Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Tuesday, Birds, Jigsaws, And Larry

Called Ellen and, since it's supposed to rain today, we decided to postpone our drop-offs to Goodwill until Friday. She'll get here about 1:00. I then called Julie and she'll pick me up at 9:15 this morning for the BCNN meeting. 

It was supposed to rain lightly yesterday, too, but happily, it held off, so I got my cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. Got all kinds of necessities, such as Stevia, face scrub, and tomatoes. I had packed my lunch although I wasn't sure the weather would allow an outdoor one. Turns out it was okay, although overcast, not too chilly, and I enjoyed it. I ate at the little mini-park on Victoria; I like the fountain there and so do the birdies: 

About 7:00, I got a call from my friend, Olivia, who used to live here. I know I've recorded her chronicle on the blog, so won't repeat it. We had a good talk, but she's still very fearful of COVID (and other things--she knows she has some emotional hang-ups). Anyway, I enjoyed talking to her.

Still indulging my current obsession, I completed a number of digital jigsaw puzzles with my own photos. Here's Mike and family in a temple in India last week:

The one below is of my brother, Larry's, first communion. Since he's now 90, it was a while ago. We are in the backyard on Newport Avenue in Ventnor, where we lived in an apartment for three years until my parents bought the house on Rosborough Avenue.  

The Byrne family, except for my father (maybe he took the picture), are all here. On left are my brother and sister, Jim and Gene; the center boy is Larry, then Rosemary, Betty, and Frank with Mom behind us. Jackie Bihlmier is next to Frank. The others are relatives and friends.  

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