Monday, April 21, 2008

Alison got in about 11:00 and we immediately started in on my list of chores. She pulled the dryer out from the wall and disconnected the lint catcher. (I just can't remember the word for that; I keep wanting to say "hose," but it's a big silver-tunnel-thing). She took it outside to empty while I swept the clumps of lint from in back of the dryer. She filled the bird-feeders, put my new hubcap on, and performed various other items I find it hard to do.
After lunch, we went over the unbelievable number of pictures I've accumulated and she selected dozens for whatever project she's planning for our anniversary party. She also put on her "to take" pile several wedding artifacts, including the bride and groom from my wedding cake, and the blue garter I wore a half-century ago.
After that, and while Pat was at the bay, we walked to the clubhouse so she could look it over. We then sat down and Alison made up a list of things we would each do, what food would be served, and so on. Incidentally, the guest list is now up to 79 and I forgot to add Pat's bay buddies, so I have to pare it down.
A. left about 3:00, then Frank D. came over and asked if I wanted the cover over the AC removed. Thanks, Frank, yes I do.
Before dinner I got a call from SIL, Therese, telling me that brother Jim is in Fairfax Hospital (Va.) with a heart valve problem. He's been in excellent health, but he is 82, and I'm very concerned. I called him after dinner and he sounded strong and good. Hope all goes well, of course.
Ellen called/cammed and we had a great time getting a virtual tour of her townhouse. She has a laptop, so was able to walk around with it and the web cam, upstairs and down. It's shaping up nicely, although she still has a lot she wants to do.
Leslie asked if she could join Susan and me for our walk this morning, and of course, she can. If the weather holds, I intend to go on the Atsion Lake hike (5 miles) today, too.


iloveac said...

The Wedding plans are shaping up. I thought the bride threw her garter to the 'available' male guests.

I've been noticing the anniversary pictures in our local paper and most of the bridal gowns are of the ante bellum fashion. I know you designed yours....did you go with the antebellum style as well?

Don't forget to put a side by side pic of you and Pat in the paper-----one a current photo ....and one as bride and groom.

Sorry to hear about Jim. That is serious. My brother Frank (your Jim's age) had a valve replacement about 10 yrs ago and has done quite well. It is scary, but the adavances in technology are just amazing. Now, if they could do something for the common would be just fine.

Mimi said...

Pat, you must be a spring chicken if you think throwing the garter was traditional. In MY day (eons before yours), we threw only the bouquet to unmarried females. Obviously, I didn't do that, either, because I still have the blackened, decaying vegetation in the box with my wedding things. Yoicks, I hope that isn't a symbol...

iloveac said...

I guess it was your good catholic school upbringing that didn't want you to expose your leg. However, my dear, I just googled it and the tradition goes back to the 14th century....soooo, I think you should throw a garter at your 50th anniversary to show off your legs.

In the south they also have a groom's cake which was new to me.

I can't believe you didn't throw your bouquet either...maybe you had an artificial one that you threw?

Mimi said...

No, I didn't. I just don't remember why I didn't throw it--maybe everybody just forgot. Well, live and learn about the garter--I thought it was a new-fangled thing.
Forgot to reply about the dress. It wasn't antebellum. It's made of poideswale (now that's a phonic spelling, have no idea of the right way) trimmed with Alonscon lace (so is that). It has a square neckline (I always throught and still do, they're most becoming)bordored with the lace, plus a kind of bow/bustle in the back, also with lace. Has cap sleeves and a fitted bodice. Hey, you could wear it today--but even now, I can't fit into it, as it's roughly a size 6.

iloveac said...

It sounds truly lovely. I remember in the 50s the bride's dress was always described in the wedding photo and most had Alonscon lace.
I rarely see a dress described today.

I hope as you look at the memorabilia you are able to evoke some of the wonderful memories you had planning that big day.

Why don't you take us back in time and use your blog to take us along to some of the events. Tell us about the showers.....the exciting things....what went wrong....all of it. I love to read that stuff.

First of all....did you know he was going to propose when he did?....start there. Where did he propose? How many times did he have to ask you? The blog is your canvas....paint us a picture. Please.


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...