Saturday, April 29, 2023


Again, a skewed weight result. At home, I stayed the same at 128.6. At T.O.P.S., I was up .02 to 129. 6, so that was inconsequential. What wasn't was the fact that Bev brought in muffins with chocolate chips in them and Lennie brought ice cream cones. To be fair, the muffins were very small and so were the cones, which listed 110 calories. But hey, folks, this is a weight loss group, so maybe a little restraint is in order?  As for me, I didn't eat them there, but said I'd take them home and have them after dinner, maybe last night--which I didn't, of course, because I was meeting Diane for dinner before the show.

Here are the unnecessary goodies:

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then attended to some email stuff. Went over to Von's for a few things. Called Noreen to ask if she could meet for lunch on Tuesday at Paradise Cove. Yes, she could and we will--good.

Called Ellen and we made a date to meet today for dinner at Two Trees restaurant. She'll pick me up after she gets her hair done, including a three-hundred dollar Brazilian blowout 😲in town. 

Showered and dressed to meet Diane for dinner at 5:30 at Lalo's, also right across the street from me in the Von's Shopping Center. We both had eggplant alla parmigiana and boy, was it good. Diane had a Chardonnay, I a beer and, of course, we shared a lot of good talk.

David, the Lyft driver, got us to the Performing Arts Theatre just in time for the 7:30 start. These Shining Lives was staged in the small, theatre-in-the-round studio arts center. It's an intimate production--we were on the same level and could touch the performers--which includes no curtain and the cast moving furniture around. The theme was somber: It was the (stylized) story of women workers at a watch company in Chicago who contracted radium poisoning. They painted the tiny numbers on watches watch faces with tiny brushes they dipped in radium, then into their mouths to make a fine point. They sued the company, won, but soon died. Interestingly, I looked it up and, among other information, found this:


 All this reminds me of the current craze to deny or ignore generally supported science in favor of health "experts" who tout their own treatment and cures. This certainly includes diet gurus, but more seriously, others who convince the gullible that their potions are superior. Almost always, they're selling something, but they never seem to run out of customers. Now, how often did Barnum say suckers are born?  

The Access Van picked us up and took us home by 9:30 after an enjoyable evening. However, I didn't get to bed until 11:02; I can't even remember the last time I stayed up that late.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...