Sunday, April 16, 2023


It turned out to be a good day.  Jim got here at his usual 12:30 and we, as usual, chatted on the sofa while the chicken/broccoli/potato pan-roasted meal was in the oven. I had a surplus of eggs (ironic, considering the shortage), so I also made deviled eggs. With Italian bread and crystal pickles, it was a good meal. I hadn't had anything for dessert aside from some frozen cherries, so after breakfast, I had zipped over to Von's for Haagen-Dazs and we topped it with the cherries.

I was pleased to see that Jim seemed in better spirits. (I suspect that along with the shock of his dismissal, there might also be a sense of relief.) I had clipped an article from the paper about retired people taking minor jobs, many just to broaden their horizons and get out of the house. The ones featured, of course, had no financial need to work; clearly, they had pensions or other resources. I was happily surprised that Jim was interested and took the article; I also mentioned tutoring and volunteer work. I was even more surprised--astounded might be a better word--when I broached the topic of giving up his car and he didn't immediately reject it. As I do, he could bus free anywhere in the county, as well as taking the Access Van portal-to-portal for $3.00.  I gave him a bus book, which lists schedules, stops, and so on and we had a good discussion about it. I also mentioned the Agency On Aging, which is a resource he seems never to have considered.  

I don't expect Jim to do anything to address his new circumstances before the semester is over in mid-May. (He will continue until then, but will not get a new contract--after fifty years!) After that, he actually said he'd like to accept Greg's invitation to lunch. I also invited him to Olive Garden in Oxnard, for which I have a gift card and we decided we'd lunch, then go to the Oxnard library. He's been telling me for years it's much better than Ventura's.  

After we ate, as usual, we reverted to chatting on the couch and Jim started looking through my magazine basket. He found some issues of Reminisce and, leafing through, came across a crossword puzzle and started giving me the clues. Now, this was about on a third grade level, but clearly, he enjoyed it and I didn't mind doing it. (It beat me talking a blue streak and Jim nodding his head every once in a while.)  Anyway, we did three different ones and it was good to see he was in a better mood.  

Jim didn't leave until 4:30, after which Mike and Paula called on video messaging. I was so pleased to see them (my daughter-n-law is beautiful!) and to hear the latest on their girls. Vivian has changed her major from marine biology to botany and Violet has started playing chess. She regularly beats both her parents, they told me and that was good to hear.

Starting today (Sunday), my social life is heating up after the slow one just past. It's the Rubicon Theatre tonight with Julie and Regina; Soaring Spirits dinner tomorrow; and BCNN Happy Hour on Wednesday. Tuesday? Nothing's going except a blood test and that ain't no fun, but there's time to fill in.    

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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...