Saturday, August 04, 2012

Breakfast, Tillie, And A Suitcase

Met John for breakfast at the Sunryser (hate those cutesy-poo misspellings) and we had such an enjoyable talk session.  Tonya wasn't able to join us, but I gave John my copy of the play.  He seems very interested and I hope, hope, hope he'll consent to play Ed.  Only snag might be that her teaches on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, which is when we usually rehearse.  Well, Tonya had said we'd work around his schedule and I'm sure we can do it.  We talked and talked, getting to know each other, for almost two hours, then said goodbye.  I had given John Tonya's phone number and e-mail address, so he can let her know if he'll do it after he goes over the script.
Spent most of the rest of the day packing, making notes of what I need to do here to get ready for my trip. 
Just enjoyed a Skype call from P. and N. and had a good chat.  Sadly, I had gotten another Skype call from Ellen yesterday, telling me that Tillie had died.  It had to be, we both knew that, but it's so hard to lose a beloved pet.  Tillie was a good kitty and will be missed.
I had told Ellen my suitcases were either too small or too big, and she suggested I actually go buy one--an unheard of extravagance, it seemed to me.  However, I slowly came around to the idea that might be the thing to do and I was able to find a good, medium-sized one at Target.
NOW, I must fill that new suitcase and get serious about my trip.  Can't wait to see Ellen!

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Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...