Sunday, August 12, 2012

Going Home

Awoke at quarter of six before my alarm rang and I'm all packed and ready to go.  We'll leave about 8:00, Ellen said, in order to be at LAX in time for my 11:00 flight.  So sorry to be leaving; wish I could stay longer--well, that's redundant, isn't it?--but I do have things going on at home, notably rehearsal on Tuesday.  Had such a lovely, lovely vacation, thanks to my darling daughter.


Anonymous said...

Leaving at 8 from Ventura for an 11am flight from LAX??!! I thought you'd be leaving at 5am. Anyway, good luck with that.

Ellen said...

Ha ha! We were there in 50 minutes.


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...