I know I tend to dwell on my failings and maybe blow them out of proportion, but this got to me. Of course, it's also terribly demoralizing to see my sister's decline.
Didn't get home until dark and had a sketchy dinner. I had difficulty sleeping last night and tossed and turned for what seemed like hours, brooding over things, I guess. Today, I just want to lie low until I get out of this dark mood. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Oxnard And The Abbey

Stripped my bed and did two large loads of wash--bleach and dark--getting finished by 10:30. Called Nancy to say I was at the end of the first three seasons of D.A., and would she please bring the next ones to the widder dinner. She would, she said.
Went over to Von's for lettuce, (I varied the formula with green leaf), had lunch, then took off. I needed blueberries, so thought I'd go to the Target in Oxnard, then stop in to see Greg. To get there, you board the the 21 bus to the Esplanade, then switch to the 17, which takes you another mile and a half or so to The Collection. I had noticed on other trips that it might be walkable, so decided to try it. I did and it was.
Got four pounds  of blueberries, then went over and chatted with Greg. We discussed Thanksgiving and, as I told Ellen, I'm indifferent as to where or even what, as long as I'm with the two of them.
Left and got the first of two buses, then the other. Stopped to see Bianca, former manager, who now labors under the grandiose term of "community director" (it is to laugh). She had called and I was getting back to her. She told me the stuff for the ceiling wouldn't come in until Friday or Monday.  I complained a bit, but really, I don't much care.
Jumped in the shower, dressed, and left for the widder dinner. Bused to Telephone and walked the rest of the way. It was a good crowd, with the regulars and a few newbies. I had brought the first three D.A. discs and--happy day!--Nancy the next ones. Betty called before we were served to 1. ask if I was coming today (I am); and 2. tell me her debit card doesn't work. (I said we'd stop at her bank while I'm there.) Good talk and fellowship, then Hana, who is a hospice R.N., took me home.
I put on my p.j.s, got my blueberries, and was transported to the U.K.

Monday, November 18, 2019


I stayed up late watching the last season 3, disc 3  of Downton Abbey, then slept yesterday until 7:30. Got up for coffee, but didn't  have breakfast until after 9:00. Did my usual Sunday things, then chopped a cabbage and quartered apples to put in the slow cooker.  Ellen called to ask if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart. I did, we went,  and combined with my WinCo visit on Saturday, I'm all stocked up with provisions that can be stored.
We discussed Thanksgiving; not sure where we'll be, but as I told her, I don't care if we have sandwiches in the park, as long as I'm with you and Greg. And I will be.
I let El out the gate and had no sooner walked in the door when Stella called. She was going to her condo a few miles from her and asked if I wanted to go. Sure thing, and she picked me up.
Wow. When she said "condo," I pictured something like my nice-enough, but modest, apartment like mine. Hardly. It's a large, three bedroom, two bath, two car garage house, with three patios and a big fireplace in the living room. However, it definitely needs work.
Stella had lived here with her son seventeen years ago. When she married Arthur, he sold his place in Camarillo and they bought the house in Oakview.  They kept this and have had it rented, as I have mine in Jersey. However, the tenants who just moved out had two dogs and clearly, didn't keep the place up. Stella has a handy man who is doing a lot of work in the place, and when it's restored, it should bring a pretty penny in rent.
After Stella drove me home, she asked if I'd like to go to town to the "Wine Walk" they were having yesterday. I was sorely tempted, but declined with thanks. I already had my romaine and other salad fixings prepared for lunch and besides, I've been out so much lately, I just decided no.
Ate, then, incredibly, I spent almost the whole rest of the day watching myself in Steel Magnolias, which I did with LETCO nine years ago. I thought I'd cringe at my performance, but actually, I wasn't half bad. That took until about 6:30 and I get antsy if I don't get some walking in. I went out in the dark and walked over to Von's the longer way, then around the shopping center and back again.
I must call Nancy today and ask her to bring the next season of Downton Abbey to our widder dinner tonight.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

WinCo And Cece

Good grief, I've gone out for lunch this past week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. That last, yesterday, was with Cece after we met at the Hill Street Library.
At 9:00, though, I went with Suzanne to WinCo and laid in a good supply of heavier things. Of course, most of what I eat is fresh, so I have to get them more often, but I got coffee, fresh cabbage, apples, and Zucchini, along with some frozen things. While I was waiting for Suzanne to check out (this was her two-week shopping), I called Terri, Nancy, and Betty and chatted with each. We were home in plenty of time to put things away and then for me to walk the back way to the library.
It was a good session with Cece. We met as before at 11:30 and were there for about two hours while we went over what she was trying to do. I suggested various setups, plus enhancements to her portrayals. She has to do each of the characters' parts and I strongly suggested she limit them to no more than three. Also, she needs to project distinguishing tones, so the audience doesn't get confused. She had thought she'd break character at the very beginning and address the audience, explaining the premise of the piece (that Edith is picked to be a juror on a high-profile murder case). I argued against this; it will be much more effective to work that into the dialogue. Cece saw that immediately and agreed. Anyway, Cece takes this very seriously and is responsive to my ideas, so I enjoyed our meeting, too.
We naturally decided to go out for lunch and Cece said she'd like to go to a vegan place in midtown. Sure thing, and we drove there.
Unfortunately, it was closed for good. We tried the Japanese place across the street and found that didn't open until 5:00. As we walked toward another place, we passed Pete's Breakfast House and I heard a voice say, "Rosemary, what are you doing here?"  It was Lynne, director of docents at Dudley House (I  love to write that), on the restaurant patio with her brother and sister and their two large labs. We stopped to say hello and decided to eat there, too.
This isn't a lunch place, although it was open then, so there were no salads. I just got a grilled cheese sandwich and water (they don't serve booze), but it was good. We had a good time and after, I told her I'd go uptown, as I usually do. She offered to drive, but I said that wasn't necessary, and took the bus.
Did my usual Main Street circuit, then stopped at the library, read for a bit, and took out a book. Waiting at the bus stop, I consulted my "Where's My Bus" app and found there wouldn't be one coming for twenty minutes. Instead, I walked to Thompson and got the 16. By the time I arrived  home at 5:00 or so, it had gotten pretty chilly--I checked and it was 66 F, yet it had been downright hot in the afternoon; up to 83.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Ceiling And Arizona

The ceiling still needed work, which gave me the perfect opportunity to skip T.O.P.S.  (I think I deserve a medal for sitting through most the of ever-so-boring meetings, so I didn't feel guilty at all.) I called Cheryl at 8:00 to explain about the ceiling and beg off because I needed to be here when the guys came back to finish. (Well, that was semi-true.)
BUT--the joke was on me. Gabe and Javier did fix my kitchen light (dead bugs under the glass) and Gabe patched up the ceiling hole, but he then came back and showed me that the spray ceiling stuff can was empty. He doesn't work on the weekend, of course, but I really don't care. There's no longer a hole and nothing was damaged, so I'm cool with it.
While they were still here, Suzanne stopped in to view the ceiling. She had twice had a leak over her apartment and actual water came down and ruined her carpet. We chatted a bit and she asked if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning. Sure thing, and we'll go at 9:00. That should give me time to shop, get home and put things away, then walk to the Hill Street library to meet Cece at 11:30.
Before lunch, I walked to Telephone Road; on the way, I found a kind of double-headed machete right next to the sidewalk. The cops were having some kind of memorial ceremony on the county park-like grounds, so I gave it to one of the officers. Hopped a bus to the mall and went to Target for blueberries and the kind of slipper socks I like. Got home and went over to Von's for rock Cornish hens and grapes, both on sale. Finished lunch in my room, as G. and J. were still working, back and forth between my place and upstairs.
Spent some time working up ideas and suggestions for Cece about her Edith portrayal in All In The Family. I also have questions, such as why she picked that particular show and will she try to approximate a Brooklyn accent.
For the first time in weeks, I didn't go into town or anywhere by bus after lunch. Stayed in and worked on the above.
Note: I got a welcome phone call and am now planning a trip to Mesa, Arizona! I've never been to Arizona at all, so I'm thrilled. I'll go for a week or so in January, February, or March--YAY!

Friday, November 15, 2019


What a day,  up and down, but generally interesting.
I was pleased to get a call from brother Frank, now in Baltimore at his son's, Patrick's, house. Patrick's wife, Susan, was on speaker phone with Frank, and we had a great talk.  Frank, unfortunately, didn't exactly realize he was in Baltimore, but was able to talk pretty well. We started talking about his grandchildren liking basketball and how he played at Holy Spirit. I said there were pictures of him in my husband, Pat's, yearbook and I'd scan and put them on Facebook. However, there were none of him in either the 1950 or '51 yearbook. He must not have played until he was a senior in '52.
After we hung up, Gabe and some other guys came over about the hole in the living room ceiling. It seems that a pipe between floors was leaking. They had to rip up my upstairs neighbors' carpet and floor to fix it. I had walked the back way to the library branch (forgetting it doesn't open until 2:00 on Thursdays) and got home to find the water turned off. Gabe suggested I go out for about three hours and I took him up on it.
Scouting around for somebody to meet for lunch, I called Stella--but she was on her way to some show in L.A. Called Terri, but her machine was on. I didn't think Nancy would want to go the day after we had our regular lunch, so I called Jim. He was available--great!--and I suggested Mimi's,which is near where he lives.
We met a bit after noon and had a fine time talking, mostly about books (both of us heavily favor non-fiction). He said his favorite fiction is Sartre's Nausea, of which I had never heard. Of course, Jean-Paul Sartre was a philosopher and Jim teaches that at Ventura College, so I wasn't surprised. He also recommended Tolstoy's treatise on art, which I'll look for. I told him what I was reading, but also about selling my car to Shift. He asked me to send him the web site, which I will.
After we parted, I rode up to town. Walked to The Promenade--it was very windy, but not too cold yet--then to the library. Naturally, this provincial town doesn't have Nausea, so I had to request it from the Ojai branch.
Saw Gabe when I got home and he said the leak was fixed and they'll do my ceiling today. No prob and I'm not too concerned. Noreen called as soon as I got in to ask if I wanted to go to the poetry group at the library last night. I declined with thanks, and told her of my short-lived involvement with that group.
Here was the living room. They cleaned up and the bin is gone. BTW,  the picture is the one Nancy painted and gave me for my eightieth.
Image may contain: indoor

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Betty, Beer, And Hemoglobin

Another here and there, round and about, but enjoyable day. Called Betty in the morning to see if she was available on Tuesday; yes, and I'll go to Santa Barbara then.
Walked the back way to the library. Just read for a bit and perused the for-sale books. Bought a tofu recipe book, as I want to try some of them. On my way there, niece Carolyn called and we had a good long talk, mostly about Betty, so of a somewhat disheartening nature. I do think Carolyn felt better after and I know I did.
Home to change my blouse, then I took off for the bus. This time, it didn't come and didn't come--annoying and I called Nancy once I got on to say I'd probably be late getting to the Paradise Pantry where we three were having lunch. However, I got there before they even ordered. I had a kind of duck pate and a Square Squirrel beer, new to me and very hoppy, which I like.
We sat and talked until almost 3:00, then parted. I walked up to the library and took out a bio of Truman Capote. I'm nearing the end of In Cold Blood--the boys are languishing on death row--and I want to read (re-read) how Capote got to Kansas.
I got home about 4:30, unlocked the door, and saw that a piece of the ceiling had fallen. I went immediately to the office, told Bianca, and Gabe, the new maintenance person, came over right away. He ascertained that there's a leak and he'll come in tomorrow to deal with it. In the meantime, he cleared up the mess, moved the table with my T.V. on it, and left a large trash container under the hole and a plastic tarp under that. Am I upset over this? No. It isn't bothering me or damaging anything and I know it will be fixed, so I'm really indifferent.
Took my smaller cart and went over to Von's for lettuce, cottage cheese, and other items. They didn't seem to have nutritional yeast (for a tofu recipe), so I'll check at CVS. Had my remaining Beyond Burger for dinner. That's another thing I'm indifferent about. It's okay, but I'd just as soon have the black bean burgers I made myself.
Note, my medical info is on "My Health," a useful on-line reference, which I get via email. Dr. Jennings added a note yesterday to the effect that my hemoglobin, which was somewhat low, is now normal. I guess the iron pills are working.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Onions, Sugar, And Tofu

Spent part of the morning with onions: Used my mandolin to shred two large and my Chop Wizard for two other large. Now I have two large containers in the freezer, ready for use.
I came across a truly riveting video on YouTube, which is forty minutes long, but worth every minute. It's about processed sugar, the major culprit in the obesity problem, as I've seen presented before. I eat mostly whole--that is, fresh--food, but have some processed. This prompted me to go through them and check the grams of sugar. I actually threw away three items. Here's the video:
According the the American Heart Association, women should eat no more than 25 grams or six teaspoons of processed sugar a day.  Of course, we expect sweet treats to contain sugar--it's the sugar added to other things that adds up.
Changed and caught the bus to the mall/transit center; conveniently, that were Mimi's Cafe is, which is where I met Carole and Doris. We had a good time. Hadn't seen each other except for occasional running into and I enjoyed  it. I told them what Sue had responded to my invitation and Carole suggested we see if she would meet for lunch next week in Oxnard, where she lives. I'll email her with that shortly.
Carole offered to take me home, but I refused with thanks, as I wanted to go into town. Did so and looked for a bio of Truman Capote (I'm still on In Gold Blood) and found one, but decided it was too heavy, as I wanted to stop at Target on the way home for blueberries.
Strolled Main Street, stopping in store here and there. At The Coalition, I saw young Ben (there's an old Ben), of Fractured Actors, who works there part time. I was delighted to hear him say he's still working on his play and he repeated there's a part in for me--great!
I bused back to the mall and Target for blueberries, then stopped at Von's for grapes. Cooked up a nice piece of salmon for dinner, along with lentils, spinach, and a slab of the tofu I had bought at WinCo. I hadn't had tofu in years and it tasted good. Will use it more often now.
Looked at my on-line My Heath record and was pleased to find a note from Dr. Jennings to say my blood work is now "normal, " including the hemoglobin.  I guess the iron pills did the trick. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Day And My Daughter-in-Law

After breakfast, I walked the back way to Telephone Road, then took the number 11 bus to WinCo. I couldn't get everything I wanted because some of it was too heavy, but I got a fair  amount. Bused back to the transit center, then took another home.
I had just finished lunch when Stella called. She was at the condo she owns not far from here and asked if I could go to "brunch." Now it was already after 2:00, but I guess to Stella anything in between meals is brunch. No prob, though, I said I'd go and have a beer and a nibble.
We went to a little Mexican restaurant near the mission and enjoyed it, Stella having a full meal, I had a chicken taco and a Modelo. After, we browsed some stores. Stella then asked if I wanted to go to WinCo and sure, I did. I was able to get a bag of onions, spaghetti square, a bit jar of minced garlic, all of which would be too heavy for me if I had gone by bus.
Stella dropped me off and after I put the groceries away, I rang Suzanne's bell to ask how her regional conference went. It was good, she said, and  very invigorating. I know how that is; it's fulfilling to see the colleagues you don't actually work with. I used to look forward to regional and state human resources gatherings--of course, the agenda didn't include prayers and blessings when we met.
But the most exciting part of the day was when I saw Mike's Facebook page. This article is featured in the November issue of Ex-Pat Living magazine:
Image may contain: 1 personImage may contain: people sitting, table and indoor
No photo description available.Image may contain: 2 people, including Michael T Molloy, people smiling
I sent Paula an email message, expressing my excitement and love.  Suzanne stopped in after dinner to tell me about her regional conference and I lent the article to her. She had met Paula at my eightieth (now almost three years ago!) and enjoyed reading about her.  Coincidentally, I'll be having lunch today with Carole F. and Doris T., and tomorrow with Nancy and Carolyn. All four of them  also met Paula at the party. Can't wait to show them!

Looking Up

Well, things are looking up.
True, I moped around for a time after breakfast, but then walked the back way to Telephone Street. Hopped a bus east and rode to the Grocery Outlet shopping center. Browsed there, but bought nothing. I used my nifty new "NextBus" app to see when the bus back would come along and it worked beautifully. Of course, the fact that my whereabouts are known to whatever entity tracks it, is disconcerting, but they're going to do it anyway.
On the way home, I called Ellen and left a message. Had lunch, did some computer stuff, then El called me back. She and Greg had been out at the Hip Vegan for lunch; he worked late yesterday. We had a good talk, partly about the trials and triumphs of third grade, which I always enjoy hearing.
Feeling better, I then took off for the mall. It occurred to me that Sears is going out of business, so I thought I'd ride up there and check out their cast iron frying pans. Did so and saw they have three such pans of varying sizes for a reasonable price. Thought I'd get them, but then tried to pick up the package--oof! I don't think I could had made it to the escalator, let alone the transit center.  I also realized that I don't need three sizes, since I have others I use often. El had suggested I look on-line, so that's what I'll do.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Slow Saturday

Did some food prep in the morning: trimmed and cooked a bunch of asparagus, froze grapes, and combined lentils in the slow cooker with chicken broth and vegetable "juice."
I had intended to walk the back way to Wal-Mart and other stores, but when I went out, it felt like ninety degrees--very hot and not even a breeze. I jettisoned the idea of walking and took a bus. Got tissues and sweetener, then bused back. Lunched, then walked over to Von's for oranges. Picked up some lettuce and a kind of popcorn mix, too.
After that, I was at loose ends, lonely and bored, as I often am on weekends. I know that happens when I don't have much to do or people to see and on Saturdays and Sundays, everybody seems to be otherwise occupied. I even took a short nap in the afternoon.
Perked up a bit later and made a ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. I noticed that the Teflon pan seemed to have lost a bit of surface. Checked with the Internet to see if it Teflon is poisonous; it is, in temps over 500, but I didn't know hot it gets to on the store. The upshot was, I remembered the starving children in Europe I had heard about all through my childhood if I didn't want to finish my dinner, so I ate the stir-fry anyway, but took the pan to the dumpster. I'll look for another soon.
I did enjoy getting back to Downton and episode three of the third season. I even watched one of the additions that come with the set. It's always interesting and a bit disconcerting to see the actors in their real, present day looks: Lord Grantham in a polo shirt and ladies maid Anna with heavy eye makeup makes me smile.   

Saturday, November 09, 2019


Went to T.O.P.S., courtesy of Cheryl, and weighed in at 129.6, a slight loss from last week. The "program" (non-program) was meandering, as usual, but not too bad.
Breakfast late, as usual on Friday, at 10:30. Treated a stain in the carpet, watered the tomatoes, and did a few other domestic chores before lunch. After, I walked the back way to Telephone Road, took a bus to Winco for spinach and grapes and the nearby Dollar Tree for shower caps and bathroom cups. Bused back to Hill Road and walked home the back way from there. Had another sketchy, leftover dinner, consisting of peas, zucchini, and the last of the baked onions. Gail picked me up at 7:15 and off we went to the Fractured Actors production of Neil Simon's Rumors.
This is a wacky and hilarious farce involving a house party, an accidental shooting, the cover-up, infidelity, and a television cook with a back ache.  As any good comedy does, it has more plot twists than a misbegotten pretzel and it was terrific. It was staged as a reading, so with just a bare stage with music stands holding the scripts and the bare minimum of blocking. As I know from experience, if the performers are any good at all,  the audience quickly forgets the omission of scenery and props and just gets into it.
And, boy, were they good.  Besides two people I don't know, the cast featured many of those who were in American Roadhouse, in which I appeared in August: Jeff and Shannon, Erica, Amanda, and young Ben, old Ben, Karen, and Mike. Of course, they got a standing ovation and deserved it.
After, I had a great time greeting everybody--many of the above, plus Anthony, Dottie, Kat, and others. Shannon said they have some other shows in mind and asked about my availability; I said I'm available anytime she contacts me and she'll get in touch.
For the second night in a row, I didn't walk in the door until 10:30. Wow, this late-night stuff is exhausting, much as I enjoyed the reasons, and I'm looking forward to Downton Abbey and an early turn-in tonight.     

Friday, November 08, 2019

"Big River"

Changed my sheets and got them and a big load of whites finished by 10:30. Suzanne stopped to tell me she's going to a regional conference (Sisters of Mercy) in Burlingame and will be back Sunday. We chatted about that and the new management for a bit, standing in our joint walkway.
Because I wasn't exactly sure the Rubicon Theatre was on Main Street, so I bused to town and found where to get off--easy  peasy; it's just after the park. Stopped at the 99Cent store for napkins and Targets for blueberries, then walked back to the transit center.
Jumped in the shower after lunch, ate a sketchy dinner of leftovers (a small bean burger, about three ounces of salmon, and zucchini and onions), then dressed for the theatre. I left at 5:00 to get the number 6, which would get me there at 5:20 and was glad it wasn't completely  dark yet. It turned out that the 21 bus came earlier and I caught that, so I was a full 45 minutes early. I didn't mind, though; I waited outside for Terri, enjoying scenes of the street. Betty called while I was there, alarmed about the earthquakes. What earthquakes? You've got me, but we chatted amiably. Terri came, we bought our tickets--sixty-nine bucks each and I almost choked, but then realized that since I sold the car, I'm rolling in dough and we actually got seats right on the stage.
The Rubiicon is a former church and is rather small, set up--well, not "in the round," more like in the three-quarters. The unique seating arrangements meant that Terri and I sat on the specially-constructed stage, so were just feet and sometimes inches, from the performers.
And what performers!  And what a production! It was just magnificent--a swiftly-moving story line, wonderful songs (a small live orchestra, also on the stage), and the actors! Hey, these were Broadway caliber people, black and white, large and small parts. Their voices, their dancing, their exuberance, their energy (I tell my acting students that last is essential to good actors, no matter their parts) were some of the best I've ever seen.
At intermission, I got a beer and some chips and Terri and I chatted with some of the other patrons, then settled down for the second act, which was just as good as the first.
Happily, Terri took me home (it's not really out of her way) and that was as 10:30! For the first time in months, I went straight to bed without blueberries or anything else, and slept through until 6:30. Cheryl will be picking me up for T.O.P.S. in an hour and some.
Here's a picture and a review of the show from the LA Times; Terri and I sat on the right on the stage.
A runaway slave (David Aron Damane) teaches Huck Finn (Josey Montana McCoy) a life-changing lesson in “Big River” at the Rubicon in Ventura.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blood, Warm And Cold

Walked over to Quest Diagnostic in Von's when they opened at 8:00 and got stuck first thing. After breakfast, I did a color wash; decided to do whites today.  After they were finished, I went back to Von's for paper products. I knew they'd be bulky, so I took my trusty cart.  Got asparagus and cottage cheese besides the paper towels and t. paper.
Scrubbed and thin-sliced three zucchini, added chopped onions and seasoning, then divided it--some in the freezer and some I ate with dinner last night.
Lunched, then took the back way to the bank to get quarters, then to the store I favor for tomatoes and mushrooms. I had intended to take a bus back, but walked instead. I was carrying about four pounds on each side, so it was a little strenuous, but I made it fine and felt good after.
Did more food prep--roasted tomatoes and onions, plus sliced some strawberries--after perusing stories about the murders in Kansas* on YouTube.
Darn, I probably should have called the Access Van to get to the Rubicon tonight. Terri said she'd drive me home, but we're meeting at 6:30 and I'll have to get the bus there when it's dark. Oh, well, there's plenty of light on the streets and I'll make it.
*The Clutter murders, of course. I used to own In Cold Blood and have read it several times, but I donated it when I moved to Ventura.  A week from tomorrow, November 15, is the sixtieth anniversary of the massacre. I had forgotten what a damn fine writer Capote was and am enjoying this--in a macabre kind of way.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Here And There

Walled the back way, then bused to the DMV for my 9:40 ID appointment. I thought I had everything I needed, but it turned out, I didn't. I was annoyed as hell, but must go back after I collect all the meaningless crapola. Walked from there to Target and get my three nights' worth of blueberries. Home, lunch, then I spent a lot of time on this machine.
I had posted on the Facebook pages of both Hungry Girl--What's Chewin' and T.O.P.S. my before and after pictures, to wit:
  Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses and indoorImage may contain: Alison Baker, standing
(I fudged a bit by posting an older picture for "before"; it's more dramatic and was at my highest weight. Nevertheless, both are yours truly.)
However, I didn't count on how many are on those sites. There were literally hundreds of "likes" and "wows," and dozens of comments. Three people sent me private messages, asking if I'd share my regimen. That's what I spent so much time on.
I went over to Von's for grapes and salad dressing, then had lunch. After, I walked again the back way and went to the library. Sat and read for an hour.
Called Nancy to ask about Marley. He still walking on three legs, but doesn't seem to be in pain.
Now, today, I MUST get my blood work done (so convenient, right at the Von's on the next blook) and do a wash. Actually, I want to change my sheets and do a bleach wash, in addition to color.
I continue to enjoy Downton Abbey. Last night Mary and Matthew finally married, but Mr. Bates still languishes in prison.  

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Widder Lunch

Up and at 'em at 6:30, but it was really 7:30, or was it 5:30--AAGH!  However, I guess I'm adjusted to regular time, although I don't like it.
Left for Stonefire Grille at 11:00, intending to probably get a bus once I walked the mile to Telephone. However, it felt good and it was a lovely day, so I continued on for about two and a half.
As I approached the front door, who did I see but Carole F.  She had come to my eightieth in Santa Barbara, but as with Doris, we hadn't seen each other in recent months. We greeted each other with pleasure and immediately decided to get together and she asked me to call Sue and invite her, also. I was glad she didn't mention Sherry, but if anyone does, sure, she could be invited, too, although she's a real pain. As I talked to Carole, Carolyn came up; she said Marley, Nancy's little white dog, has something wrong with him, so Nancy wasn't coming. I'll call Nance today to see how he is.
We had a good meetup, with eight people there--one man, which is a common ratio in our group--and probably close to that in the general population of widows to widowers. Greg is a really terrific guy who just retired, although he's only about 58. I was sorry to hear him casually mention that he had attended a first meeting at UCLA with the medical staff that's going to give him a new kidney. I hope, hope, hope, the outcome will be good.
Teri invited me to go to the Rubicon on Thursday to see Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, live theatre and a musical. I accepted and will meet her there at 7:00; she'll drive me home.  
Left after lively talk and hopped the bus to town. Got off at the library, walked to The Promenade, then did the usual loop to Main and back to the library. I had requested Truman Capote's In Cold Blood, which I used to own and have read several times. Picked it up and read a bit in the library, then took it out.
When I got home, I was delighted to get a packet containing yearbook pictures of my great-grandson. Had my homemade been burgers for dinner and enjoyed t a lot. Called Sue--no answer, but I left a message.
Betty called after dinner, again alarmed about "the fires that are right near you." Well, they're not and I wish she'd turn off the television. Happily , I slept like a log; didn't even get up to use what used to be genteelly called "the necessity."

Monday, November 04, 2019

DSL And Downton Abbey

So Daylight Saving Time, which I hate, but whaddya gonna do?
Did the usual Sunday and then was pleased to get a call from brother Frank. What a good time we had talking! Yes, he has Alzheimer's and his memory is shot, but dammit, he's still my big bro and I love him so much. He told me about the upcoming trip to Baltimore; I didn't tell him that Betty and I had been invited and that I declined, then Betty did. Just as well. Frank said he's also going to visit our cousin, Sally, in San Diego. Not sure how accurate that is, but I called her and left a message.
I was pleased when Ellen called to ask if I'd like to go to Wal-Mart with her. Sure did, and she picked me up. I was able to get some heavy things: black beans in cans, frozen veggies, olive oil, and so on. She then suggested a walk and we drove to a park near Kimball and walked that neighborhood for about forty-five. Good for me and good for her.
Home, I attacked seven large onions; chopped four and stored them in the freezer and dressed the other three with olive oil, Worcestershire, and soy sauce and roasted in my clay onion baker.
Otherwise, I spent a fair amount of time scanning snapshots from the forties of my sibs and me. I think I'll copy a number of them and send to Frank, as he no longer goes on Facebook or, I guess, on the Internet at all.
Niece Carolyn called after dinner and we had a good long chat. She's planning new helps and enjoyment for Betty--what an angel.
I settled down to watch Downton at my usual 8:00. I had seen part 7, but the disc (2) didn't include episode 8. Put in disc 3 and that said "part one." Watched and, clearly, I've skipped a whole episode. In part 7, Mr. Bates was led away in handcuffs and last night, he had been convicted of murdering his ex. In 7, Matthew was never going to see Mary again and last night, they were married.
Damn, I can't figure out where the intervening episode is.
Unfortunately, I slept poorly last night--hope it doesn't continue.

Sunday, November 03, 2019

Color And Cold

Nothing of note happened yesterday, except that I got my hair done. Up to the very moment when I had to tell Mary, my stylist (that's what all we Hollywood stars say, "my stylist"), asked me what I wanted, I was debating whether to go white or not.
I had it colored again and told her to cut it shorter than usual and it looks pretty good. It's a bit shorter in the back, the way they do nowadays, and that's fine by me.
Stopped at Target for more blueberries--I'm always afraid they'll run out--and bused home. Found a brochure about "Mercy Housing." It seems arms of the Church are engaged in building apartments for the homeless and others who can't afford decent housing. The program is mostly in the bay area--it would be great to have them start it here.
Betty called, frantically upset because, yet again, she lost something. It's small purse which contained credit, Social Security, and insurance cards. Long story about how it got lost and she wanted to know if I'd seen it. The fact that she's in Santa Barbara and I'm in Ventura, thirty miles away, didn't seem to penetrate.
After dinner, I rang Suzanne's bell and we talked about it Mercy Housing. We also discussed the current fires raging and whether the electric company is liable, at least partially, for much of it. Suzanne thinks not, I think they are. According to an editorial that ran in the Ventura Star, the apparatus was neglected while the execs got big bonuses. I'm the cynic, she's the saint, I  guess. I also told her something about Sister Gabriel and she was interested.
Good grief, when I got up, I saw that it's practically icing over here--temp is 49 degrees!

Saturday, November 02, 2019


Weighed in at 130.4, which means I lost 1.6 from last week. I'd still like to go down a bit, but am not  anxious about it. The T.O.P.S. meeting was so-so, but I endured it okay. When Cheryl and I came out of the meeting, we saw a broad, grayish-beige swath all across the sky.  Smoke.
After late breakfast (it's always late on Fridays), I got a call from brother Jim, asking if I had a phone number for our niece, Joan. I did, gave it to him, and later, Joan called me, too. We had a long, long talk about a familiar topic. She needs to let this troublesome thing go after all these years, of course, and I think she realizes that, but she can't seem to do it.
Got another, more welcome call, and was told something was coming in the mail for me--a surprise and that's fun to anticipate.
Walked over to Von's for lettuce and it occurred to me I have an order for a blood test that was supposed to be done on November 1.  A branch of Quest Diagnostics is conveniently located in Von's, but I had eaten. Thought I'd do it today, but they're not open on weekends, so I will on Monday.
Lunch, then decided to get the black beans and other ingredients to make bean burgers. Took the bus to the mall and cut across the large campus of St. Bonaventure High School, thinking I'd get to a store I favor, but the way was barred with a chain link fence. Walked all the way back and while I was waiting to take the bus there, Betty called.  She had done what I had suggested, just went to the bus stop and waited and sure enough, the bus came and she got to church. I told her about Pat. R., Sister Gabriel, and me and she was very interested. We talked just like old times, I keep telling myself, but I know that's a lie.

Friday, November 01, 2019


After breakfast, I worked on the play. I keep revising and added and am still not satisfied, but am making progress. Spent about an hour on it, then walked the back way to the Hill Street library branch to take return the book on Kim Sung Un. I forgot their Thursday hours are 2:00 to 6:00, so just dropped it off. Continued on to Victoria and stopped for carrots and mushrooms; took the bus home.
Scrubbed and trimmed the two pounds of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with four cut-up tangerines. Added a bit of cinnamon and let 'er go while I bused to town.
For a change, I took the 16, got off at Thompson, and walked to The Promenade.  It was a gorgeous day--pure blue sky, sun sparkling off the water, a gentle breeze. It's been weeks since I walked there and it was so enjoyable. It was hard to realize that not that far away, California was being ravaged by fire.
Circled up to Main and caught a bus to the Mall. Went to Target for my supply of blueberries--three pounds, so I'm good for three evenings. Called Gail as I bused back; I was pleased to hear she could go with me to the "Rumors" production next Friday.
As I approached my door, I saw Suzanne. She told me that a tree down the street had fallen and brought down electric wires. We went out to look and boy, the tree fell right where I had walked in the morning.
Got a call from Betty, who wanted to know if I could tell her when the Santa Barbara bus went to church this morning; it seems it's a holy day. Asking me isn't as silly as it sounds, as I do have the SB bus book. However, I couldn't find it. She called me several more times and I advised her to call the transportation company (they have only a recording), see if one of her neighbors was going (she doesn't know anyone who is), or pray at home (ha!). I finally suggested she just go to the bus stop and wait until one comes alone.
My brother, Jim, also called. He said our niece, Joan, had called him and left a message, but he didn't have her number. Why? Because he doesn't use his cell phone. So  I gave him both Joan's numbers, home and cell.
After we hung up, the book title occurred to me, as it often does after I talk to my siblings: And I Alone Survived. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...