Tuesday, August 29, 2023


A variable day, from abysmal to not bad. The former? Most of the morning, which I spent on the phone, trying to sort out several probs. I'm not going into it--it's too boring for words, but suffice it to say, it involved BMO Harris Bank, Citi, Experian, and AAdvantage. I protested Experian's report and talked to a total idiot; also sent an inquiry and they said they'd respond--a pox on all their houses.

Equalling that in annoyance was dealing with Primary Medical. Rolling Oaks Imaging. I had to make an appointment with Rolling Oaks Imaging for September to see Dr. Ficks, the osteoporosis one, in December, but Rolling Oaks said they had to call Primary Medical first and I'm willing to bet it's got to be October or later, and so what? Went on line to get an appointment at Quest for bloodwork and that's in several months, too. 

I was at least able to get some things done satisfactorily. Added thirty bucks to my credit with the Access Van, which I took to go to Dr. Sun's office in Oxnard. Paid several bills (electronically, of course), as I never carry a balance. I've decided to use my debit card instead of credit cards, at least for a while. I have several reasons for this, but the important one is regarding it as cash, which I want to do for a time.

The van picked me up at 12:40 for my 1:40 appointment with Dr. Sun, which means I was vary early, but that was okay. I had a full-body scan by the doc, a young woman with a single pigtail down her back, very personable and cheery. What's amazing is that she has a sense of humor; I like her. She found several pre-cancerous things on my nose, zapped them, and did the same on my shoulder. There was one questionable one on my back, which she says she wants to look at and if it doesn't go away after zapping, she'll want a biopsy. She took a picture of it with my camera, so I can check on it. 

I decided to cancel the van when I got out, as I would have had to wait for 45 minutes; instead, I walked the mile or so to the bus. On the way home, I stopped at Von's in order to feed my addiction--grapefruit (I just can't live without it in the morning!). I bought two, so I'll have enough for four days.

Once in, I did a fair amount of food prep, including the big cauliflower I bought the other day. Washed, trimmed, and boiled it for four minutes, slathered it with mayo/parm, and roasted it. I actually sat down and ate a large portion of it at about 4:30. Sectioned the grapefruit and pared and chopped the papaya I had and added some blueberries. Portioned out my cooked carrots and zucchini, so I could have them for dinner. 

I'll donate some towels to GoodWill today, then meet Diane at our usual lunch spot in the park across from her place.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...