Sunday, August 13, 2023


The guys left, we hung out in Ojai for a bit, then went back to my place where Ken picked me up at 10:30. That was the start of--dum, de dum dum: TECH WEEK! 

It seems to me this consists of three equal parts: serious concentration on a goal; bonding with fellow players (that "we're all in this together" feeling); and complete and utter tedium. Yesterday was no exception as we waited for--oh, eight hours--while the lights and music were calibrated, scene by scene, of all four plays. Almost all had to be done over and over. Our little vignette tops off play four, which means we bring up the very end. 

During lunch break, my new-found friend, Lisa, and I went to Blaze Pizza for a quick dinner; she plays the town drunk (don't ask) in the same play I'm in, and we hit it off, although she's younger than one of my children (sixty something). More about her--she has an interesting background--in another entry. Here are some scenes from last night:

The last is my play partner, ride provider to and from rehearsal, and pal, Ken, who sings Don't Fence Me In, at one point dueting with Jeff. Today--groan--the call is for 1:00 to 11:00. Dinner will be provided.

Didn't get home until 8:15 to find that a good fairy had washed the sheets and towels, cleaned the kitchen, and otherwise put the apartment back to rights. I did a few things, showered and washed my hair, watched a half-hour of Suits, then fell into bed and slept until 4:30. 

We open in five days.

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