Sunday, January 01, 2023

Sluggish Saturday And Jammin' With Jims

Shiftless, sluggish, indolent Mimi! After breakfast, I alternated playing solitaire, doing crossword puzzles (from my book; the equally shiftless Ventura County Star doesn't publish on Saturdays), and when I looked up, it was almost noon! 

I just didn't feel like doing anything, but finally shook off my lassitude and starting separating my books into a-pile-for-Jim-to-look-over-and-if-not-to-donate-to-Goodwill and those I want to keep. It's so difficult to relinquish any, but I forced myself and have a considerable stack set aside. Re-shelved the others, then had lunch and, galvanized, started going through drawers and closets for more donation items. 

Called Ellen on the off-chance she and Greg might want to join us for lunch today, but I wasn't surprised when she declined. She's into a house-cleaning frenzy and I don't blame her.

Jeanne Painter sent me a picture of her four daughters and her sister who is--get this--twenty-two years younger than she is! When she called me on Christmas--two sheets to the wind, as she cheerfully  admitted--she wanted me to "witness" a different one. a picture of her mother and herself, pregnant together.  +Continued to mostly laze around, as--incredibly for here--it rained most of the day. Made a turkey stir-fry for dinner, then sat at this laptop engrossed in my current craze, digital jigsaw puzzles. 

Then: The phone rang about 6:00 and who was it but Jim Downes. Same old Jim, as full of bombast as ever. We talked for about a half-hour and he again told me how rich his daughter is ("she's spending two weeks in Hawaii") and how "exclusive" his condo is ("it's gated"*) and all kinds of other boring minutiae. Surprisingly, he invited me to come to Thousand Palms and visit for a few days; he'll drive up (down/sideways?) and pick me up. I indicated I'd  entertain the notion, but that ain't gonna happen, no way, no how; I couldn't stand him for that long. However, I also feel sorry for him. I think the need to so frequently boast and brag indicates his feelings of inadequacy. It's funny how the two Jims have such  totally different personas, the one coming to lunch today is the exact opposite of the one who called. I'm not sure which one is easier to be with. 

But that was my last day of 2022 and I went to bed and slept well. Now it's 2023 and I'm 86. I'm okay with that, considering I'm luckier than many and I'm looking forward to the sun today.

* So is mine, but it's about as exclusive as Coney Island.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...