Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Moody Monday

Actually, it got better as the day went on. The morning entailed a lot, though--to wit:

I hadn't received the T.O.P.S. monthly magazine for some time--a year, at least--and though I wondered why now and then, I never pursued it. I almost never read magazines; I'm just a book person. And so many of them are either vapid (T.O.P.S. pretty much so, I'm afraid) or adhere to the party line (Time, which Suzanne leaves at my door every week and which I never even open). Others, such as Sunset I receive several times a year--I think it's a quarterly--and have no idea why. For years, I subscribed to Reminiscence, but they've stopped publishing and are now sending Readers' Digest, which strikes me as on a par with Mormon Memories for Morons or something. Yes, I'm a literary snob, so shoot me.

Anyhoo, after that long diversion, I'll get to the point: I first emailed, then called their editorial office in Milwaukee and, after quite some time and several people, I was told that they hadn't received my annual dues of $37.00 since 2020! Wha--?  I looked into my on-line bank account and found that, no, nothing had been paid to them in the last 18 months (which is as far as you can look up past checks on-line). I even dug out my check registers for '21 and '22 and nope, I didn't find any record. Okay, I got back to them and had them charge $75.50 to my credit card ($37 per year, plus a $1.50 charge for using the card. (I want to note here that my new T.O.P.S. member number is 4691156.)

Annoyingly, Primary Medical called re the mysterious "continue sodium citrate" and the issue wasn't resolved. I told them I'd bring the damn directive on which it's written into their office. After I hung up, though, I realized I can just send it electronically and will do. In between the phone calls, I went over to Nails D'Elegance and got a much-needed pedicure. 

In addition: I can't access my new lease. I know I electronically signed it, but I want to re-read. Emailed the office to ask what gives. 

After the snafus above were addressed (or initiated), I had lunch, then took an hour's nap (I always set the phone alarm). After, invigorated, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. Got shower caps, eggs, and Valentine cards for the kiddies (okay, one kiddie is over 20, but still....) Bused home and felt much better. 

Got a nice text from Vickie to Suzanne and me, saying how much she values our friendship. We both wrote back, of course.  

Nothing much going on today, but tomorrow I have BCNN in the morning and Dudley House in the evening--a red letter day!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...