Saturday, April 01, 2023

Friday: Annoying!

Weight: down both at home (1.6 pounds to 127.6) and T.O.P.S. (.03 to 128.7). Why the disparity? Damned if I know. Julie was there, heard I was doing docent duty at Dudley House and asked if she could pick me up, take me there, then stay for the tour. Sure, why not? It then occurred to me to ask Jim if, instead of coming for lunch today, he'd pick me up at 4:00 tomorrow at Dudley House, then we'd go back to my place for a light supper. I called him and yes, he will, so that's good.

What isn't so good is that it's been so long since I gave the tour that I don't remember a lot of the spiel, which is annoying. I dug out my info and will study it.   

After breakfast, I started the annoying part of the day. Went to the office to get a new remote for the gates, as mine had annoyingly conked out. Packed my lunch and bused to town. I took the 16 bus and it was annoyingly slow. Finally got there and was annoyed to realize I had asked the DVD of A Clockwork Orange to be held for me at the Hill Street Library, rather than the Main one, where I could have picked it up yesterday. Also, I was not just annoyed, but horrified to realize I hadn't yet bought Easter cards and now, the overseas ones will be late. Oh, well, I'll get them today, send, and hope they'll get there. 

Went over to Von's for coffee, French bread, and the ingredients for the yummy ice cream I make. If I have time, I'll make applesauce, too, but I'll play it by ear. Stopped at Miramar and picked up my new bifocals. They seem to be about the same prescription as the last ones, so why did I bother? Annoying.

I got an email from Wells Fargo, asking if I had actually charged $147 and sent it to a particular party. No, indeed, I hadn't and the fraud thing resulted in an annoying round of phone conversations. Of course, I won't have to pay it, but have to be sent a new card.

Now here's something that's been annoying me for years: I can't change my old email address on this blog to my correct one. Tried again yesterday and no luck; the old "...7..." stays on.

But not all occurrences were annoying: Yesterday, I came across this wonderful picture, taken at our house on Lower Ferry Road in Ewing. It's easy to date; the littlest baby, in his father's arms, is Joel, Jr., who is will be twenty-one in June. He looks barely a month old here, so it must be the summer of 2003.


Seated from left: Jen, Joel, Sr. with Joel, Jr., Me, Betty, Dana holding one-year-old Finn;
Standing: Alison, Pat, Mike, and Carolyn--
so four married couples, and a long-time widow...sigh.

NOTE: For my legion of readers (that means you, Patti), I decided to give up my wild ways and revert back to my boringly tame design. I just don't want to deal with--well, whatever it is I might have to deal with, because it's--ANNOYING!


iloveac said...

So annoyed you're annoyed. Good to know you're not Pollyanna. Rosemary, scales are not totally accurate. That's why they tell people to weigh themselves at the same time, the same clothes on the SAME scale. Pick one and go by it. Same with B/P cuffs.
BTW, Jim is one fortunate guy to have met you. If as you think he might have Aspergers he may not be able to connect with his feelings. You are a good friend.
Now, to see if I can post this. I'm so annoyed you messed this up. My former sign-in identity iloveAC is no longer an option....hey maybe it's back.

Mimi said...

Pat, you're in as far as comments go! I hope you'll be able to see this from me, also. As for the weight thing: Well, sure, I know scales vary, as does your body from one time of day to the next. I started weighing myself at home when we didn't have meetings during the time of COVID and I want to continue, in case there's a time I can't get to the meeting. I do, indeed, wear the same pants each week, and, if not the exact same, tank tops that are all made alike. A lot of the people in our group weigh themselves every day at home. That, I've never wanted to do because weight does vary from day to day. Anyway, how is your weight? Are you pretty much satisfied to be where you are?

iloveac said...

No RBM I'm not satisfied with the # of lbs my body is carrying. I get away with it due to my height and minimal skeletal loss due to osteo but I weigh too much. Am I


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...