Sunday, August 27, 2023


I walked to The Market after breakfast for cauliflower (I'm an addict), tissues, and mascara. When I left, I thought I'd go back Peet's Coffee to see if Greg was there. He wasn't, but I continued on past Chipotle Restaurant and who was eating pizza on the patio, but Diane. I sat down with her and we visited for an  hour or so--we always have a lot to talk about. I also had a slice of  her pizza.

We said goodbye and I continued home to prepare one of the huge zucchinis Lisa had given me after the Friday show. Found a good recipe on-line for roasting it; did so and had half for additional lunch. Took an hour's nap after. Now I have to decide what to do with the other humongous zucchini. 

Picked up at 6:00--a half-hour earlier than even early, as the call was for singers and Ken is one. That was okay, as I enjoyed seeing and hearing them rehearse. Others came drifting in and we were looking at another show. It went well and the house was all but ten filled, that is, we can seat sixty and fifty showed up. 

Backstage, here are are stalwart leaders, Shannon and Jeff. Why is he holding a kid's pony stick? Because he and Ken sing Don't Fence Me In and gag it up a little. Shannon, with Amy and Kathy, sings Danke Schoen.                                                                             

Got up once for the usual, then slept until 6:30, but I'll surely take a nap today. Much as I love my show biz career, I'm looking forward to resuming my regular schedule tomorrow.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...