Saturday, January 21, 2023

Friday With Friends

The first group of friends was at T.O.P.S. Cheryl picked me up at 8:30, bringing her sister, Bonnie, who lives in San Luis Obispo, as a guest. There were six of us, but that didn't include Sharon; presumably, she's still in rehab--I must call her. According to my home scale, I was down a pound (130.6), but at T.O.P.S., was up the same amount a 131.6. No, I don't understand it, but I don't really care. It was an okay meeting--leader Lennie is still in Asia--but I still didn't get home and have breakfast until after 10. Foolishly, I ate my oatmeal and grapefruit--should have just had the latter because it was 11:00 by the time I finished and I had to leave for lunch with my friend, Diane.

Walked to Telephone Road and got the 11 bus to the Urbane CafĂ©. Diane was already there and we settled in to lunch and for a long, long talk session. Diane is going to some other-worldly function today with our mutual friend, Stella, whose only child, son Joshua, is visiting from Spain.  She asked if I'd like to go or meet them after for lunch, but I begged off. I'm going to be having lunch with Noreen this coming week and will have Jim over a day, of course, plus I still have to let him know about my birthday lunch (he's taking me). I'll be going to the play tomorrow with Lora and Julie and we'll probably lunch first. Even for me, it just seems a lot. Anyway, talky-talk-talk, and Diane and I didn't say goodbye until 2:30.   

After we did, I walked to WinCo, then The Dollar Tree, then bused to the Transit Center and from there, home after stopping at Von's for paper towels. Shortly after I got home, Ellen called on her way from work to tell me she had tested positive for COVID. She had had it in July, too; I hope this one isn't too bad.

I got an email from Lynne saying the Dudley House covered dish has been rescheduled for February 1. Called Jim and we talked for about 45 minutes. I asked if he was available to 1. finally take me for my birthday lunch on Tuesday; 2. come to lunch here with Diane and me; and 3. go to the covered dish. Yes to the third, dunno to the other two. That's because the plumber is coming to look at his kitchen sink, which seems to have been clogged for some time (plus the garbage disposal doesn't work) and he was told it would be either Tuesday or Thursday. It never seems to occur to Jim that he doesn't have to acquiesce when told it's convenient for the other party to come. Anyway, I asked him to let me know if the deed is done on Tuesday, in which case I'll have him and Diane  in for Thursday.

Jigsaw of the day:


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...