Thursday, August 16, 2012

Good, Busy Day

With Susan soon to be fitted with a cast for her broken foot, I walked with the boys--Frankie, Nat, and The Platters.  Was surprised to see Susan on her bike--she refuses to allow a broken bone to prevent her from exercising--and we chatted for a bit.
After breakfast, I went over to interview Naomi for a short piece on her book, My Name Is Naomi: From Victim To Victory, for a short piece in The Breeze.  Took several pictures of her holding the book.
From there, I zipped up to Manahawkin.  I had lost one of my keys to the front door and had three made at Wal-Mart.  Picked up a few items there and elsewhere, then stopped at B & B for fruit. 
Oh, how lovely are the fruits of summer!  I got watermelon, peaches, and blueberries, along with avocados for my salad, a large one of which I made when I got home.  Ate that, then sat down and wrote the Naomi article.  Must send it to her to check for errors, then to the paper.
Did a bunch of stuff on the computer, talked to Betty and a few others, and  plowed some through the mountain of minutiae I should have done as soon as I got back from California.
Jumped in the shower, dressed, then picked up Aline and went to rehearsal.  It was so enjoyable to be back preparing for a performance; however, I was taken aback to be told John P. hadn't yet contacted Tonya to let her know if he'd take the role of Ed.  Promised to e-mail him this morning and just did.

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...