Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Day After--Monday

Because we hadn't gotten in until so late, I slept like a stone. Woke up feeling tip-top and, surprising even myself, accepted Ellen's suggestion of a burrito for breakfast. Tasted good. We then spent some time on looking at and assessing microwaves on the Internet. El favored the higher price, bells and whistles kind (several upwards of two hundred bucks), but I insisted on just a plain old utilitarian one. We more or less settled on a Black & Decker, which to my taste was 1.) too big and 2.) too expensive (El was giving it to my for my birthday), although I reluctantly acquiesced

BUT--Since El was driving me home (I had cancelled the Access Van), I suggested we take a look at what Wal-Mart had to offer. She agreed and we did. There I found exactly what I wanted: a small, simple appliance that was just right when it came to dimensions-and--a bonus--was bright red. The icing on the cake was that it was considerably less expensive then the others we had seen. We bought it, took it home, and it's perfect for my purposes.

That settled, we awaited the Zoom call from my other children. After some electronic problems, it came through and we happily visited with those in Tokyo, Singapore, and the great state of New Jersey.*  The little guy in Japan was his usual out-going, cheery self; the only snag was that our virtual visit there was interrupted with a 4.1 earthquake, the epicenter ten miles away. Luckily, it seems to have done no damage, at least where they live. 

Members of the Singapore contingent are leaving today for a vacation in India, and the the two New Jersey residents for Florida on January 2, after which New Mexico and Arizona.  I was pleased when it was suggested and all agreed that we duplicate our call in June.

El visited for a bit after and we discovered I had left most of my presents at her place--damn!  I reacted with my usual histrionics, but El said she'd bring them over either today or tomorrow and that was fine with me. I used the new microwave to heat up onion soup and it worked like a charm--that is, it simply heated the soup, which is all I want. 

*Those who dramatically pine for the old days may want to consider this. My children and their families live thousands of miles away, but I could see them, I could hear them--we were "together" again! Not to mention microwave ovens...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...