Friday, April 28, 2023


Suzanne and I went off to WinCo at 9:00 and were home at 10:30. Put things away, then did some of what I regard as "business": paid some bills (electronically, of course) checked a few other things in my account, and made a stab at the ever annoying filing. I at least put that in some kind of order, but when I'll actually file them is anybody guess. 

Called the Access Van to request a pick-up tonight after the show, then texted Diane to give her the info. We'll meet for dinner first at Lalo's across from me.

Tried my new Air Pods and to test them, I put the phone in the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. Wow, I could still hear Nat (King Cole) and Johnny (Mathis), even John (Denver, poor guy) perfectly! Packed lunch and bused to town with those guys, marveling that other riders presumably couldn't hear them. 

Got off, exchanged my slacks (didn't try the new ones on, either, I hope they fit). Went from there to my usual spot across from the mission and had lunch, then bused home. By that time, it was after 3:00, which meant the high school kids were getting out and, although I always am able to sit and fit in my cart, it gets crowded. However, it was the 10, which meant it stopped right outside the gate, so it was okay.

Responded in the negative to my tenants' request about selling the house, but in kindly terms. I had sent it to my comrades in arms first to see what they thought. They had no problem with it, except Mike thought it  "overly effusive," the fresh kid. I sent it, anyway.  

Called Stella when I got home to ask about her actual purpuse in looking for a Sister to live with her. We had a short, disjointed talk and she expressed great surprise that there wasn't just some kind of list somewhere of Sisters wandering the streets in lieu of housing. She said she was so sorry Suzanne was was "on her own" and indicated she thought Sisters now now just operate as free agents. When I told her Suzanne reported to somebody and there was a motherhouse (or whatever they call it now) and other structure, she seemed surprised. I told her Suzanne's suggestion that she call the Sisters of Mercy under  the L.A. diocese as a start to her search. However, I doubt if she will and maybe that's not a good idea anyway. I'm afraid her cognitive decline is worse than I thought. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...