Monday, August 21, 2023

Sunday And Wild Mother Nature

I spent time on mundane chores, including changing my bed, doing two washes, and making my favorite dinner: turkey stir-fry. After having a portion for lunch, I have enough for two more meals, which I stowed in the freezer. 

--It actually starting raining before noon, but it was a very gentle one and there was little wind. Although all the talk all the time is about the "hurricane" (or "tropical storm," take your pick), we haven't seen much of it yet. However, I borrowed an umbrella from Suzanne (I can't fine mine),  just to be on the safe side.--HA! SEE LATER! 

Got a nice note--actually delivered via U.S. Mail--from my nephew, Tim, and his family in Vermont. I wrote back my thanks using the same method.

I'm not absolutely sure this copied right, but I gave it a try. It's just a snippet of our show; I come on later, so don't appear in it:

LATER: I was just walking out of the bedroom, which faces a hall closet when I heard a loud bang and saw the closet move. My first thought: It IS a hurricane! I then corrected myself:


It was. Yes, in addition to the rain, which throws Californians into a tizzy anyway, we had a 5.0 earthquake, centered in Ojai, where Ellen lives. She called me almost immediately--on Greg's phone, as Verizon seems not to be able to handle earthquakes--to assure me they were okay. I told her the same, continued preparing for the show, and Ken picked me up at 3:00. Our call time was 4:00, as this was an early (5:00 pm) show, but he's one of the singers, so needed to be there a half-hour earlier. As for the "tropical storm," it was really just a so-so rain, with little wind. 

Jeff delayed the show for ten minutes to allow late-comers to get there and it turned out to be another good audience. Of course, it also entailed the l-o-o-ng waiting time, but I'm reconciled to that. Chatted with my colleagues, including Alphonse and director Karyn:

Why is Karyn in costume? Because two cast members, Penelope and Jasmine, didn't get there last night. Both live near L.A., a distance, and P. is only 16. I understand her parents wouldn't allow here to come because of weather conditions, but I'm not sure what happened to Jasmine. Both were in Flop and, incredibly, Karyn and Emma took on their roles. How they were ever able to get the dialogue with an hour of preparation is beyond me, but they did. Happily, we had another good audience and wonders will never cease, I was home by 8:15. 

Now we have a four-day hiatus and what luxury to be able to go to bed at a decent hour (for me, that's about 9:30) and get up ditto seven or so hours later. It's  now 6:15 am and, incredibly, it's still raining.     

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...