Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Mess Of A Monday

Frustration all around:

1. Ellen called to say plans were changed about San Luis Obispo and I wasn't needed to kitty-sit after all. That was okay, but I was a little disappointed.

2. I was on the phone with Bank of The West--may they burn in hell with BOA--to find out what some silly $1.20 charge was all about. I spoke to six different people; was put on hold at one point for 14 minutes, at which point I hung up and started over; was told I'd be transferred to "rewards," but got the original recording instead; and so on. Below is an explanation of my revenge on the credit card people, monsters that they are.

3. Called Primary Medical to be sure CVS Caremark, where I get my  meds (that's real medical talk!) had the change of my Atorvastatin dose from 20 to 10 mgr. daily. Dr. L. had lowered it in August of last year, yet CVS sent my 20 mgrs. Talked to three different people and found that it had been changed back again two months ago. What? I didn't know that and I've been cutting the 20 mg. in half all this time. I was also told I was supposed to get a blood test. Now I know all this confusion was my fault and that I should have looked on my on-line record, but conscious of obsessing about my health, I usually don't.  Anyway, it was annoying and I'm going to ask the doc why the dose reverted back.

4. I had every intention of getting the pile of filing done, but never turned my attention to it--damn!

5. I called Diane to tell her to scratch the gathering for Jim on the 29th, but maybe I'd have people over then unrelated to his birthday. She floored me by suggesting I have it outside somewhere near where she lives, as she finds it difficult to get to my place. I realize that, but I'm not about to bring several kinds of drinks, food, and all out to east Ventura. 

6. I brooded over the fact that I had eaten so much candy over the weekend and also, more alarming, a more than usual amount of alcohol. On Saturday, I had a Margarita with El in the late afternoon and a beer with dinner at Sea Fresh. On Sunday, I had beer while eating Greg's superb lunch, then cognac, then at Jasmine Thai a large (16 oz.) beer at Jasmine Thai. I'm less worried about the booze than the calories.  

7. Suzanne came over to confirm her email had been hacked. I was ashamed that when I got a request on Sunday from the phony "her" that I had insisted to Ellen it was legit. Against her advice, I wrote back and was asked to get an Amazon gift card for "a cancer patient." AAGH! 

After all that travail, I went over to Von's and bought Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and a few other items, then my mood brightened considerably. Son Mike then video called and that took me considerably farther out of the doldrums. Today, I hope to go the rest of the way to my cheerier self. 

I did, at least, do something productive: I separated the flowers El had given me into different containers and they look so nice in the living room:

My Credit Card Strategy: Bank of the West is shortly going to credit me with $200.00 because I accepted their offer to open a B of W credit card. If new holders charge a certain amount (a thou or so) in the first three months, they get that promotion. Besides speaking to associates about the annoyance above, I checked to be sure I would get it. Yes, indeed, and it will be credited to my account in three days. This is the third time I've "earned " two hundred this way (so a total of six hundred smackers) and it's perfectly legal. I think I'll try another one...  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...