Sunday, January 08, 2023

Saturday, The Usual

Good grief, I must be losing it--forgot the weight report on Friday. Home, I was 132, for a loss of 1.2; at T.O.P.S., 130.9, for a loss of 1.4, so I'm going in the right direction, at least. Lora picked me up and only she, Julie, and I came. I asked if they wanted to go to Don't Drink The Water, the Woody Allen play three of my Fractured Actors colleagues are in. Both do, and we all chose to make it a matinee, so we'll decide which day.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we did some script reading before lunch. I had high-lighted the male parts in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest for him and I, naturally, did the female ones. Published in 1895, it's a silly little farce, but was fun to enact. In addition, I chose a kind of spooky one-act play from The Best Plays of 1995 (if that was one of the best, I'd hate to see the worst).

I showed him Mary's obituary, which he read with interest. I suggested he attended the funeral next Saturday, but he declined. That didn't surprise, but did annoy me; I think it would mean something to Vickie if he came, but he seems unable to feel much empathy for others, a result of early trauma, maybe. Anyway, he certainly had no problem accepting the P.F. Chang beef and broccoli dish I served. 

He did say he'd go to the Dudley House covered dish supper with me tomorrow. However, I got an email from Lynn saying that the scheduled speaker, Richard Senate, had come down with an illness--not necessarily COVID, but maybe the flu and has had to cancel. It's iffy whether we'll meet or not. I'm toying with the idea of suggesting we do a kind of participatory variety show.

Suzanne texted Vickie and me, asking if we'd like to have one of our social sessions at 4:30 today. Vickie may or may not be available (Mary's daughter and family are coming in from Ireland, where they live), so we may postpone.

Darn, I seem to have reverted back to a kind of insomnia. I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't get back. It's now 4:13 am (Sunday) and I'm up. I think this is because I haven't been walking as much as is good for me lately. Either I had other commitments or it was raining. Maybe I'll take a nap later.


iloveac said...

Experts to napping. It interferes with your normal circadian rhythm. Stay awake til bedtime. They also say if you must more than 20 minutes is OK. As we age many of us have sleep problems.

Mimi said...

I had read that, Pat, but an hour's nap seems to usually be okay for me; I slept until 5:30 today (Monday) and I've done that before. The twenty-minute thing strikes me as similar to the "what you should weigh" advice. Seems likely there have to be individual variations, even if other factors (gender, height, body build) are the same.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...