Friday, December 09, 2022

Throwback Thursday

Left my place at 10:00 and walked to Telephone Road, then hopped a bus to Office Max. There I bought one of their annoyingly overpriced desk calendars, then walked to the Urbane CafĂ© and lunch with Diane at noon. We sometimes buy their yummy "bowls" there, but yesterday, we both brought our own lunches; the tables outside are for anyone. 

As ever, we enjoyed a plethora of good and often intense, talk--much of it centered on our childhoods. They're similar: lots of children (too many, too soon), parochial school, old-time religion, sibling rivalry, and all the complicated results that made us what we are. We hashed it over--talking to each other, but also to  ourselves--and were there for almost three hours before we said goodbye. I bused to the transit center and from there took the 6 home.

I got this invitation from The Townehouse (independent living) for tomorrow.  Emailed Jim to see if he wanted to go, but--surprisingly--he declined.


As I was getting my mail, I ran into Vickie and invited her. She said she would have loved to, but has an evening commitment in Moorpark. She stopped in and I caught up with news about Mary (it's never good). Stopped in at Suzanne's and yes, she'll go with me--good. I think she'll enjoy it and I know I will. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...