Tuesday, August 01, 2023


A labor-intensive day--well, not really, but I did cross off a lot on my to-do list, notably the OTC thing. I called and ordered sixty-nine dollars worth; must add thirty-one bucks by the end of September or I lose it. Incredibly, I have a hard time ordering that much. Aside from tooth care items, I just don't use a lot from the pharmacy. Already have a  large stock of pain-killers, which I almost never use, plus Band-Aids, corn removers, eye drops,and so on, I'm lucky enough to have little need for them very often. 

Walked over to CVS to pick up my medication refill; later, strolled to Von's for something or other--can't remember what. Food prep included pre-cooking the beautiful orange squash I had gotten at the farmers market; chopping peaches and adding blueberries; and washing and cutting strawberries.

I had intended to walk to The Market for a few items, but that isn't urgent, either, and I didn't. Called Diane to see if she could meet at one of our open-air spots for lunch. However, she was meeting her son and family in L.A., so we decided to do it today. I have more things to donate; I'll do that, then swing up to the park across from Diane's.

Also, I asked her for the number of the woman who had cleared her computer--Dianna Cleveland. Called her and we discussed my printer dilemma; upshot was she said it could be the cord to the laptop and she'd drop one off. She did, I tried it, no luck, called her and she'll come tomorrow, pick up the printer, and take it home to try with her computer. While I was chatting with Dianna, she mentioned that she had had a training business which included writing readers theatre skits and selling them to school districts. We exchanged cards and she gave me her past and present one: 

Wrote my bio for the show and emailed it to Shannon. Let Julie know I wouldn't be going to the monthly BCNN meeting tomorrow. Company comin' and too much going on. 

Trimmed my ivy geranium, but I'm afraid the regular one isn't long for this world. I've cut it way back, but it's still seems to be giving up the ghost. Think I'll plant something else in the spot.   

Rehearsal tonight, called at an ungodly hour: 8:00 and Ken will pick me up at 7:30--AAGH!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...