Monday, September 12, 2011

I got wonderful news via a Skype call from Mike: They're coming for Christmas and will stay here! Although there are five of them, it'll be doable: I'll put the married couple in my room, Vickie, the nanny and the two girls in the guest room, and I'll sleep on the pull-out in the study. They'll arrive on December 17 and will drive down to Disneyland on the 26th. What's more, Ellen is coming, too, on the nineteenth; she'll stay at Alison's. I wish P. and N. could be here, too, but I'm afraid they can't--Ellen already asked them. My birthday, of course, is on December 21.
Just called sister Betty, who's being picked up shortly by her niece and driven to the airport in Philly on her way to California. Had a nice chat and said goodbye. Nothing planned for today, which is okay with me. I want to start tackling my closet, which is woefully jammed, in preparation for my company in December.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Christmas will be super wonderful for you all this year. Hope Mike realizes Disney will be jam packed on that day...but then it is most days unless it's during January. They'll have a blast no matter.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...