Friday, October 29, 2010

Spent all day at Epcot, riding the rides, walking the walk, viewing the view-things, and, you'd better believe it, eating the food. Not intensely crowded, just enough to be festive, and glorious sunshine all day. We saw the spectacular laser show at 9 pm, so arrived back at the Paradise Suites 'way past my bedtime. No matter--we're on vacation, after all--I took a bath before bed, read a bit, and slept like a log until almost eight o-clock.
While there, I devoured various and sundry food, all of which was incredibly overpriced (you expect that), but wasn't half bad. For lunch, we went to the food court and I had an interesting and tasty beet/goat cheese salad with a cold beer. Stopped at the Mexican pavilion for dinner and I had a Something that starts with an "E," also pretty cheese-laden (anything in the stratosphere calorie-wise appeals to me), which was delicious; indulged in a margarita besides--yum!
Uh-oh, four minutes left--gotta go.
LATER: I had no sooner finished the above than I walked into the other room downstairs at the hotel to see Larry was having the Continental breakfast. "We have to leave right away," he said. I reacted intelligently with "Huh?" and was told Helen was in the hospital. We finished our coffee, quickly went upstairs to pack, and were checked out in roughly fifteen minutes. Got back to Miami in about four hours and went directly to the hospital. It seems Helen had had a rapid heartbeat episode, which she's experienced before. Larry had been phoned by son-in-law Vic to the effect that Helen needed a pacemaker. By the time we got there, the procedure was almost over. It was a success and we were able to see her in the recovery room, then accompany her to her regular room. Daughters Elaine and Karen, as well as younger son, Larry, were there when we arrived and Karen continued to be with her when we left. Larry has just left to go back and will bring her some things she wanted. We understand Helen will be discharged tomorrow, and should recover fully; in fact, be able to do more and feel better than ever--yay!


iloveac said...

So glad to read the good results. I often say how fortunate we are to live in a time with so much advanced technology available to us. Glad you were able to be with Larry for that ride that must have seemed like 40 hours to him.

Mimi said...

Yes, Pat, I was glad to be with him,too. All seems to be going smoothly with Helen now.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...