Friday, April 21, 2023


Left for Primary Medical at 10:00 and was early for my 11:00 appointment. That was okay, especially since, when I saw the P.A., she didn't send me to the dermatologist in Oxnard, but painted my spots with a freezing solution. I hope this will suffice. While I was waiting, I took some pictures of their pictures; they're all framed posters of national parks; these are just a few of many:

But none of them can warm my heart like this magical one of the Ventnor bay at night that somebody posted on Facebook:
From Primary Medical, I bused directly to town (I had packed my lunch and taken my cart). Stopped at the library to get Joan Didian's Blue Nights, this one about her daughter's death; The Year of Thinking Magically was about her husband's, two years before. Boy, could she write and boy, can I relate.

Ate lunch across from the mission, as usual, then hopped home on the 6. As I was walking in, Vickie came out to say hello and we had a nice chat. When I got in, I was hungry, so had a bowl of cabbage. Dug into my archives and found info on my Acting for Amateurs, which I cherry-picked to send Dusty (president of BCNN) a piece about my proposed acting group. 

I was pleased and relieved to get an email back from older son, P., after I reminded him I hadn't heard from him in awhile. Here's some of his family news (truncated): 

K. is, as of last week, in the fourth grade, and his school social life will be changing a bit: he'll be allowed to join a school club, and he'll have graded tests now....he was made the (child) leader of his Cub Scout den...I'll be doing duty as the adult leader of another den in the same troop. N. recently had one of her pictures (a cut-paper construction) exhibited in a competition. She didn't, alas, win any prizes, but when we went to the exhibition we heard several people remarking on her piece...


iloveac said...

Rich and I visited several National Parks and Hurrican Ridge in the Olympic Penisula (Photo on the far left) was a highlight for me. I experienced a sense of God the first time I stood there. I was so moved that I wanted to return several years later. When we did I still found it breathtaking but could not feel the spiritual sense I did the first time.

Mimi said...

Wow, lucky you. I've been to a few national parks, but not those. Did you and Rich hike them or otherwise explore when you visited them? The terrain of some of them is daunting.

iloveac said...

No hiking but we stayed overnight in a nearby cabin with open windows and it scared me. I worried a bear might decide to check us out. Didn't happen. This was in Oregon in Crater Lake National Park.

Mimi said...

That would scare me, too!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...