Saturday, April 26, 2008

Neat day yesterday! Got up to New Egypt by 11:00, stopping on the way to buy myself a blueberry plant at the farm where I've picked with Alison. Walked in and Tristan immediately held up his arms to be picked up, a big grin on his chubby face. Jen said he had walked three steps without holding on the day before--and he's only eight and half months old!
After chatting for a while, we walked across the street to The Plum Tree for lunch. Jen had a pork roll sandwich, Joely bacon and eggs, I a Greek salad, and T. contented himself with eating the menu. He wolfed down some of Jen's French fries, too.
Jen left to do her wash at Alison's and to go the supermarket, and I took the boys to a park a street or two away. Joely mostly ran up and down a huge mound of wood chips next to the slide. I guess they were deposited there to spread out later, but as I think most kids would, he enjoyed running up and down the pile more than the play equipment.
After a bit, we went to the park just down the street from their apartment, next to the lake. T. loved the baby swing and Joely pushed him on it. Every time J. came into view as T. went back and forth, the little guy would laugh. He says "Na-na-na" and "Da-da," but I'm not sure if he really knows what he's saying. He also waves and boy, that kid crawls, walks, grabs, and chews anything within ten feet.
As for his big brother, he's now a non-stop talker. He went on for some time about Earth Day, telling me with great authority that it takes a thousand trees to make one sheet of paper. Okay, the message was a little garbled, but it went in the right direction.
After Jen got home, she drove us to another park in North Hanover. Joel loved the dome he could climb on, into, and inside. By now, T. had mostly conked out and was content in his stroller.
We drove back to their place and said our goodbyes. What a wonderful day and I hope to do it again. Got home a little after 5:00 and Pat was fine. He said he had been just about to leave for the bay after lunch when Jack B. stopped in. They went down there together and Jack stayed at the bay with him for an hour or so.
Today is Jen's birthday and Alison will take the boys for the day and overnight while she and big Joel go out for dinner and wherever else. During her daily call, Alison said Joely had requested they go swimming (she and Mike belong to a gym with a pool), so she'll take both of them there. Can't wait to be able to have them here to swim at our pool this summer.


iloveac said...

That sounds like it was a fun day. Just to see Tristan's big smile when you walked in.....made it worth the drive.

Mimi said...

Yes, Pat, and he smiled and laughed all day. The last time I saw him, two weeks ago, I couldn't get him to crack a grin; even told Betty he was a somber-type baby. Boy, has he proved me wrong.


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...