Friday, August 31, 2018

Humor & Drama

At Kimball, I ran into Carolyn S. and she and I raved over Crazy Rich Asians. Home, breakfast, crossword, then some chores so mundane I barely remember what they were. I tried to find the CDs of some of my performances, plus family stuff, but couldn't. I know they're all together, but they must be in the closet and it's daunting to even think about digging into it.
Went out to get wrapping paper for Ellen's present plus grilled chicken for my usual salad. Had that for lunch, then went to town.
I parked at Surfers' Point and walked roughly two mile on the bike path, enjoying the gorgeous views. I stopped into the county fair office to say hello to my friend, CEO Barbara Q., but she wasn't in. Drove home and fiddled around until I left for Humor & Drama Toastmasters at 6:45.
The meeting was the usual mixed-up mess; Celina gave the same ice-breaker talk she had at Poinsettia, Fern toasted Dick (a retired radiologist, who's been in Toastmasters for 24 years) and his wife, and John, the egomaniac, talked about his early years in Illinois.
Note: I just got up at almost 7:00. I have T.O.P.S. today, so I may just defer Kimball until later.  I'm pretty sure I've gained, but will keep my nose clean from here on in.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Happy Hour Wednesday

Walked Kimball very early and was home by 7:05. I don't eat breakfast until 8:00, so I did this and that on the laptop until then. After, I continued the this and that stuff. In truth, I don't quite remember what I did, so it must not have been of much interest, even for me. After lunch, I took off for town. Parked at the museum, walked to the library, read for a bit, then met Diane at Casa Bella at 4:00. Nancy and Carolyn came soon after and we commenced our Happy Hour.
We had a good time, as ever. I stuck to beer, Nancy and Diane had Chardonnay, and Carolyn just sparkling water "because I'm driving." (Frankly, I can never understand this. If I'm eating and have a single glass of wine or beer, I have no problem driving home. I think people have been programmed to believe a mere sip of booze is going to send them into an alcoholic coma or something. That strikes me of symptomatic of the "be afraid, be very afraid" syndrome that seems to have gripped the whole country since 9/11.)
Anyway, I proposed that next Wednesday, we meet at Limon y sal* for Happy Hour instead--it's less expensive and the appetizers are better. We left about 5:30, I walked back to the car, then drove to the thrift store down my end of town. Bought a beautiful ceramic fruit compote, plus two baskets (I'm a sucker for baskets), all at the fifty percent off sale. Okay, I need them like a hole in the head, but they won't break the bank, so what's the harm?
*I misspelled the name of the restaurant yesterday; it's "Limon y sal," in Spanish, with an accent mark over the "o." Means "lemon and salt."

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

"Crazy Rich Asians" and Lemon y Sal

Had a fun day. Walked Kimball and saw my park pals. After breakfast, I galvanized myself to clean the large vanity and sink, plus finally categorize and file the reams of paper I had accumulated. I put this off for months and it feels good to have it done--until the next onslaught.
After lunch, I drove to town, parked at the museum and walked to the library. Saw branch manager, Tori, and chatted with her for a bit. She's been out for several months after surgery and will retire as of September 7. Went from there down the street to meet Nancy at the Midtown.
We saw Crazy Rich Asians and loved it. Much of the movie takes place in Singapore and I've been to many of the venues, so that was a thrill. I also loved the clothes, the love story, and every damn else thing about it.
Instead of Casa Bella after, I suggested Lemon y Sal ("Lemon and Salt") and we went there for Happy Hour. It was built in 1920 and is beautiful; wonderfully art deco, with a carved wood ceiling, tile, colorful murals, church-like lighting fixtures and so on, just the kind of decor I like.
We sat upstairs on a kind of outside balcony overlooking Main, and it was great. I stuck to beer, Nancy had Chardonnay, and we enjoyed appetizers.  It was so fine to look over the city and the hills and the interesting buildings we could see from an angle different from the usual.
Talked up a storm, as ever, and didn't leave until after 5:00.  Today, I'll meet Diane and Carolyn at Casa Bella, but hope to pursue D. to switch to Lemon y Sal next time.

Poinsettia Toastmasters

Kimballed, breakfasted, washed clothes, and got a few other chores done.  Took my car for an oil change to Pep Boys, another in the long list of companies from Hell that are determined to drive me bananas. Appointment was at 10:00 and it was after 11:00 when I got outta there. The careless, indifferent person on the counter assured me an oil change always took an hour and that my annoyance was the result of me "making a big thing of it." So much for customer service in Ventura. I called Nancy while I was waiting and we made a date for a movie and Happy Hour today. I said I'd call Diane to invite her; did and left a message.
Lunched and drove  to town. This time, I explored "Surfers' Point," a beautiful area in which to walk and bike right next to the ocean, with an estuary, extravagant foliage, and a great variety of birds. I'll make it a point to walk here frequently.
Home, shower, off to Dudley House at 5:30 to open up for Toastmasters. I took back and left in the storage room the props I had used for Caroline Dudley.  I'll be back on Sunday when I conduct the tour for CC and her church group. The aforementioned came in about 6:00 and we set up for the meeting.
I had been asked at the last minute to be "ah counter." Yes, these things are noted at Toastmasters, the idea being it's distracting for the audience to hear "ahs" and filler words. We had only two speakers this time--there are usually three--Celina and Denise. Both were pretty good, but Denise was far superior, yet Celina won the "best speaker" award.  I suspect the newness and cuteness of the speaker sways the voters (the other members).
Sat next to Ken Smith, who is one of those Toastmasters, like Fern, whose whole life seems to revolve around the club. He's won all kinds of awards and has held all kinds of offices. Unfortunately, last year or so, he suddenly had a seizure, and was hospitalized for some time before a cause and a cure could be found. I don't think they ever were, but with medication he hasn't had one for six months and had actually gotten his driver license back.
The meeting broke up at 8:00, but as usual, people lingered to chat until I hustled them out and locked up. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

The Routine

Back to the routine and it feels good. Walked Kimball a bit late, but ran into Ed and Lola (woof!) and Carolyn, Bob, and Hazel (woof, woof!), but not Sue, Irene, or Diane.
Home, breakfast and crossword, then Suzanne stopped in to give me my mail and to talk about the dementia problem. She pointed out--and I guess this could have been predicted--that many sisters she knows have developed it. They have an aging population. 
To WinCo for fruit, veggies, and so on. Betty called while I was there to tell me about a funny e-mail Carolyn had received from her cousin and Frank's daughter. It was something her 10-year-old boy said and was very cute. We laughed over it together and oh, she sounded so like her old self, maybe all this dementia business is just silly.
After lunch, I went to town. Parked at the museum and walked down Main, then to the Promenade. I enjoyed the ocean, the beach, and the people walking, biking, swimming, and, for all I know, conducting nefarious business behind the dunes.
Stopped for tomatoes and made my roasted tomatoes/onions/garlic mix for the next few days' salads.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


We got back from Salinas and points north about 5:00. (I missed the 4:40 train and got the 7:02.) Rather than recording chapter and verse, I'll just quickly run over events of the last few days: Got to Santa Barbara about noon and was picked up by Carolyn and Betty. C. dropped us on a trafficked cross street and B. and I had lunch at a cafe. We didn't get started for Salinas until about 4:00, C., B., Finn, and I in one car, Dana, Claire--and Calvin!--in another.  We stopped at the Madonna Inn for dinner (I love the place and hadn't been there for years), which was great fun.
After a four-hour drive, we got to Gilroy ("the garlic capital  of the world" and about 30 miles from Salinas) to the Best Western. Why so far away? Because Carolyn had researched it and the accommodations in Salinas were all 300 and up a night--yoicks!) We ran into Patrick (Frank's son, an otolaryngologist at Johns Hopkins) at the hotel and saw him and wife, Susan, later. The next day, we drove back to Salinas for the high mass funeral.
What can I say about that? It was well thought out and carefully planned, and included personal touches. Marybeth's ashes and picture were on a podium and the two priests who conducted had been close friends of the family for years. Their two sons each addressed the audience with Marybeth's writings (I'm not sure why the Maureen and Francine, the two daughters, didn't) The church was almost full, although Frank and Marybeth had moved from Salinas at least fifteen years ago. Certainly, the service was meant to be a tribute to Marybeth and to have her remembered. And yet...and yet...
It's been almost two months since she died. I know it's silly, but a "funeral" that long after the demise just doesn't seem to mean much. Marybeth seemed to have receded into the past, unlike those who funerals are held within a week or so of death. Call me a dopey recovering Catholic, but I favor the ritual of viewing, then ceremony, then burial. The deceased seem somehow to be "there"--or at least, hovering around close by--rather than statically contained in an urn. Anyway, it was much too long--almost two hours.
The reception after, though, was ideal. It was at the John Steinbeck House (where he had actually grown up) and was just a short stroll up the street. There was a wonderful buffet (no booze, though, interestingly) and we all, of course, mingled and talked and laughed and forgot about why we had gathered. Several hours later, we drove back to Gilroy and the hotel to change, relax, then gather at the house out of town that Francine had rented. We had a good time there, what with the wine, the leftover food, the eight kids running around, and the ten or so of us laughing with relief that we were not yet ready to be eulogized.
Back in Gilroy, our party, plus Patrick and Susan gathered at the Black Bear diner for a light dinner, then to bed. Slept soundly, unlike the night before when Betty's sleep apnea machine whined and screeched incessantly and kept me awake.
In the morning, we met again after breakfast, then said goodbye to all. As before, the four of us went in one car, Dana, Claire, and Calvin in another. Broke up the four-hour plus trip for lunch at a Chinese buffet, hung out for a bit, then Carolyn and Betty took me to the station. Car was still in the parking lot intact, I stopped to get blueberries, stayed up until 9:00, then fell into bed and slept soundly.
As for my big brother and twin sister, I didn't see them the whole time and I'm sick with grief and rage at the doppelgangers who took their places.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Casa Bella

Yoicks, quite a busy day. Walked Kimball, the usual after, then I went to Target and bought a suitcase. When I got to checkout, I discovered it was $130.00! Good grief. Later, I  found I have a similar sized one, so I took it back.
Packed for the trip to Santa Barbara, then Salinas and Marybeth's funeral. After lunch, drove to town, parked at the museum, walked to the library, read for a bit, then stopped in a shop and bought a blouse. Walked back to the museum to put it in the car, then to Casa Bella, where Nancy had already arrived.
Diane joined us shortly and we had a good Happy Hour talk, fueled by Chardonnay and salmon tacos. We talked and talked and laughed and laughed. I knew Nance and Diane would like each other, and they did. I had invited Carolyn B., also, but she couldn't get there; will join us next week. Skipped dinner, figuring Happy Hour was enough, and just had berries and rice cakes later.
I've decided not to take my laptop on the trip, so will be incommunicado here until late Saturday. I do hope the world will keep turning when it's deprived of my continuing saga...

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

This And That

Kimballed and so on, then attended to chores and errands. Wrote to CC to get Sue D.'s address; she's in Poinsettia Toastmasters with me and her mother just died, so I want to send her a note. Stopped at WinCo for lettuce and oranges. Wrapped my precious little grandson's present and put it in a large cardboard envelope from the post office itself. When I got to the p.o., I was told postage would be thirty dollars! AAGH!  Luckily, the clerk pointed out other envelopes, one of which I was able to get the present into and it was only fourteen bucks. I hope, hope, hope it gets there by September 9, his fifth birthday, the little angel. Spent some time cutting sweet peppers and mushrooms to add to the onions I had already sliced, readying all to stir-fry for dinner. Salad lunch, of course, then I took off for town.
I parked at the museum, but walked to the promenade, then to the library from the Crown Plaza, then back to get my car. I figure I probably added another half mile to my former distance, so two miles, and I was pleased with that.
E-mailed Carolyn (yet another Carolyn, this one from the widder group) about possibly meeting Diane, Nancy, and me for Happy Hour today at Casa Bella.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Widder Dinner

Kimball yes, town no. I didn't fo the latter because I had an EMERGENCY DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT AT 3:00!
Okay, it wasn't exactly an emergency; I had had a crustiness on my eyelids for a few days, something like what we used to call "sleepy dirt" when the kids had it. Consulted the Great God Internet and was told to use warm compresses and baby shampoo. I did, but sporadically, so thought I'd just drop into my ophthalmologist and get his take on it.
Yeah, sur-r-r-e. I called and found I had to get an "authorization" from my primary; I assume that's the same as a referral. Went to the primary, saw the NP, she pronounced it conjunctivitis; prescribed drops, plus warm compresses, and--I think, but must consult the material--also the baby shampoo. Didn't need to see the eye doc, after all. Went to CVS for the prescription, all set to rant and rave at the cost--and paid $1.61.  Stopped at the store for a few necessities, made an appointment for a manicure tomorrow, jumped in the shower, and took off for the widder dinner.
There were eight of us, including Donna, back from her fabulous honeymoon in Italy. I guess that technically means she's now considered a guest, but nobody's that picky. A new person, Dede, was there, and what a blast. She's a friend of Greg's, who was also there (his young wife died only five months ago) and we had a full-ranging discussion which included politics, pacifism, and Stripper Zombies, a movie Dede is promoting (don't even ask).
During dinner, Betty called and I was delighted to hear her say she now favors the terrific place Carolyn found her to live when she moves here--yay!  Now all that remains is to clear her house, add furniture (it will be sold furnished), put it on the market, and she'll be a Californian. Easy-peasey, now that the former huddle is cleared.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Home Again, Home Again...

Resumed my usual life, which will continue at least for a few days. Walked Kimball and chatted with Carolyn. Went from there to Ralph's for cottage cheese and blueberries. Bought a cabbage and apples and put them in the slow cookers; had some for dinner. Bought Rockfish , also.
Home for breakfast, then tackled some of the chores that had piled up. That included various phone calls, as well as stocking up on veggies, fruit, and Dave's Killer Bread, my all-time favorite.
Lunch of a big salad, then off the town. I parked at the library and walked down to the promenade next to the beach and rolling Pacific. Sat for a bit and called Ellen to hear about her new class; some things better than last year, some not.
Stopped at the library and started a bio of Al Jolson, which looks pretty good, but I got restless; will continue it tomorrow.  My car was running on flumes, so I stopped for gas--got more than thirty bucks work and I have a small car. Picked up a few things at the 99-Cent store.
When I got home, I rang Suzanne's bell and she invited me in. We talked for a half hour or so about this and that. She mentioned the Alzheimer Association in Santa Barbara and I'll pass that information on.
I enjoyed being at my neice's, but it's always good to get home.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Santa Barbara

I had a good time in Santa Barbara, overall, aside from the distress of seeing my sister as confused and sick as she is.
Arrived about noon, as the train was late by a half hour, standard on this railroad, I'm afraid. Can't quite remember what we did did for lunch and dinner, but I enjoyed being with Carolyn and her family, as well as Betty and even Calvin.
On Friday, I managed to approximate my three-mile walk regime and enjoyed sitting in the backyard and chatting with Betty. We then got ready for the neighbors' party, a potluck and just across the street. The food was wonderful: moist and flavorful chicken, potato salad, baked beans, fruit, and for dessert, homemade pies and cake. (The apple pie was, hands-down, the best I've ever tasted.) As for the nice cold beer, there wasn't any, as the host and hostess are L.D.S.
Attendees were all neighbors on the street, Carolyn and Dana (and their children, of course) being the youngest by far. In fact, there were about twenty-five people there and I'd say half were older than I am.  I enjoyed chatting with them and it was nice to be able to just stroll across the street to get home. After the party, Carolyn, Dana, and I walked the mile or so to a coffee shop and talked, mostly about  The Situation--Betty and her problems. There is no good solution here--in fact, there's no "solution" at all, except to turn back time--but it helps to discuss it with others who love her.
Yesterday, I slept until 7:45, had coffee, then did my walk. For lunch, we had leftovers Carolyn had taken home from the part, then went with Carolyn and Claire to the mall. They got a baby gift for a shower Claire was attending for her best friend's much older half-sister and Betty and I browsed. Later in the afternoon, we all (aside from Claire) went to the Santa Barbara Wharf, which was jammed with crowds and fun to see. I think it's one of the most beautiful harbor areas anywhere and yesterday reinforced that. After just strolling a bit and marveling at the prices--for instance, more than six bucks for a single-dip ice cream cone--and looking around, we went up on the deck outside a wine bar. Carolyn and I had a glass, she of Merlot, and I, Chardonnay (a scant two ounces as thirteen bucks!).
Back at the house, we chatted, played with Calvin, and just hung out. Carolyn and family were invited to a pool with friends, so they left after many of my thanks. Finn then drove Betty and me to look for a restaurant for dinner. Town was, of course, still jammed and it was Saturday evening, but we found a small Mexican one and enjoyed dinner there. Got the 7:02 train back to Ventura and was relieved to see my car was still there and intact. Drove home, had my fruit, and slept sounding.
I'll be back at Carolyn's on Thursday for the trip to Salinas for Marybeth's funeral.

Friday, August 17, 2018

H & D Toastmasters

Got the Kimball walk in. After breakfast, I did wash, then went out to various supermarkets for grapes, berries, and--an innovation--pears. Talked to Carolyn and accepted her invitation to stay over tonight. The barbecue is at 5:00 and the last train back to Ventura is 7:00, so that would be cutting it short if I went back then. C. assured me no prob, as Finn can sleep on the lower bunk in Claire's room and I can have his. Hey, that's better that sleeping with Calvin, who has big sharp teeth.
Got my train tickets and found I can leave my car there overnight. I hope it's still there tomorrow. Went to Smart 'N' Final to pick up some no-cal salad dressing. Showered and prepared for being Caroline Dudley at Humor &  Drama.
I stayed in the audience for Noreen's ("In My Neighborhood") speech, but ducked out when Raul began his""Mi Padre."  I had left my costume and gear in the luckily large single restroom in the hall and changed there. After I heard Cherie introduce "Mrs. Dudley," I entered, introduced myself in character, then went to the podium and did my thing.
It went over very big, being an innovation and all, although I again wasn't satisfied with my performance. (That may be the key to good acting: always being sure it could be better). Anyway, I received a lot of kudos and my evaluater, Rachel, gave me an enthusiastic review.  I also received the "best speaker" trophy, so that was good.
Didn't get home until 9:00, stayed up watching Frasier and just got out of bed at 6:25, late for me.
NOTE: I probably won't be posting until tomorrow night or Sunday morning, as I won't have my laptop with me in Santa Barbara.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Classroom and Casa Bella

Flitting around, as ever. Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then showered and took off for Olivelands School and Ellen's third-grade classroom. Got there at 9:00 and spent an hour and a half on various chores, such s stapling notes to bags and tracing figures onto paper, then cutting them out. Left at 10:30 to let El get on with the more complex items.
I had a hassle and a half with Blue Shield of California. It's my understanding that they won't cover a CT scan for me because I'm too old. Talked to a rep and she was going to call, but hasn't gotten back to me yet.  Oh, the hell with it, I'm not anxious to get the damn thing anyway. I did make appointments for the chest x-ray and bone density test, but not until September fifth. I find all this medical stuff a terrific bore.
After lunch, I did this and that, then drove to town. Parked at the library, picked up Stephen King's new book, The Outsider, then walked to the museum. Went upstairs to the research department--a wonderfully serene and mysterious place--and asked if they had The Streets of Ventura. They did, I was delighted to be told, but the material can't be borrowed; must be examined there. I sat for awhile looking it over and will go back another day when I can spend more time on it.
Walked to Casa Bella and went in early; Happy Hour isn't until 4:00 there. Shortly after, Diane came in and we settled ourselves with a Chardonnay each and spinach/avocado dip. We talked and talked; I heard all about Diane's rather wide-ranging travel and romantic life--so different from my paralyzingly mundane background.
We stayed until about 5:30, then said goodbye.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Carrie And The Classroom

A nice day because it was different from the routine.  Come to think of  it, a lot of my days are different from the routine, which is the way I like them.
Walked Kimball, then went to WinCo for this and that after breakfast. On impulse, I then drove to the cemetery--Ivy Lawn, where Caroline and other Dudleys are buried. Talked to the very nice young woman in the office, she looked up the info, then gave me a diagram and told me how to find their graves, which I easily did.
They have no stone, which surprised me a bit, but do have metal markers. I took pictures of Carrie's and Benjamin's, and of their daughter, Alice's.  The latter's dates are 1882 -1933, which surprised me. I had been given material that said Carrie and Ben were married in 1882, so what gives? Either it was a pregnant-so-better-marry-quick situation or they were married in, say, in January, and Alice was born in the same year, or the info is wrong. I find it interesting and will look into it.
Got an e-mail from Judi of H & D Toastmasters, where I'll be Carrie again tomorrow. She asked what into she should give and I told her to make it a mystery. Gave her a paragraph, but told her to put it in her own words.
As promised, I got to Ellen's school at 2:00. Stayed for a few hours doing all kinds of high level  chores, such as sharpening pencils and numbering erasers. I enjoyed it, though, and was glad to help.  She asked me to come back today, and I will after breakfast.
El had prepared a project for her third graders to tell about themselves by putting objects in a bag, then explaining to the class. She wasn't satisfied with the brown paper bags she had bought, so I volunteered to get sturdier ones.  Went to the 99 Cent store after dinner and got them. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Toastmasters And My Lungs

Busy day. Walked Kimball  and saw some of my park pals. After breakfast, niece Carolyn called. We had a good long talk and, among other topics, she said they'd be happy to take me to Salinas with them for the funeral on the 24th. We'll stay over at least two nights. She also invited me to a barbecue on the 17th, given by her neighbors, whom I've met.  I said I'd come on the train, so it wouldn't matter how many beers I had. She reminded me her neighbors are Mormons; in that case, I said, forget it, I ain't goin' (ha!).
Robyn texted me that Steve will bring Betty to Carolyn's today, so that lets out our possible date in Burbank on Friday. That's okay, as I have something scheduled on every day this week and a fair amount next week.
I was determined not to skip my afternoon walk, but had lunch and went early. Instead of my usual, with which I'm getting a bit bored, I parked at the museum, but deviated down to the promenade along the beach.
What a gorgeous day and what a beautiful panorama along the Pacific! I sat on a stone wall under shade and called brother Larry in Florida. Had a nice chat and I might go to see them during the Jersey trip--dunno if I can swing it yet.
Home to shower and prepare for Poinsettia Toastmasters at Dudley House. I put on the blouse and took the rest of the Caroline outfit. After all the back and forth with Fern, the education chair--would I be the third speaker, would I not, yes, no, and blah, blah, blah--it had been decided I'd simply greet and interact with members as Carrie. That lasted until Tony Toastmaster suddenly got up to the podium and announced that I would address the group.
Damn, I wasn't prepared, but luckily, I'm so into the character I was able  to give a fair talk, but cut it short to about four minutes.  It was well-received, but I chewed both Fern (oblivious) and CC (defensive) out about it. It seems Tony didn't get the message. That is typical of this chapter--sloppy preparation and nobody knows what somebody else is doing. Anyway, it went okay and maybe--but maybe not--I'll do a regular talk in a later meeting.
Stayed talking with Rachel in the parking lot for twenty or so, then home. El called to remind me I'd help in her classroom at 2:00 today.
Note: The doctor's office called to tell me my insurance company would not approve the CT scan. Why? Because I'm over 79. What in bloody hell? I'll call them and find out, but I suspect because they figure once you turn 80, you're on your last legs anyway, so why waste the money?  I hope you rot along with Bank of America in the toastiest part of Hades.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Ojai Afternoon

Walked Kimball and ran into Carolyn and Bob. C. expressed concern because "We didn't see you for two days." (Didn't walk Friday and was early Saturday.) "We were worried about you."
Now why does something like this annoy me? I suppose because it suggests helplessness and inability to take care of myself. I said, "Aha, you thought I was dead on the bathroom floor, didn't you?"  Bob at least made some kind of silly rejoinder, but Carolyn was actually shocked. She seems to have no sense of humor, but a much too fully developed kind of stodginess.
That's unlike my girl, Ellen, who's anything but stodgy. Got over to Ojai and her place at noon and just as I got out of the car, niece-in-law, Robyn, called to discuss plans for getting to Marybeth's funeral in Salinas. It's pending. I mentioned I'd like to meet Betty for lunch one day at Union Station in L.A., but that kind of evolved into possibly meeting her at the Burbank station and Robyn maybe coming along. This would be on Friday, the only day I now have open.
El asked if I'd be available on Tuesday to help her a bit preparing her classroom for Thursday and sure, I am. I'll do the scut work, such as counting pencils and straightening up.
We went to Sea Fresh for lunch. Sat outside and I had a po' boy fried oyster sandwich (so-so) and a Sapporo Japanese beer (excellent, as ever).  We then drove to the Kristimundi Center and gathered a few oranges, but it was so hot, we didn't stay long. Went back El's to chat for bit; left about 5:00, not stopping in town for my afternoon walk.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Saturday and Sheri

Walked Kimball so early I was actually finished and back in my car before 7:00. At that early hour, a huge sun blazed orange in the sky.  Took a picture. Got gas before I went home.
I went into my bank autopay to have my rent deducted at eighty dollars higher, starting in September. For some reason, I had all kinds of problems I don't even want to enumerate. Went to that entity from Hell, B of A,  to see if it could be straightened out.  The guy told me what to do, but it didn't work when I got home. To make a l. s. s., after more frustration and two phone calls, I think it finally is on correctly. Damn, what a drag.
Went to the credit union which, it seems, has the only coin counter in southern California and that had been nonoperational for a week. They do take ten percent of the total, but it beats rolling them myself. I walked out of there with a tidy twenty-three bucks and change.
I was delighted when Ellen called to see if I wanted to go to lunch today. Yes, indeed, and I'll go to her place at noon. She was at school preparing for the onslaught, which will start on the sixteenth. Wow, really early, but they are getting a week off in October for the first time.
Went for the town walk and found a crocheted, lacy kind of shawl that will go perfectly with my Caroline Dudley outfit. Bought it for a song, as it was at The Coalition thrift store. Stopped for blueberries and grapes on the way home.
At 9:00, I was in bed reading and was just about to turn off the light when the phone rang. Who...?  What...? It was Sheri O., asking if I'd like to go to the fair today (last day) to see a Dudley shadow box she had assembled. Told her I already had an engagement (lunch with Ellen). Should have told her please not to call me at that ungodly hour unless she had word of a meteor aimed at my place. I will if it happens again.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Dr. J. And Spinach

For the second time in a week (the county fair Tuesday), I skipped the park walk; had a doctor's appointment at 8:00. I was happy to have the weigh-in come to 127.5--that's fine and I didn't have to go to T.O.P.S.  I was told my height is 5' 2"; in my heyday, it was two inches taller.
Dr. J. was pleased overall--she kept referring to the fact that I'm 81; am I supposed to sit and eat bon -bons all day, or what?--and was delighted with my exercise regimen. She does want me to have a lung CT, not because there's any particular new problem, but my last ones showed some kind of thickening or something. It's been stable for three years (actually, I think longer because I believe it was present in the Jersey tests, also), but nevertheless--.
Now the two things I fear most in the world are blindness and lung cancer, so this didn't go over very big with me, but I guess I'll make the appointment and get it over with.  Blood pressure was good, as it was up to 120 over something or other. Anyway, I was home before 9:00 and since I hate going to the doctor's, felt relieved I don't have to go back until February.
Breakfast late, then to Von's for Romaine and "bistro bowls" (prepared salads, fearfully overpriced and not as good as mine, but they were on sale), and some nice fresh rockfish. Home, I did a wash and prepared spaghetti squash for dinner.
CC texted me, asking if we could meet at McDonald's at 5:15, so she could return the Dudley House keys; wrote back okay. Drove to town, did the library to museum thing, then back to read for a bit. As I parked at home, I was delighted to see Suzanne. She's finally back from her several-weeks-long trip and came in to tell me about it. It included both a religious retreat and a personal trip to Muir Woods with a sister sister, and she greatly enjoyed it.  Showed me pictures on her phone.
As soon she left, it was time to walk over to the next block and meet CC. Did so, she gave me the keys to Dudley House (when I was away, I gave them to Sue), and we had a good talk, not about Toastmasters, but about family members with dementia.
Dinner was cod, spaghetti squash, and my favorite: fresh spinach, cooked and with an olive oil, lime juice, and garlic dressing.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Lunch With Nancy, Etc.

Got up late, so walked late, but still got home by 7:05.
I had been feeling stressed because I had a lot of minutia to attend to, especially answering a number of congratulatory e-mails and other messages. Finally got it done and called Connie to tell her I'd return her hat and hatbox after my lunch with Nancy.
I arranged with Fern to greet Toastmaster members on Monday as Caroline Dudley and said I'd do my Caroline thing for Humor & Drama Toastmasters on Thursday. Went to WinCo and several other stores to get supplies before I met Nancy at The Cave at 1:00 to treat her for her birthday.
We both got the cheese platter, plus Chardonnay, and I gave her the paint pallet necklace I had had made for her--she liked it a lot. Stayed until 2:30, then I drove to Oxnard to Connie's.
I was pleased that Connie asked if she could contact me in October for a project to try to get Ventura to back more heritage projects. I also told her of the suggestions two of my friends made about skipping the contest idea and just having it as an informational presentation and she thought that was an excellent idea. She'll suggest it to the V. family, who heads it up.
Went from there to town, parked at the library (which I'd do until the fair is over, then go back to the museum).  Stopped in some shops on my way and bought two tops and a pair of socks.* Read at the library for a bit.
When Betty was here and I took her to Grocery Outlet, I noticed a small, inexpensive cart and suggested she get one. She did and now I decided to do the same. Bought it and was able to fit all my grocery and clothes purchases in.  I find it very convenient and will keep it in the car.
Must leave now for my doctor's appointment at 8:00. It's a physical--ugh, ugh, ugh!
*You could sing this sentence!

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Various And Sundry

Walked Kimball and saw my park pals.  Diane and Sue had come to the fair thing; others congratulated me.  Carolyn and Bob were unable to go, but Carolyn asked if I'd like to be in a book club. I told her I'd rather do that than hang by my thumbs for three days, but--. I consider reading an intimate experience and why would I would be interested in others' ideas about a book, except for the author? She seemed surprised at that, but I'm beginning not to care if I surprise, shock, or annoy people when I express an opinion.
Wrote out my "I'm raising the rent" letter to Eileen, my tenant, and called Walter to be sure I was doing the thing right, with corrected copies of the lease, and so on. He said he was no longer in real estate (he's a year older than I am), but assured me what I did was legal. Talked to Susan, too, which was so good. They were my across-the-street neighbors during our years in Sunrise Bay, and very agreeable ones.
I had seen that David Mirsch, a former publicist, was speaking at the museum at 11:00 about his experiences with the various actors and sports figures he represented.  I decided to go, but it was only mildly interesting, as he's now 83 and most of the "stars" he worked with are up in the starry firmament now. Went from there to Sprouts for blueberries and grapes.  Betty called to congratulate me on my second-place at the fair, and we chatted. We will both go to Marybeth's funeral on the 24th; she with Steve and Robyn, although I'm not sure how I will--maybe by train.
Parked at the library, then met Diane at 3:00 for Happy Hour at the Crown Plaza and we were taken aback to learn they no longer have it on the side patio. We had to sit on the back patio and, although the setting in lovely with an ocean view, we were not happy with the service.  We're going to look at other places. Walked back to the library and read for a bit, then drove home.
Called Nancy and I'll finally take her out to lunch today for her birthday.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018


I won second place at the county fair contest. I would have been more satisfied with that if there was twenty-five entries, but there weren't; there were three. Connie won first and rightly so, really.
I was just a bit miffed that the microphone was so defective, plus the venue wasn't the best. It was in an open pavilion, next to--actually part of--the baby animal section. Goats and adult turkeys were loudly squawking, and so was the rock band in the next area, and the trains roaring down the track just a few yards away. The truth is, though, Connie was very good. She's done this five times now, so she had a lot of experience.
I was pleased to see that Lolly and Bobbi from T.O.P.S.; Diane and Sue from the park and Diane from Happy Hour and her friend; Fred and Loretta from here, and Lynn, Jan, Sheri, Ken, and others in the Dudley House docent set, all came to see me.
For the first time in about two years, I didn't do either the park or the town walk. However, after the contest, Ellen and I had lunch at the fair, then walked a goodly portion of it, so that may have been the equivalent.  I was determined to eat things I never do anymore, so I greatly enjoyed a corn dog, a glass of 805 beer, and a soft serve ice cream. Later, I even had a sno cone. Those should keep me for another year.
It was 5:30 by the time El dropped me off at my car and left for Ojai. I brought my things in and immediately drove to town, but just to the library--I didn't walk.  From there, I drove to the thrift store in the east end. I had my eye on a kind a bench I'm considering for my bedroom, but can't decide if I want it or not.

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Busy Day With An Energy Shield

Gawd, I should be skinny as a rail, considering the running around I do. Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then spent the morning rehearsing my shtick.
Drove to the county center (only about two miles from me) and asked the fair shuttle driver if I could bring my cart and stuff on board. She said she thought so, but now I'm torn about whether to take the shuttle or my car. I figure if I go early enough, I can get in the parking lot and then I'd have a place to leave my clothes after I changed. I'm still not sure which way is better.
Stopped at the Hill Street library branch and took out a book on the making of Casablanca, one of my faves. Picked up some blueberries and a few other things at the supermarket, then met my widder group for lunch at the Stone Fire Grille.
There were just Vera, Gayle, Carolyn, and Greg there, plus a newbie, Pam, whose husband died three years ago; no kids, two dogs. She proved to be a fellow spirit in a number of ways and the good talk and laughs among the six of us was great fun. We broke up about 1:30, I took my groceries home to the fridge, and put on my costume to do my talk in front of the mirror.
Boy, the outfit is so damn hot, but what's worse, the buttons are small and hard to fasten. Also, the hat box Connie gave me for the hat she lent me is much too big for the cart I'm taking. I found a somewhat smaller one I could just fit in on its side, and will use that. Added my boots, the basket with my props in it, and a few other things I want to take. This is just doable--I think--if I load up the cart, take it to the car, then unload, fold it, and re-do when I get there. Geez, I think it's going to be a mess to try to dress there, but I have no choice.
Drove to town after and went to the library. This time, I didn't walk, just read for an hour or so, then took off for home. I decided I had to do a load of wash, so did. When I went to retrieve my dry clothes, Fred and Loretta (the couple I was introduced to by Suzanne) came up and we chatted. They followed me to the laundry place and continued to chat. They continued to talk as we walked back to my place and more or less invited themselves in. Incredibly, they didn't leave until quarter of nine.
I don't dislike these two exactly, but they really aren't my type. Loretta is a constant complainer and even seems to be a bit paranoid (she sees a gangster around every corner), although Fred is a pretty good guy. He mentioned how he set up an "energy shield" around Loretta because she's been having problems at work. This is a protective coating composed of prayer, good thoughts, and certain gestures. Sometimes they need a small one and sometimes large.  Loretta assured me it really works.
AAGH! Oh, well, they're entertaining in small doses, I guess. 

Monday, August 06, 2018

My Walks And My Wig

I drove to Kimball much too early, getting there about 6:15. It was so foggy I could barely see three feet ahead and, since the pool isn't open on Sunday, there were only two cars there. I started out anyway and soon, more people came by, so it wasn't a problem.
Got home and made breakfast for Betty and me, then rehearsed my talk, and delivered it to her as audience twice. It went okay, but I still have some brushing up to do.
We knew Betty would be picked up about 1:00, so I asked if she wanted to go to the only thrift store in East Ventura. She did, we went, and Betty bought a pretty top. We then stopped next door at Grocery Outlet and I noticed a small, lightweight cart I thought might be good for Betty to have.  She bought it and thinks it will be very convenient.
Made lunch, we ate, then Robyn came about 1:00.  The three of us chatted for a half hour or so, then they packed up and left for L.A. Betty will stay with them for--how long? When will she go back to Jersey? What happens now? All mysteries at this point.
I immediately drove to the costume place in Oxnard to see if I could get a brown wig, similar to the white one. Nope. Everything they had was young, sexy, and wrong. Can't decide if I should just go with my own hair or try to color the white one. Since it was nearby, I stopped at Whole Foods, although I know Greg doesn't always work on Sunday. I was pleased to see he was there, though, and we had nice visit. Left and made my way back to Ventura. I was determined not to skip my afternoon walk, so after I stopped at home, I drove to town, parked at the library (now  closed; it was after 5:00), and walk to the museum and back.
Had all leftovers for dinner: tuna steak, mushrooms, cauliflower, spinach, and the last of the carrots.

Sunday, August 05, 2018


Walked Kimball while Betty stayed in. Met up with the walk Carolyn and had a long heart-to-heart with her. We'll get together soon for lunch and a movie.  Betty and I had breakfast and I did my Caroline Dudley thing for her.  We then went to various stores for items we could probably have done without. Since I still need my blueberry fixes,  I bought several more boxes at WinCo. Home, I chopped and put in the slow cooker an "orange cauliflower" I had bought. (Doesn't taste any different from the white kind.) We chatted and did this and that, then went to lunch at Stone Fire Grille.
It was jammed, as I thought it would be, but we got in, ordered, and seated ourselves reasonably quickly. I did like the large salad I had, plus of course, the "Chef Something" beer. Betty had yummy- looking chicken wraps and we both took some home.
We fooled around on our various electronic toys, then sat and talked before I took Betty to mass at Our Lady of the Assumption. Prepared dinner while she was gone: tilapia, fresh spinach, and the cauliflower. Picked Betty up and we had dinner. I had wine with mine, and probably a bit too much of it, as I can't even remember getting to bed!

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Betty Here

Walked Kimball, then, as usual, dawdled with this and that before it was time to go to T.O.P.S. I wasn't surprised to hear I had gained, in a manner of speaking, and am back up to 128. I don't have a problem with this because it's just equaling out, I think. As long as I stay between 125 and 130, I consider it no problem.
After breakfast, I tidied up, rehearsed, and had lunch before Betty came about 1:30. She was with Robyn and Dex; Steve came in a separate car. I'm not sure why, but she brought an enormous amount of luggage--everything she came to California with. Anyway, they left shortly after and she settled in.
I had a 2:30 color and cut hair appointment, so kept that. I think Mary did a pretty good job, but I wish I had had her take more off, but then I'm never happy with my hair. While I was in the chair, it occurred to me that I should wear a brown, not a white wig, as Carrie, as I was presenting myself as a mother of young children. Will go to back to the costume place.
Home about 4:30 and we chatted a bit. I served dinner of fresh tuna steaks, along with several veggie sides. Because I had had to skip my afternoon walk, I suggested we go into town after, which we did.
We walked only part of my usual, and at a much slower pace. Stopped into a few stores, but didn't buy anything. By the time we got home, it was 8:00. We had some fruit, I watched some of Frasier, but it was a later, less entertaining segment, and I switched to Forensic Files.
Earlier, I had been amused when Betty asked if I could record Jeopardy. No, I don't have that and have no desire to get it. People have asked if I don't sometimes have conflicts--I have to go out when my "favorite programs" are on, say.  But aside from Frasier, which concluded its run fourteen years ago, I don't have any favorites. Once in a while, if I stumble across Small World, maybe, I might watch something else, but generally, it isn't a big part of my life. It's a tool for placidity and I just use it to empty my mind at the end of the day.  

Friday, August 03, 2018

At Connie's

Walking Kimball, I handed out flyers about my appearance at the county fair on Tuesday.  Home to hone and recite my talk, then had an early lunch and prepared to go to Connie's. She asked  me to be there at 1:00. but I'm not familiar with Oxnard, so left too soon and got there almost an hour early. I knew she wouldn't be home yet, so went to a nearby mall and got some birthday cards.
While I was there, my brother, Jim, called. I was delighted to hear from him because we hadn't touched base for awhile, and it was good to chat. Jim is 93, but still in pretty good shape. I love him so much.
Went back to Connie's, who has a huge corner house with an ocean (or bay) view and a whole guest suite downstairs. There's where I put my costume on, which she liked a lot. She then offered me several Victorian hats and we settled on one with flowers and a bird on it. She also liked my presentation and I was pleased. Connie herself said  she's going to wear a bathing outfit (from the 1910s, I think) and impersonate a local woman who had know President McKinley's wife. The theme doesn't sound to interesting to me, but that's okay.
I told Connie that Steve and Robyn were interested in being in the Maritime Museum thing in February and she asked for their e-mail; I'll see them when they bring Betty today.  Went from there to the supermarket for this and then, went home to put it away, then took off for my town walk. Called El to see if she was interested in going out for dinner, but she wasn't.  Just as well, as I stir-fried myself some excellent raw shrimp.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

The Fair Prelim

Kimball and breakfast, then I did a load of wash before continuing my Dudley duties.  The first time I said my talk, I timed it at nine minutes--AAGH! It must be between four and a half and five, so I honed it a lot. Using pictures was a good idea because memorizing isn't what I want to do--it seems too "staged" and the pics serve as prompts.
I had seen in the paper that it was opening day and admission was only a dollar. Also, I knew shuttles were available in various places, so I drove to the high school, parked my car, and boarded one. Got to the fair about noon and boy, the place was packed.
I paid my buck and walked back to the barn buildings. There were lots of baby animals and people, but I found the "office" for Uncle Leo's Barn. I asked where I could park--just in regular parking--and where I could change--in the ladies room--and where I could leave my equipment--nowhere, they had no place for it. Went to the main office to ask about parking and was taken aback to hear I'd have to park in the regular lot--usually filled early in the day--and had to pay the ten dollar fee. What,even if I was appearing there? Yep.
I could, of course, get the shuttle again, but then I'd have no place to put the clothes I take off, so I decided to go with the regular parking. Called Ellen to tell her I didn't think she needed to go with me, although now I'm not so sure. However, I think I have to go very early--about 11:00 and the gig doesn't start until 2:00, in order to get a spot. I know she wouldn't be anxious to go that early, so I guess it won't happen.
Went back in the shuttle and took my car to the library, as I knew the museum lot would be filled with fair-goers.  Walked to the Crown Plaza where Diane soon joined me for Happy Hour at 3:00. We had our usual animated talk, plus calamari and good Mexican beer. We were there almost two hours, then left. Diane and a friend will come on Tuesday and we also made a date for the Crown Plaza next Wednesday.
Connie's today and I have a lot of equipment to take with me.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Dudley And Other Doings

Saw Irene and Diane on the morning walk, the latter just back from a Canadian hiking trip. She's in a group of women who go all sorts of places to hike; next month, they're hitting Ireland. After Kimball, it was virtually all Dudley.  I spent hours duplicating pictures and writing up my talk. It still isn't what I want and what's more, runs long, so I'll have to cut it.
Robyn called to see if it was all right to drop Betty off at 1:00 on Friday and pick her up the same time on Sunday. Sure, no prob, just don't expect guest treatment because it's still going to be all Dudley all the time. Oddly, Betty called me later, asking what time I wanted her to be dropped off; she didn't know Robyn had called.
I did knock off in time to go to town after lunch. In fact, I violated one of my no-nos and took a split of red wine with my salad and consumed them in Plaza Park. This is where I've met Diane in the past, but she's away at the moment. Happily, she just e-mailed me asking if I was up for Happy Hour at the Crowne Plaza next Wednesday. Absolutely and I'm looking forward to it.
Home, I ate dinner early and revised, re-revised, and re-re-revised my talk. I have only today to hone it and memorize it, as I see Connie tomorrow. Well, I'll get it done.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...