Thursday, April 13, 2023

Weeding Out Wednesday

Okay, it's now 5:43 pm on Friday; the Internet finally came back at 9:00 last night. Here's Wednesday:

I can hardly believe how virtuous I am: I continued going through boxes, drawers, and other containers, weeding out, organizing, and putting like with like. This took the entire morning and after lunch, I continued. What's truly remarkable is that I'm listing what I have where. I had been looking for shoelaces to change those in my best walking shoes. I knew I had several and looked, I thought, everywhere, but no luck. I came upon them in a fancy box, re-stored them in one of the bedside table  and now those items are listed for all eternity! 😁 .

If the weather had been nicer, I would have bused to town or at least, walked to The Market, but it continues to be overcast and chilly. That reduced to me just going over to Von's for goodies: early spring asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, plus milk, eggs, and a Minneola.    

I called Sharon. She seems to be marginally better--I hope--but even that is debatable. Unfortunately, she has gained back the weight she lost in rehab, plus more. She isn't going to T.O.P.S. tomorrow, but maybe will next week. I asked her about the diabetes drug that causes weight loss nd she said it's been advertised on T.V. Since I don't watch regular television, I didn't know that, but am not surprised.  I'll insert my mantra here: There is only one god in this country and his name is Mammon. 

Also called Ellen and we had a good, long, heart-to-heart talk. I won't go into detail, but our conversation made me so grateful I have such a daughter. She's wise, insightful, and on track to follow her best life before too long, How did I get so lucky?  

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