Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Darn! As I was cleaning my glasses this morning, one of the ear pieces broke off. I'm wearing my old ones, but it isn't quite the right prescription. Must get to an optician and get new frames--but will they have them in the right size for the lenses? I hate to spend much on new ones, as I'm due for a checkup in a few months and may need a different prescription. (Will take back that "darn" and say "DAMN!")
Am continuing my clear-out, clean-up campaign. Spent hours removing pictures from frames and separating them. Today, I'll decide which of the myriad mound of frames to donate to the thrift store. I have so many because 1. I'm a photo freak, and 2. I had dups of some pictures decorating a wall in my office at Rider.
Jen installed a web cam and Pat and I greatly enjoyed talking to and seeing the Phillips Four yesterday. Joely told us about a boy named Eric who "went to Florida." We discussed his cousin, Vivian, who lives so far away; he wants to see her on the cam, too.
Talked to Betty about her SIL's father's death and some acquaintances. Alison called; she likes her new school and we talked about my times to and from California. Must get my tickets soon.
Aside from a supply trip to Shop-Rite, that was about it, so it was a fairly slow day. However, good things are coming up: Friend Lynne C. and I have a date to meet for lunch on Friday (in Christiana, DEL). Barb H. invited me to go with her and Ray to the local "Show Me A Tenor" production on Friday, the 11th, and I accepted with pleasure. We also made a tentative date for the three of us (Barb, Susan, and I) to finally go for our birthday lunch; we'll do that either Wednesday or next Friday.


iloveac said...

As soon as I learn how to use my webcam...we'll have to plan to chat face to face. I have a class next Sunday and I'll get my instructor to show me what I must do on my end.
When are you going to CA?

Mimi said...

Will be in CA from May 8th to the 18th. Haven't gotten my tickets, but hope to today.

iloveac said...

Am really getting hooked on WordSlinger. Am up to level 12. I haven't been playing to continue to get points ...I just want to see my highest level that I can go while saving my hints. I'm going to have to limit my time here....How'd you find this game?
'Little Shop' is also very addictive and very good for recall.


Packed my lunch and, for the first time in a while, I walked to that store from Hell, Wal-Mart, to get shoelaces. Picked up a few more thing...