Sunday, August 12, 2012

Going Home

Awoke at quarter of six before my alarm rang and I'm all packed and ready to go.  We'll leave about 8:00, Ellen said, in order to be at LAX in time for my 11:00 flight.  So sorry to be leaving; wish I could stay longer--well, that's redundant, isn't it?--but I do have things going on at home, notably rehearsal on Tuesday.  Had such a lovely, lovely vacation, thanks to my darling daughter.


Anonymous said...

Leaving at 8 from Ventura for an 11am flight from LAX??!! I thought you'd be leaving at 5am. Anyway, good luck with that.

Ellen said...

Ha ha! We were there in 50 minutes.


The Camarillo Garden Tour with Suzanne, but as it turned out, I greatly enjoyed it. We left at noon, drove to Camarillo and started at the f...