Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Monday And Mailings

After breakfast, I made up a batch of crystal pickles; think I'll add another batch and take them as my contribution to the Dudley House covered dish, coming up on February 1. 

I came across this on Facebook and thought of N., my daughter-in-law, not simply because she's a Japanese woman, but because she's so kind and gentle, I can imagine her doing this. I emailed the picture to Patrick and asked him to show her.

Keeping my attention on the Orient, I also wrote Natsue a get-better card and note. In addition, I found the ramekin I've had for fifty or so years; son Mike had mentioned it when he told me of Paula's and Violets's French onion soup. I found a box it would fit in, wrapped it as carefully as I could, adding padding I hope is sufficient, and put in a note. 

Put the package and card, plus lunch in my cart, and walked to the post office. Mailed both--oh, yes, the postage was far more than the ramekin is worth, $28.05, but I don't care, I just hope it gets there in one piece.

I then bused to town. Had my lunch at my usual spot across from the mission, but boy, it was chilly. Luckily, it was also sunny, so I was okay with it. I stopped in a shop and bought a black handback. When I'm dressed up a bit, I don't think my usual flowered one "goes." Lora had admired my other black, which I took on Sunday, so I'll bring it to T.O.P.S. and ask if she wants it. 

Speaking of: Lora emailed me that the five-day Mexico trip is sold out, but she suggested another.  I'm not really so enthusiastic about it, but I'll find out more.

Called Noreen and we made a date for lunch at Dargan's tomorrow. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...