Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dine Around Arrangements

Spent a good part of yesterday scouting out restaurants for our September Dine-Around, as I'm "in charge" this time.  Decided Atlantic County may be a bit far to go for some, so went to Manahawkin.  First venues wouldn't accept a group of 20 to 25 and the second closed early on Sundays, so we'd probably have to have it on a weekday--not ideal.
I finally settled on Spiaggia e Luna ("Moon Over The Beach") in Barnegat.  I had been there last several years ago with my friend, Peg, and as I recall, the food was good and the setting pleasant.  I talked to the owner, Jon, and we settled on an all-inclusive price, with a choice of five entrees.
Spent a fair amount of time when I got home making a flyer that I'll be delivering to the other 32 members.  I put on some clip art which includes an Italian flag, and pertinant information, such as directions and BYOB.  Yoicks, I hope they don't all respond in the affirmative, as I told Jon there'd be 20 to 25.  Now I just have to duplicate the flyer--think I'll do it at Staples, instead of on my own printer--and distribute them. 
Will meet Betty at the cemetery today, as it's the thirty-eighth anniversary of her husband's death.  Boy, these anniversaries are not the fun kind; coming up is her son's anniversary of eight years.   

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 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...