Friday, December 23, 2022

Thursday--Good Grief!

About what? About the fact that it now actually is Friday, December 23, (5:59 am) and I didn't start this blog entry last evening, then top it off in the morning, as I've done for years!  But the hell with it; I guess now that I'm in my dotage, I'm entitled... 

Morning: I was pleased to get a birthday email from my old (actually, she's not much older than my children--late sixties, I think) Rider friend, Marilyn Machmer. She, Doris Goodenough, and I became friends at Rider, and still keep in (tenuous) touch. Marilyn graduated from Westminster Choir College, and is an organist, but also heads up a department in Jersey. I'm pretty sure her birthday is either today or tomorrow--must do the same for her. 

My brother, Larry, called with birthday wishes and we had a long talk. I hope to visit him in Florida sometime in '23.

After, I bagged and gathered in groups the things I'm taking to Ellen's: several for Christmas presents (mine, which I'll open on Sunday, plus some for Ellen and Greg from her sibs); a large one for two throws Ellen asked me to bring; two large, heavy shopping bags containing the many award DVDs Carolyn gave me some time ago; and a few items I can't even recall. 

El and I talked on the phone a few times, during which--I hated to ask, but did--we decided she'd pick me up, then take me to Lowe's for a new microwave. She was to come at 3:00, but fell asleep and didn't get her until after 4:00, and what ensued I'm not going to chronicle in any coherent way, but just put it here:
--She came, took my old microwave out to the recycle, we went to a store to see if I could get a larger size in the jacket Lora gave me (it wasn't from there; I'm sure she got it on-line, so maybe I'll just keep it); went to Lowe's, bought a microwave (which El's giving me for my birthday), laboriously took it home (El lifted and used my cart), got it out of the carton, and put it in the space. I vehemently declared it was too big and I hated it, she tried to persuade me to keep it, I kicked and screamed and tore out my hair, she finally uninstalled it, got it back in the box, we went back to Lowe's and returned it, and the upshot was, we agreed we'd both look on-line and have one sent from the great god Amazon. Whew!

All this took until almost 7:00, so we went from there to Steven's Greek restaurant. Greg came just a few minutes after we got there and, all microwave problems forgotten, we had a very enjoyable birthday dinner. I had moussaka, new to me, and it was delish. Instead of beer, I had Cabernet (two glasses--naughty me!), but best of all, of course, was being with my girl and her guy.

After we ate, I opened my gifts, which included a book, a gift card from Amazon, another from Olive Garden, as well as the studio pic of the Tokyo Trio, which I had opened before. We followed the meal with wonderful little cookies dusted with sugar (I was glad they don't do birthday cakes), and it was great fun. I exclaimed over the seasonal nails of the woman at the counter and El took a pic:

Now, happy day, I'm in the Christmasy mood, as I always finally achieve once the annoyance of my birthday is over.  Damn, why did my Dad have to get horny on that far away evening in March? 


iloveac said...

For a minute I thought they were your nails. I like them.

iloveac said...

Something must have been going on in March. My brother's wife produced twins also the day after Christmas. was that St. Paddy's Day partying that put them in the mood.

Mimi said...

Yes, these Irish seem to be able to jettison their "sex is evil, you have to hold your nose to indulge" Catholic upbringing to produce us twinnies!


 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...