Thursday, December 01, 2022

Wending My Way Home On Wednesday

Another three-miler in the morning, then packing up, then at 10:30, it was off to Philadelphia Airport. Plane left on time, and I endured the usual: equal parts terror and boredom, interspersed with some interest in observing the other passengers.  The ride seem interminable and it wasn't helped by being jammed in like sardines, plus the occasional turbulence. And when the pilot breezily announced that we were pulling in five minutes late, I was frantic. I had reserved the 5:30 Airporter shuttle to Ventura and if I missed it, I'd have to wait another two hours in that godforsaken place. Happily, I made it and arrived at Four Points Sheraton at 7:30, where Suzanne was waiting to take me home.  Much as I loved my visit, it feels good to be here. My household and personal items, my setup, and my arrangements are familiar and just the way I want them, and that's satisfying.

I had had no lunch or dinner, so foraged in my freezer and kitchen closet, finally settling on a can of Chef-Boy-R-Dee spaghetti and meatballs. I never would have bought it myself, but somebody I knew who was moving gave it to me months ago and that's what I warmed up for dinner. It was about as far as you can get from homemade, but I was so hungry (hadn't had lunch or dinner), it was satisfying.

Jammies and warm, furry robe on and I was ready for bed before 9:00. I woke earlier than I like--4:35--but got up anyway, figuring my sleep pattern will even out soon. Ironically, I just looked at the weather and saw we might have like rain in the early evening. Hey, if I had wanted rain, I'd have stayed in Jersey! 😁


iloveac said...

Glad you're back on solid ground. It's always good to visit but it feels so good to be home.

Mimi said...

You said it, Pat--exactly my sentiments.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...