Wednesday, January 25, 2023

This-a And That-a On Tuesday

I know one of my worst faults is procrastination.* I have a tendency to put off anything unpleasant or hard to do, sometime indefinitely. Yesterday, I steeled myself and did--or at least, started--three of them. I sent an on-line gift certificate to Violet for Christmas (I had had her email wrong); delved into my OTC account with Blue Shield (long story I'll touch on later); and emailed my tenant to raise their rent. Actually, it wasn't hard and I'm annoyed with myself for being such a slow poke.

I'm still thinking about shelving for my hall closet and thought I might try constructing one myself. I certainly couldn't handle wood, but I was thinking something like a light particle board. Decided to go to Lowe's at the mall and look around.

I did, after lunch. I saw some foam squares, 23" x 23," and it occurred to me they might be perfect. They're rigid, but very light and none of the things I store in that closet are at all heavy. I think the squares could easily be cut to size, either with heavy scissors or a knife. The dilemma now is, what do I use and how do I construct the framework?  I saw some very light balsam (or something) wood strips and maybe they could be used, but how? I'll consult the Great God Internet to try to get a clue.

Called Sharon. She'll be discharged from rehab on Friday and therapists will be coming twice a week to her home to continue her regimen. A hospital bed will also be coming shortly.  At this point, she's lost 58 pounds; let's hope she'll continue the downward trend once she gets home.

Texted Ellen and she feels fine; it seems she's recovered from the COVID, as she's testing negative. Had a long talk with Jim and emailed Diane re lunch at my place tomorrow. Suzanne texted me to ask if I want to go to WinCo this morning at 9:30.  I accepted since I don't meet Noreen for lunch at Dargan's until 12:30.

* Actually, that's probably my only fault. I can always see other's faults--it's easy--but mine? Why, no,  I'm spotless, I guess. 😄 

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