Tuesday, April 25, 2023


I was surprised to get an email from Susan, my tenant, to say she and Cliff don't, after all, want to move to North Carolina where they bought a house (after their first in Florida was destroyed by the hurricane). They want to stay where they are, as it's closer to grandchildren and her mother; also, Susan probably will not retire, although Cliff will. So... would I consider selling the house? I wrote back saying I'd consider it and immediately emailed my children to get their input, ideas, and advice.

I had asked Lora, Julie, and Reginia if they wanted to go to the Fractured Actors thing on May 6. Julie called to accept, Regina emailed me the same,  and Lora ditto, so that will be fun. Maybe I'll see if they want to go to dinner first.  

I invited Suzanne and Vickie over for one of our little social sessions today at 5:00 and both accepted. Ran over to Von's for breadcrumbs as I'm going to made cocktail meatballs (tiny ground turkey meatballs in the slow cooker with chili sauce and grape jelly--it's yummy). 

Walked to the Hill Street library to return the DVD of A Clockwork Orange (in which I lost interest and didn't watch) and pick up a Faye Kellerman (Jonathan's wife) mystery. The other day, I had taken out  Robin Cook's Viral. Started to read it and quit--Cook is a physician, now 85, and has published more than 20 books, all mysteries to my knowledge, and all named for whatever the malady was, i.e. Coma, Brain, Fever, etc. I had borrowed his latest the other day, Viral, but once I started reading it realized, as I had when I read his others, that he's a pretty lousy writer. His style is turgid, slow-moving, and predicable, so I'll take it back and turn to Faye. I'm just finishing Joan Didion's Blue Nights about the death of her daughter, which is wonderfully creative, although painful to read. Unlike Doc Cook, she was a writer.

From the library, I bused to the transit center/mall and picked up a few items, including cream sherry from BevMo. Stopped at Von's on the way home for breadcrumbs to make the meatballs and rice cakes. Didn't get home until after 6:00 and just had leftovers, mostly vegan, for dinner. 

This morning, I called Holly, of Holy Family Church in Manayunk, to see if their archives had any record of my father's attendance there. She apologized that she forgot to call me back and said unfortunately, their archives don't go back that far.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...