Sunday, December 04, 2022

Same Ol' Saturday

Back in the grove: Forgot to mention I had called Jim Friday evening to invite him to lunch on Saturday. He accepted and we also had a good talk. Got up at at good time for me--5:45--and started my day.*

I really didn't have much to choose from for lunch; rummaged in the freezer and came up with half of a Voila! meal and decided on that. Also had in there blueberries and whipped cream. I didn't have any cake to put them on, but softened the cream and whisked it into something like a sweeter crème fraiche. 

But about a half hour before Jim was due (at 12:30), I got the Voila! out and realized it wasn't really enough for two people. Looked further and saw the Angelo's frozen vegetable lasagna, which I had just bought at Von's for the first time. Stuck the other back in the freezer, revved up the oven--damn, it said 65 minutes to cook--and put it in. 

It turned out Jim was early, so we just sat and talked for 45 or so until it was ready. It was actually very good; I liked it and Jim loved it, devouring three fourths of it.  I'll buy it again. I added some rolls and butter and a side of grapes, plus the blueberries and cream for dessert. Naturally, it was accompanied by his cabernet and my IPA. 

Jim stayed until 4:00. I walked him out, cleaned up, then heard back from Diane and we'll meet at Urbane for lunch on Thursday. That makes three dates I have upcoming, always pleasurable for me. 

I came across this picture and was enchanted. It seems so thrillingly beautiful, yet dreamy and soft. The colors are lovely and see the lanterns and that pier. I want to go there and sleep in perfect peace.

I finally got up the nerve to talk to Jim about finding out who he owner of his apartment. Unfortunately, it seems she (M.J.C.) owns only his in his area, plus another some distance away. Later, he called me with a long, meandering set of directions on how to walk there from the transit center. I may or may not bother to pursue it.  

*But that was Friday into Saturday.  Lat night, Saturday into Sunday, I slept poorly. Woke up several times, fell back, but finally got up at 4:45. I feel rested enough, though, and will consider a nap later n the day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...