Tuesday, August 22, 2023


It continued to rain for a few hours in the morning. I spent the time getting some long-neglected chores done, including moving things around and organizing closets, but I still have a boatload to do. Used the slow cooker to make the chicken breast recipe I think is so good. Had one for lunch.

Suzanne stopped in to ask how the show went and we chatted for a bit. Ellen texted me that she started school (teachers only; kids come in on Thursday), so life seems to be getting back to normal. 

Left to bus to the shopping center where Stone Fire Grille is located. Stopped at Kohl's first to get a pair of panty hose that might actually fit. Also saw some bathing suits and selected one, but changed my mind before I bought it. Although they can be returned, I didn't feel like having yet another thing I have to take back. I was early, so went to Barnes & Noble and sat reading a book on the scurrilous media so many seem to think is legit nowadays.

Got to Stone Fire Grille at 6:00 to join the Soaring Spirits gang. What a  pleasure to be with them again! I had missed both the lunch and dinner meetings recently, having rehearsals so often. I sat with Vera and Gayle and we had a fine time. What did we talk about? Lots, including how people reacted to our husbands' deaths, good or bad; what family upsets we've experienced; and who was a virgin at marriage (I'll never tell).

Director Karyn texted her cast to ask that we come in at 6:30 on Friday to do a verbal Italian.* Lindsay from our cast texted the rest to ask who was up for dinner this week. I am if I can get there, so I'll follow the continuing conversation. Anthony said he'd pick me up, but we're still trying to decide the day. 

Texted Diane to see if she was available for a lunch date. She is, and we'll meet at our usual: noon today near the library.  

UH-OH! Just as I was getting out of bed, there was a shaker. I hope it was an aftershock, but am not sure if it would be that much later than the original quake. 

My husband, Pat, died fourteen years ago today. Here we are at the baptism of our first child, Patrick:

* Verbal Italian: A fast-as-possible reciting of dialogue with no expression or nuances. 


iloveac said...

Rosemary, I love that photo.
We often did the 'Italian' right before dress rehearsal. What is the purpose of doing it after the show? Just curious.

Mimi said...

This will be before the next show. Remember, we perform three weekends in a row--this will be the second one.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...