Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Monday And More Rain

Left for the Soaring Spirits lunch at 11:00 and walked to Telephone Road.  I had just missed the 11 bus to take me the rest of the way, so walked and got in 2.1 miles. I had a good time with Vera, Dennis, and others, including two newbies. Debby's husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer 17 years before he finally succumbed to it three months ago. Bill had a harrowing story of his wife. He and she were from Taiwan, but moved to the U.S. in 1986.  A year ago, the wife went back to visit relatives. While there, she was in a car accident and was killed. We had an enjoyable and convivial time, though, with the six others.

Dennis, whom I've mentioned before, just retired as an engineer at NASA and showed me his current toenails. I think they have a Christmas theme, but am not sure. He was getting them redone today, as it's his birthday and he wants a cactus motif. That doesn't make a lot of sense, but hey, they're his toenails and he has every right: 


Incredibly, it started to drizzle again before we left the Stone Fire Grille, but Vera took me home, so no prob. I no sooner got in until I rushed over to Von's for tangerines and spinach.  

Julie called and asked if I wanted to go to the BCNN meeting tomorrow, so now I have a dilemma. Ellen had said she'd take me and my growing pile of potential castoffs to Goodwill then, so which should I do? Maybe I'll call El and see if we might be able to postpone. Alternately, I'm not that anxious to go to the meeting, so maybe I'll blow it off. Decisions, decisions...

When I got up just now, it was again raining! And, according to the forecast, it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow, too! Damn, this is getting annoying--I may have to write to my congressperson to complain...  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...