Friday, October 15, 2010

Turned out to be a buzzin' busy day. Exterminator came just at 9:00 and inspected, looking mostly in the garage. He's really a very nice guy. Lives in Ocean Acres in Manahawkin, has a newborn baby boy, and his wife is a nurse at Seacrest. She probably knew Pat, as she's in the rehab section. Am mulling over whether to sign a contract or not, as it's another expense.
Walked down to Leslie's after lunch and we went to the food pantry. Anne H., who runs the place, was there and stayed the whole time. Now the food pantry is roughly the size of my bathroom--seriously--and there were two of us, so why Anne had to stay is hard to fathom. Les and I were a captive audience to Anne's infuriating stream-of-consciousness rantings, delivered nonstop in an excruciating New York accent. She sat in one of the only two chairs--the other is for the clients--so L. and I had to stand the whole two hours. When she started complaining about having to deliver to two people unable to get there, I said I'd do it.
L. and I transferred two separate portions from big boxes to bags, and hauled them out, one portion in the trunk, one in the back seat. Now I'm not talking a package of tastycakes and a bag of marshmallows here. There were giant bottles of juice, large frozen chickens, and a lot of canned soup, vegetables, and other heavy items. To top it off, it was raining heavily, so it was a chore to get the stuff in L.'s car.
Leslie was unable to help deliver, so she drove me home and we moved the stuff from her car to mine. By this time, it was 4:30 and getting dark, so I wanted to get them delivered as soon as possible. Anne had given me the addresses, but had neglected to include the names of the apartment complexes. She had referred to "Tall Timbers," and I drove around there looking, but finally had to call the recipient, who told me it was actually Royal Timbers, an entirely different place. Got there to find the apartment is on the third floor and the stairs on the outside. Took three trips up with bags in the driving rain, and left them at woman's door.
Went to Tavistock to deliver the other load--first floor, thank heavens--woman was very appreciative, although it looked like a hoarder's place. Got home, still in driving rain.
Tidied up, had dinner, then left for a production meeting for Blithe Spirit. That lasted about an hour and a half, so got home after 8:30; still raining hard, but I was finally in for the night.
Slept, again, soundly all night. All in all, a good, full day.


Anonymous said...

A. DO NOT sign a contract.

B. The person should have come got their own G.D. groceries ...


Mimi said...

Wha'?! Who's writing? Why not sign a contract? Explain...and I know you're not E.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...