Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tolerable Tuesday *

Slept okay, although was wakeful for a time. After breakfast, I dusted and otherwise cleaned up. Set the table with the round, lime-green placements and the sun plates. Just for fun, I put the (cloth, of course, I don't use paper, even for every day) napkins in the fish holders, so it was kind of a nature theme--or something. On the coffee table, I put the paper cocktail napkins that read "Good girls go to heaven/Bad girls go everywhere" that I picked up somewhere or other.

Jim called about 10:00 to react to the jigsaw I did of him and to check that he was coming today. I could have swore I had asked him, but he said I had said I would ask Noreen, but I hadn't made it definite. Hmm...that could be, or one or both of us are losing it. Anyway, we had an interesting conversation about suicide. I think Jim finds it much easier to talk on the phone than face to face. In fact, I'm sure of it. That's okay, I like having him be more open and frank than he generally is in person.  

In any event, it was a nice little luncheon. I served wine and appetizers first, then the pasta/chicken/veggie casserole with sides of just crystal pickles and rolls. The ice cream for dessert went over big, of course, as it always does. (I swear Jim doesn't eat at home; he had two helpings each of the main dish and ice cream.) After, we sat over my Irish cream and read scripts. I doubt if Meryl Streep is quaking in her shoes, but both were okay and they enjoyed it, as I did. Here are Noreen and Jim, after emoting, while we were having our Irish cream:

Noreen left about 3:00, Jim forty-five minutes later. I walked him out to get the mail, glad of the sunshine, but not so glad at the coolness. Luckily, though, the wind had died down. Cleaned up, then lay down for a short nap. It was a good day and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. 

* Actually, it was considerably more than tolerable, it was very pleasant. I just couldn't think of another "T" word.  😊

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