Saturday, December 31, 2022

Fitful Friday And Family

I wrote a condolence note to Vickie, walked it the short distance to her door and left in under the mat. Did more of the never-ending paperwork (mostly not paper, but electronics) and potted the two amaryllis plants Ellen and Carolyn gave me. Directions said to put in a warm (70 degrees) room, so I put both on my bedroom bureau. I called both Jeanne Painter and my friend, Noreen, and we enjoyed chatting.  

I realized I had some heavy cream left from the other day, thought sure it would have soured, but no, it was okay, so I made some whipped cream. This can be frozen, but my freezer is so full, I doubted if it would fit, so I decided to call Jim and invite him for lunch tomorrow. I have some pudding and will just cook it up and garnish with the whipped cream.   

It was still raining--fitfully--after I had lunch, and that made me sleepy, so I lay down and took an hour and a half nap. Wasn't particularly hungry when I got up, so had dinner late. About 7:00, Vickie stopped by to thank you for my note and we talked a half hour about Mary's death. Vickie showed me an email Mary's daughter had written about her mother. It was so good I want to ask V. to send it to me so I can read it again. It so often helps to talk about it when one is freshly in mourning. Vickie said the funeral will be on January 14 at Assumption, but she'll keep Mary's ashes with her. 

Called Jim and we talked for fifteen or so. It turns out he did nothing on Christmas. Darn, I should have invited him to Ellen's, although I was sure he told me he was going to a friends'. Anyway, he'll come to lunch tomorrow.

Here are Mike and family on their little after-Christmas vacation. Hmm...not sure where they are--Atlantic City, maybe...? 😜


iloveac said...

Great looking family. Those little girls are all grown up.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat! Vivian is now 18, Violet 14.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...