Monday, April 24, 2023

Sunday With Diane

I was disappointed in the crossword, as the major clues and answers concerned contemporary singers and their nicknames; never heard of most of them. Got some, missed some, and put it aside after only an hour or so. 

After that, I emailed Diane telling her I was taking a book back to the library and did she want to meet at the place off Hill Street for lunch? She did and we met at 12:15, each having packed her own. It was wonderfully warm and sunny and we proceeded to sit and talk for, incredibly, three hours, about everything under the sun. Finally said goodbye--I'll see her next Friday at the Ventura College play--and I walked to Wal-Mart. Got tangerines, olive oil, and several other heavy things. Going home, I had to ask the bus driver to put down the ramp, as my cart was so heavy.

I wanted to use up some egg noodles I'm not sure why I bought--I like pasta better--and cooked them up. Added tuna in oil and a can of peas and had that for dinner. It was okay, but not terrific. Called Ellen-- she and Greg were taking a walk, so she called me later--and was interested to hear she had looked at other manufactured homes. 

I'm continuing my current obsession of digital crossword puzzles and lately, have been doing Sean Gleason's wonderful Ventnor scenes. Here are just two of the latest:

Dorset Avenue Bridge

Ventnor Pier and a cloudy dawn

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