Friday, August 17, 2012

Walking And War

I was surprised to see Susan limping toward me when I went out for our morning walk.  She had been fitted with a kind of boot that is removable and has a pneumatic feature to blow it up and hold her ankle rigid--I think.  (Are plaster casts still used?  Dunno.)  Anyway, she was able to complete about three quarters of our usual path and said she'd walk today, too.
After breakfast, hustled up to Manahawkin for various, including my new fave, fruit.  I now have watermelon, blueberries, peaches, plums, and cantaloupe on which to feast, as well as avocados and limes.
Ed S. from Players & Playwrights e-mailed me to ask if I'd call him and give him my take on conditions on the Garden State at different times of day, considering the Atlantic City Air Show.  Seems a little odd that he consulted me rather than an official source, but no prob.  Friends of his are appearing (I guess to sing) at a bar in Wildwood and are coming from upstate New York.  I looked it up, discovered that the Air Show--the penultimate thrill of bullies and fascists--is scheduled from 10:00 until 3:30, so advised him his friends should have no particular problem going south.
Talked to Mary S. and others.  Am awaiting the decision on the change in dates for YCTIWY and any auxiliary gatherings, such as rehearsals.
Late in the day, I got the urge to go to the pool, and did so.  It was close to the lifeguard's quitting time, 5:00, and the S.'s were just leaving.  Art M. and I were the only ones there and Art left after a few laps.  I just jumped in, paddled around for fifteen minutes, then left, showered, and had dinner. 
WIDER:  Re militarism, is anyone arguing that the horrors we're now witnessing as a result of the Iraqi War couldn't be foreseen?  But nine weeks ago--that is, nine months ago--okay, more than nine years ago, Justin Raimondo wrote in that  "...the nation (will be) plunged into a horrific and unnecessary war – a war that will kill many thousands of innocents, bankrupt the country, and create a bloody chaos in the Middle East...."
And guess what?  He was right.  Here's the March, 2003, article, the gist of which is a rebuttal of David Frum's trashing of conservatives against the invasion:
And this same slime bag, David Frum, in a recent interview by Politico:
"What do you know now that you wish someone had told you 10 years ago?" 
"That the Iraq War would be a disaster. Come to think of it, they did tell me."
Ho, ho, he's a riot!  What a great guy!  Good-looking, too, all neat and clean with his golden retriever on a lily-white porch in Hot Stuff, Virginia.  All right, one of the architects of the slaughter of men, women, and children on the other side of the world, but you gotta move on...

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...