Monday, August 20, 2012


Little of interest yesterday.  Went to B.J.'s and Wal-Mart for this and that.  Spent most of the rest of the day on the computer and reading 6/11/63, Stephen King's latest, which Susan lent me.  Typical of his stuff, it's fearfully over-written, yet absorbing and so true to life--in a certain weird, off-center way--that it seems plausible.
Called John P. to ask if I could pick up my script today at Stockton, where he teaches. "Sure," said he and I called Aline to see if she can go into Atlantic County with me.  She was in "the city" (people around here mean New York), but I asked her sister to have her call me this morning. 
Judy K. called about my being the organizer of the September Dine-Aound.  After telling me over and over "you're in charge," she balked when I said I might do away with the silly quiz contest, in which every person wins some horrid prize from the dollar store, which Judy provides.  I guess the organizer is in charge as long as he or she confirms to certain very narrow boundaries of Judy's chosing.  Sounds like our brand of "democracy," doesn't it?
Other than that, Nada. 


Jim Wetzel said...

Don'tcha just love it when someone else wants to drive, but prefers to do it from the back seat?

Quiz ideas:

1. What's the SI unit of weight? (A: the newton, but everyone will say "kilogram.")

2. Provide the next line of the poem: "There are strange things done in the midnight sun" (A: "By the men who moil for gold," from "The Cremation of Sam McGee, by Robert W. Service -- probably not the best-known poem.)

3. Give the value, to three significant figures, of Avogadro's number, which is how many things are in a mole. (A: 6.02 times ten to the twenty-third.)

A few more questions like those, and I'm sure the quiz contest will be a thing of the past. Sometimes, the only way to discipline someone is to let them win ... but good!

Mimi said...

Jim, not only would the quiz contest be a thing of the past, but so would I! Interesting questions--maybe typical of the engineering mind? (Good grief!)


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...